Dear readership.
Over the last six months, have reached "Letters of protest sent to the administrator of the blog. I've taken the time to analyze the opportunity, and reality- the above protests and finally proceed to give the proper response.
to today's date is preparing a formal complaint to send to, and the "punishment" to which you are submitting this site to appear when lists of search engines.
1 Letter.
Subject: Email with the complaint on the Misuse of "Jehovah's Witnesses and copyright violation.
This blog has always tried to enforce the law and the rules, therefore, has been incorporated into the header the following tagline:
Warning! The information in this blog have come together to offer the public a resource concerning groups called "cults," controversial organizations and movements. We are not associated in any way with The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, New York, or any of its corporate identity and / or religious.appreciate the attention given to the law the legal department of the Watchtower Society. Hope to make that same interest in complying with human rights with regard to suicide induction (relating to blood transfusions), and also cruel and inhuman treatment given to those who no longer wish to be identified as Witnesses LORD by their friends and relatives Witnesses ("social death").
2 Letter.
Subject: Email with order withdrawal of "Opus Dei" from the list of "Cult of deeply rooted" and more if it is related to the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church.
There are many Catholics who consider the "Opus Dei as a sect covered by senior Catholic, however, they themselves are neither participants nor supporters of the extreme ideological positions of this sect. Thanks for asking this qualification. The editors have made the following adjustments: The label "ICAR: Opus Dei" has been changed to "Opus Dei" and the label ICAR: Legionaries of Christ, has been changed to "Legion of Christ"
3 rd letter.
Subject: Email with a suggestion (nice and respectful) of not include the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church in any of our items as it believes that this has nothing to do with the "sects."
The editors have decided not generally use the term "sect" with the ICAR and other religions deeply rooted. If ever the ICAR is related to any practice considered proper by the sects, specifically mentioning (avoiding generalizations) and search using the word that best fits the event and / or character.
4 th Charter.
Subject: Supporter of Raymond Franz moved a complaint to our office, so as not to relate the Web's "Thought and Culture" and "Pieces of Hope" with the Lord Raymond Franz, alleging that they have no link whatsoever relating them to "Commentary Press" and "Raymond Franz" and do not have to Franz as spiritual leader.
Classification Sites "sectarian" and "Pro Raymond Franz" was based on the content of "Thought and Culture." This site included a link dedicated to Raymond Franz and Commentary Press (Editorial owned by Raymond Franz with that information traded Ray won thanks to its privileged position as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses).
After a few weeks and as a result of a complaint from Mr Don mercantilism Raymond Franz and his representative Iberian, Sr. Don Esteban Lopez, the site manager "Thought and Culture" removed all links to Raymond Franz and Commentary Press. Before long a supporter "franzista" (English) asked us not the option of Christianity relacionásemos Mr. Don Esteban Lopez with Raymond Franz and his publisher.
Web "Thought and Culture"
no advertising Raymond Franz and his books
-Based on the Web is the protest
(June 2008)
no advertising Raymond Franz and his books
-Based on the Web is the protest
(June 2008)
Morfeo told me to wait a few months because, in the past, said Stephen behaviors very "irregular" and even "sectarian." Taking into account the advice of Morpheus was delayed request to remove the blog-López Franz relations.
In view of the last post on the blog "Pieces of Hope" (former "Dialogues", former "Channel C"), "" indefinitely canceled the request. In the post entitled: "Around Raymond Franz" , turns to "worship" Raymond Franz, in that article, Esteban Lopez says:
" greatness, at least a Christian theologian, is measured only by the fact of whether through his work shines the message Christian, Sacred Scripture, the Word of God. "The article "Raymond Franz around" like a pamphlet advertising a religious publishing house in which worships a human personality, rather than a Christian trial which highlighted the educational value of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Again turn to relist Raymond Franz knowledge acquired as leader of the Watchtower. It is very revealing colophon Article:
For a better understanding of his work can read Chapter One concregación of free Persons, including in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Both this book and other books written and recommended by him can be found on the website of its small editorial Commentary Press.
Blog "Pieces of Hope"
(Old "Channel C" and "Dialogues")
Raymond Franz and his book "In Search of Christian Freedom"
(July 13, 2008)
(Old "Channel C" and "Dialogues")
Raymond Franz and his book "In Search of Christian Freedom"
(July 13, 2008)
5th Charter.
Subject: Supporter Raymond Franz moved a complaint to Google because the company is listed on the site »sectasytestigosdejehova" in the queries related to "Raymond / Ray, Franz, ComentaryPress."
In this respect we can do little, if Google and Yahoo makes ear to these complaints, as it seems to be, we will have no choice but to advertise them on our own. To date, and according to reports from the tool "Analytics" we have noticed a substantial reduction in access through Google buscardor (80% to 10%). When Morpheus told me how they are spent "franzistas" I thought it was "not so bad", however, the facts speak for themselves.
Far from discouraged, has seen fit to publicize them in other places such as forums Catholics and evangelicals, other pages dealing with the issue of cults, etc. Take this opportunity to thank the support received from friends' websites such as: and (directed by marriage Fuentes) and other web's ex-tj's.
Some biographical information on Raymond Franz:
He was raised among the elite executive, and his uncle's mouth Frederick Franz, from Young knew all the miseries of the past presidents of the Watchtower. It is suspected that shortly before his resignation, forced resignation by the hard core of the Governing Body, bring up these miseries in the context of a "crisis of conscience" and one "spiritual" work for nine years between colleagues who did not mention the Bible in its executive sessions and now accused of being dogmatic, authoritarian, insensitive and repulsive.
hope that one day Raymond Franz disclose all available information without having to pay to obtain it. A person who feels ashamed of his complicity, it stated in their interviews, distribute information gradually and in the commercial publisher Commentary Press "with proven profit.
He was raised among the elite executive, and his uncle's mouth Frederick Franz, from Young knew all the miseries of the past presidents of the Watchtower. It is suspected that shortly before his resignation, forced resignation by the hard core of the Governing Body, bring up these miseries in the context of a "crisis of conscience" and one "spiritual" work for nine years between colleagues who did not mention the Bible in its executive sessions and now accused of being dogmatic, authoritarian, insensitive and repulsive.
hope that one day Raymond Franz disclose all available information without having to pay to obtain it. A person who feels ashamed of his complicity, it stated in their interviews, distribute information gradually and in the commercial publisher Commentary Press "with proven profit.
warn you that from this blog will continue to press Raymond Franz and his acolytes to leave their commercialism and, if possible, and they please, pitch in for free in denouncing and unmasking of the Watch Tower.
Persephone (Manager), Madrid, July 13, 2008
- Web
- Blog
07/06/2008, Excerpt from the book "In Search of Christian Freedom" -la.html
- Translation of some individual chapters of the books of Raymond Franz
- Forum 2007, the Esteban forum closes its doors again: And four times they left planted the staff!
- Forum 2008, Gift Book "Crisis of Conscience" (2 nd edition): I received but I pay for free - to see if it sets an example = 1
- Forum 2008, Jose: About Ray Franz and Stephen
- Forum
For Morpheus: Duda .., what the book "Crisis" was a joke?
- Yahoo Forum Hodos-Way
2006, Esteban Lopez and his unfortunate remark.
- Yahoo Hodos-Road Forum
2007, Interview with Raymond Franz.
Aleth Yahoo Forum 2004, forwarding an application (Martin Joseph is asked to withdraw the experience of Esteban López because you do not agree with either the tone or the content of Pepe critical to the Watchtower)
http:// Http://
Around Raymond Franz
"Greatness, at least of a Christian theologian, is measured only by the fact if his work shines through the Christian message, Sacred Scripture, the Word of God - Hans Küng. "
Raymond V. Franz did not study at school Gregorian in Rome, and theology at the prestigious German University of Tuebingen. However, its continuing work and appreciation for the scriptures have become a true scholar and profound aware of his spirit. If the greatness of a human being is more for the good done to others than by anything else, then we should say that Ray Franz meets the requirements in an absolute way. And is that your work has been able to leave an indelible imprint on the conscience of many people, precisely because of their sincere effort in which the Christian message shine above mere ecclesiastical dogmatism. However, the personal price he paid for it was high, because as in the case of many other people in the history of Christianity, has suffered scorn, disgrace or even expulsion from the religious community to which he belonged for most of his life. You can read here a broader profile of his biographical trajectory.
in the thinking of Raymond Franz can see the importance that should be free Christian believer's life in keeping with the spirit of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Like Paul of Tarsus wrote, "Christ freed us to live in freedom. Therefore, stand firm and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1, New International Version). Spiritual maturity should be the concrete goal of every Christian, and that includes that he can feel free in conscience to make decisions without having to constantly expect the guidelines set by others. Even the apostles were masters of the faith of anyone and in fact it is stated: "Not that we lord of your faith, but we work for your joy for by faith ye stand." (2 Corinthians 1:24, King James, 1995) However, this freedom also means responsibility and serious commitment to the spirit of Christianity, whose purpose is to love God and neighbor.
For Franz the person is more important than the rules, especially if they are imposed by threats or spiritual abuse. In the congregation or church of God should not be a relationship of subordination of one another, but viewed and treated as what they really are: members of the same spiritual family who has Christ as a reference and share the same hope. With the latter, Franz also denies that, according to the Scriptures, there are two kinds of hope, an earthly and a heavenly, and therefore two classes of Christians divided into "anointed" and in which they are not. Christian writings of the Bible is for everyone who has put his faith in Jesus Christ, not only to an exclusive class and different from others.
also striking in their thinking to recognize that there is only one "true" church, but all of them good Christians and even beyond. Maybe that's why its continued reluctance to join any name or create a new church or religious organization. As he once wrote, do the latter would only mean a further barrier to Christian ecumenism. However, he appreciates being reunited with friends in private homes to consider the Scriptures and share encouragement and stimulus.
Raymond Franz's work highlights the possible negative effect on people's lives imposed standards of human character with no basis in Scripture. Although his writing has more to do with his experience in the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, much of its content could also apply to other churches or denominations. Clara has always been their defense that in Christianity, the only conduit between God and man is Jesus Christ, not the "church" or a "God's organization." However, one need only a bit familiar with the book content for viewing and that is something that is surprising in contrast to other works, the tone in which he writes, always without bitterness, hatred or sense of bitterness, looming also a deep appreciation for all people of faith that make up the community in which he spent so many years of his life. As he has said on more than one occasion, "I'm not interested in getting one of their religion, but that could further deepen their relationship with God."
As in the case of Hans Küng, whose work has denounced the excesses of the Catholic Church, Franz does the same in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious organization smaller but very similar in structure and the demands of being the ' one true church. " However, as Küng ago, he emphasizes the unique cornerstone and center of Christianity, Jesus Christ. For his perseverance and appreciation for the truth, Ray Franz has helped many people to see a different side of Christianity, trying to highlight the simplicity and grandeur while its high principles and values. Only for the good that has already has earned the respect and sincere gratitude thousands of people around the world.
For a better understanding of his work can read Chapter One concregación of free Persons, including in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Both this book and other books written and recommended by him can be found on the website of its small editorial Commentary Press. Esteban López
in the thinking of Raymond Franz can see the importance that should be free Christian believer's life in keeping with the spirit of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Like Paul of Tarsus wrote, "Christ freed us to live in freedom. Therefore, stand firm and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1, New International Version). Spiritual maturity should be the concrete goal of every Christian, and that includes that he can feel free in conscience to make decisions without having to constantly expect the guidelines set by others. Even the apostles were masters of the faith of anyone and in fact it is stated: "Not that we lord of your faith, but we work for your joy for by faith ye stand." (2 Corinthians 1:24, King James, 1995) However, this freedom also means responsibility and serious commitment to the spirit of Christianity, whose purpose is to love God and neighbor.
For Franz the person is more important than the rules, especially if they are imposed by threats or spiritual abuse. In the congregation or church of God should not be a relationship of subordination of one another, but viewed and treated as what they really are: members of the same spiritual family who has Christ as a reference and share the same hope. With the latter, Franz also denies that, according to the Scriptures, there are two kinds of hope, an earthly and a heavenly, and therefore two classes of Christians divided into "anointed" and in which they are not. Christian writings of the Bible is for everyone who has put his faith in Jesus Christ, not only to an exclusive class and different from others.
also striking in their thinking to recognize that there is only one "true" church, but all of them good Christians and even beyond. Maybe that's why its continued reluctance to join any name or create a new church or religious organization. As he once wrote, do the latter would only mean a further barrier to Christian ecumenism. However, he appreciates being reunited with friends in private homes to consider the Scriptures and share encouragement and stimulus.
Raymond Franz's work highlights the possible negative effect on people's lives imposed standards of human character with no basis in Scripture. Although his writing has more to do with his experience in the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, much of its content could also apply to other churches or denominations. Clara has always been their defense that in Christianity, the only conduit between God and man is Jesus Christ, not the "church" or a "God's organization." However, one need only a bit familiar with the book content for viewing and that is something that is surprising in contrast to other works, the tone in which he writes, always without bitterness, hatred or sense of bitterness, looming also a deep appreciation for all people of faith that make up the community in which he spent so many years of his life. As he has said on more than one occasion, "I'm not interested in getting one of their religion, but that could further deepen their relationship with God."
As in the case of Hans Küng, whose work has denounced the excesses of the Catholic Church, Franz does the same in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious organization smaller but very similar in structure and the demands of being the ' one true church. " However, as Küng ago, he emphasizes the unique cornerstone and center of Christianity, Jesus Christ. For his perseverance and appreciation for the truth, Ray Franz has helped many people to see a different side of Christianity, trying to highlight the simplicity and grandeur while its high principles and values. Only for the good that has already has earned the respect and sincere gratitude thousands of people around the world.
For a better understanding of his work can read Chapter One concregación of free Persons, including in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Both this book and other books written and recommended by him can be found on the website of its small editorial Commentary Press. Esteban López
July 2008