Hacker trying to upload the video interview YouTube.
Apparently this act harms the interests of Commentary Pre $ $
Apparently this act harms the interests of Commentary Pre $ $
Although we intend to be well-intentioned, honest and generous
our opponents see us as well of ugly!
our opponents see us as well of ugly!
Dear readers. The
Franzistas-to Esteban Lopez to head back to chide the good work of those who want to expose and denounce the activities of sects Lord! Now accused of brazen thieves and those who generously been placed on YouTube's video-interview with Raymond Franz, issued by TVE in 1996 in a program called "Line 900."
Mr. Esteban López, please tell us what is the problem? In his blog "Pieces of Hope", dated November 11, 2008, we answer: [...]
the end is attached the full article, remove each their own conclusions.
The English television interview conducted at Raymond Franz is very enlightening because it gave voice to someone who had been unfairly silenced for a long time unable to speak to the English-speaking public. English television journalist Julia Castelló at the time gave me a copy of the recorded interview and when someone was interested in seeing a copy myself responsible to a specialized company and mailed COD charging only expenses involved . [...]
is true that the interview has been added by others on YouTube, but must be clear that this was done without my permission and without Raymond Franz. Since the special files to be viewed on the Internet I did and I spent my money for it, the rest added in YouTube interviews are simply a blatant theft of property.
interview posted on YouTube without permission not only have shamelessly stolen, but the blatantly manipulated by assigning bad motives to Raymond Franz and discrediting your good name with the sole purpose of causing confusion.
not know the feelings that have prompted Don Esteban Lopez, famed ex-witness who lives in Barcelona (Spain), and unconditionally loyal acolyte of Raymond Franz and CEO of the publishing company Iberian Commentary Press. We do not speak prosecute based on what we do not know, however, it does explain why the authors of this blog contributed a foreign initiative for publication in the above YouTube video interview.
Simply put, it was a response to restrictions Commentary Press for free public access to the video interview. That Esteban Lopez called "charges" had implications for a monetary amount (as he himself recognizes) that far exceeded the cost of shipping doubled. This we all know who have had to pay Don Esteban Lopez to have a copy of the video interview. In order to estimate the cost of that service, add an explanation on how to duplicate a videotape of HSV: simply connect two VHS players in the first place the tape player to double and the second a blank tape, so easy. Cost if it were, with three euros more than it would have covered both the value of the VHS type video tape plus shipping. What was the final selling price? Well bordering a 1,000% (ten times the cost), namely 30 €, and that if we speak of cheaper selling price because we know that some paid even more.
Although the sale of videos is a lawful business activity and we assume Commentary Press said its sales to English Treasury (made known by the writer), the authors of this site seems immoral and unchristian-that trades with vital information that could free the sectarian yoke millions of unfortunates who remain in captivity-and-operated in the sect "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" (religious name registered by the Watchtower, a leading multinational publisher.)
Following statements by Esteban Lopez on the intellectual property of Raymond Franz on the agenda were discussions with the producer, and this, he clarified that the transfer of the copy of the interview was provided exclusively for personal use Raymond Franz (and by proximity, Esteban Lopez) and that all rights of the interview are the property of the producer who made the program "Línea 900". Bone out that these statements, this undermines production Raymond Franz as a valid executive person to permit or restrict the viewing of the interview. What would such a producer if he is informed of the "Cash receipts of expenses" that Don Esteban Lopez practiced with those who request a duplicate of the tape to watch the interview? Maybe we should inform both TVE and the Treasury on that business in disguise. We'll see where it comes up with this ugly matter "!
These "revenue expenses" remained for many years. Fortunately, the technology would promote the release of this information. The Internet, bete noire of sects and sectarian allowed digital publication of a vast amount of information. How could it be otherwise, it's finally been remastered video interview in a digital format and uploaded to the Internet.
should clarify that this new resource is not up to the Internet for anyone to have it. Esteban Lopez put the video interview on its website under key (username and password). For a copy of the video were asked visitors to send an email to Esteban Lopez, after a few days he reported on conditions and how to acquire the video interview and while he inquired to give "explanations" of his interest, it informing him of the honey of a new religious community is rising (or New Religious Movement). Abstract: We used the need for information for proselytizing and trade (typical Commentary Press) stakeholders, finally, or had just bought a book, or video, or were recruited to "meet" in private forums or communities.
The authors of this blog again disapproved of this conduct unbecoming and interested. Finally, others applauded the initiative to publish the video interview on YouTube. Apparently, this "good work" has provoked the ire of the Franzistas, to the point of swearing such as "thieves" and "manipulative." That thieves more rare! Do not earn money, spend their time and resources and do not expect any compensation. Franzistas Gentlemen's see if they knew at once! This initiative pursued a single objective: the unconditional and free viewing of the video interview of Raymond Franz.
Now, Stephen says the following:
"Internet and YouTube portal represents a formidable opportunity for all who wished could see the interview with Raymond Franz without wasting time making copy after copy and send again and again by mail. So I decided to convert the original format VHS tape in a special file to be viewed on the internet. That I took some money but I felt that the benefit to others more than offset the effort ".Stephen, there are things we do not understand: The video interview was in digital format since 2001 (it is possible that before, however, this is the date the undersigned may ratify).
- Why have waited many years to publish freely on the Internet?
- Why was jeered and / or reported to those who wanted to put it free on the Internet from 2001?
- If the charge was because of the inappropriateness of the "Web site that hosts it." Why pages by Commentary Press or its delegate Iberian "Written for the Concordia" (currently "Thought and Culture") is offered free of charge early viewing of the video interview? Why have they waited until November 2008?
If anyone wants to see the "corpus delicti", the video-entevista concerned, you can click on the following link:
http://sectasytestigosdejehova.blogspot.com/2008/01/entrevista-raymond-franz-en-tve -1996.html
The English television interview conducted at Raymond Franz is very enlightening because it gave voice to someone who had been unjustly silenced for a long time unable to speak to the English-speaking public. English television journalist Julia Castelló at the time gave me a copy of the recorded interview and when someone was interested in seeing a copy myself responsible to a specialized company and mailed COD charging only expenses involved.
Internet and YouTube portal represents a formidable opportunity for all who wished could see the interview with Raymond Franz without wasting time making copy after copy and send it again and again by mail. So I decided to convert the original format VHS tape in a special file to be viewed on the internet. That cost me a lot of money but I felt that the benefit to others more than offset the effort.
always wanted the interview was not manipulated by anyone, although I recognize that that will always be difficult. So I would like to make clear that the only portal YouTube has the express permission of Raymond Franz for the interview to be seen is this: http://es.youtube.com/user/pensamientoycultura
is true that the interview has been added by others on YouTube, but it should be clear that this was done without my permission and without Raymond Franz. Since the special files to be viewed on the Internet I did and I spent my money for it, the rest added in YouTube interviews are simply a blatant theft of property.
Customers interview posted on YouTube without permission not only have shamelessly stolen, but the blatantly manipulated by assigning bad motives to Raymond Franz and discrediting your good name with the sole purpose of causing confusion. However, any unbiased person can see the interview to see how unfounded were the suspicions and accusations with which the interview was handled. First, anyone who knows a little of Raymond Franz knows that he never called "sect" Jehovah's Witnesses nor speak of them as derogatory way as is done in some forums and blogs on the internet. Just need a bit familiar with their books to understand the tone and content that their most fervent desire is to help thinking.
I sincerely believe it was necessary to say this so that more readers can have a clearer picture of everything that is involved. There are behaviors and procedures that I will never understand. I just hope that eventually common sense and respect for others first in a medium, the Internet, where it sometimes seems that absolutely everything is permitted.
Sincerely, Esteban López