Sunday, September 13, 2009
Powerful Woman Strangles Man
To my loyal readers:
Prisoner moved to New York to take a sabbatical at Columbia University. This space, where the fruit is interwoven with the vegetables and the news is going to hibernate until next summer. But there will be exile from the blogosphere. Only a temporary move. The Prisoner, now, is Columbianing .
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Compliance Salary Survey 2011
Transfusions of blood and colostrum
current ideological stance
The monthly spreadsheet titled "Our Kingdom Ministry" , edited and published by the Watchtower and distributed worldwide to all local churches, is issued in advance the ideological position that should have a "good witness" on almost any subject. In the November 2006, talking about fractions blood transfusions, reads:
The Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights " reads as follows: " Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom change his religion or belief, and the freedom to manifest his religion or belief, individual and collectively, both publicly and privately , teaching, practice, worship and observance. " Watchtower Society Does it respect the inalienable right? Even if they say yes, its manner of action suggests the opposite.
Shares "police" and "judicial"
What if the individual conscience of the reader no TJ agrees with the "Suggested Response" by the Watchtower? What would happen to a consciousness which TJ allows you to accept a blood transfusion or any of its "main components"? Simply put: first, the TJ would be blackmailed and humiliated in an illegal trial "in camera", and second, in the case that the defendant did not abide by the dogma, would be sentenced to expulsion. In the event that the defendant did not appeal the sentence, offenses useless matter of not following the established order, "the sentence would be final and would be expelled, and thirdly, the local churches would make a public announcement, a slogan that tells "good witnesses" and must avoid all social intercourse with the defendant: he could not be spoken (or even a simple greeting.) In
secret manual entitled "Pay attention to themselves and all the flock" , Unit 5a, "Superintendents who govern it right" , the leaders of each local church are given a list of serious offenses, punishable by expulsion, "and among them is" The not abstain from blood. " (Genesis 9:4, Acts. 15:20,28,29.) Any attempt to contradict the "established order" puts in place a "police" and "judicial" whose primary purpose is to "subject" or "eject" the offender. Among the major sins include the following: ".. action is taken against the true worship of Jehovah or against the order he has established in her village dedicated . [..] People who deliberately spread (stubbornly adhere to, and talk about) teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostate.
This secret is not an isolated point, other public notice published in the Watchtower magazine:
What is colostrum?
The encyclopedia Wikipedia says that colostrum is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy and the first days after birth, consisting of immunoglobulins, water, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a serous fluid and yellow. Also stresses that lymphocytes are an important part of colostrum. Dr. Fanny
Sabillón and reported that Dr. Benjamin Abdu
How many white blood cells containing the colostrum?
If anyone thinks that the white blood cells is negligible wrong. In this regard, in the year 1994 in the Journal of Immunology Doyma, Mr. Acosta AG Research Department, Naval Medical School, Department of the Navy of Mexico, J. Ortiz, L. Barragán, and S. Torres Laboratory of Immunology and Rheumatology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, and JI Santos Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, in the study "Lymphocyte T CD4 + and CD8 + in colostrum and autologous blood Mexican women " said the following:
Previously, similar studies had been carried to supracitado. One of the most important was the mid-seventies. Ogra and Ogra studied samples colostrum-milk of 200 women and determined their cellular content between 1 and 180 (see figure). They then compared the response of T lymphocytes in colostrum and milk with that of T lymphocytes from peripheral blood. It has also been shown that T lymphocyte subpopulations determined according to surface epitopes are similar to those in the peripheral blood.
In the same line of research, in 1982, Goldman AS , C. Garza, BL Nichols , RM Goldblum, published a similar study: Immunologic Factors in Human Milk During The first year of lactation extensively studied the immunological factors in human milk during the first year of lactation. For the study, women had 20 to 35 years old during the first year. Both the collection and storage conditions and immunological analysis were controlled to minimize confounding variables. The quantification of the total number of cells has been difficult, but the comparison was carried out between the different techniques (Coulter electronic particle counting, cell counting by visual fluoresciencia filter and detection, and automated cell counting by fluorescence) was desmostado the superiority of the staining of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
transfusion the baby of maternal white blood
white blood cells from maternal blood travel to the baby through colostrum. Put another way: The mother transfused white blood cells from your bloodstream to the lobes of her breasts, specific place where it occurs on colostrum and breast milk only to be sucked by the baby in her first hours of life, sitting in the tissues of infant and achieving immunization gained in the short term.
Therefore, and as seen under a Jehovah's Witness mother during the first few days feed your baby with colostrum would violate the mandate to "abstain from blood" (such and as understood by the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses) Why? Because white blood cells (found in colostrum) are a vital blood component prohibited by the Watchtower and can not be transfused to sustain life.
Leukocytes in colostrum and calf survival
This effective protection system is not unique to humans, cows also have it. Dr. Jim Quigley published in 1999, the following conclusions:
Manipulation of information in Awake!
How is it so clear that this issue has gone unnoticed by leaders of the Witnesses? The answer is that it has not gone unnoticed, quite the opposite. Its flagship magazine "The Watchtower" and "Awake)" provided that mentioned the colostrum, have failed system that colostrum contains a large amount of white blood cells. The authors of these publications have repressive measures towards the inner critic and to describe the limited educational background of most of its members, and therefore can afford to say so vague (and inaccurate) that colostrum protects the baby against diseases and infections. As shown in the published take in the years 1990-1994:
To illustrate: Mother, if his son, a minor, contracted a fatal disease that requires you to re-transfusing white blood cells, similarly to when I nursed. Who would prevent him from returning to? God NO, it is assumed that he designed the system colostrum as white blood cell transfusion (and other) So, would you the power to illiterate people (particularly in medicine, science and theology), and of doubtful honesty, which appear more interested in compensation for the welfare of your child? In any case, when taking care of your health others would not rely on medical rather than religious.
DEDICATION: This article is dedicated to a dear friend, for his professionalism and human qualities at the time to watch and care for patients. Thanks Carmen.
non-medical sources
In a clear manifestation of ideological inconsistency Jehovah's Witnesses, on the one hand, ordered to "refrain" of white blood cells (a major component of blood), even at the expense of life itself, and on the other, allow the infant to take white blood cells (and other disease-fighting agents) in its early days to help keep them alive ... Dementia!What is about colostrum and milk with the prohibition of blood transfusions between the "Jehovah's Witnesses? Why has failed in the Watchtower publications that colostrum and blood contain a similar proportion of white blood cells? Could a mother, "witness" to be consistent with their beliefs to breastfeed your newborn baby? These questions, and other considerations will be answered then, however, first clarify what is the current ideological position among the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) on the blood transfusions.
This article was added to a long list of complaints about the ideological stance of the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the form of "abstain from blood" even at the expense of life itself. You could say that with the imposition of this dogma, a state predisposes Watchtower an altered mental alienation, which, in some states of illness or accident, could induce the Jehovah's Witness to self-immolation (for adult), and others, to murder (in the case of a minor). We trust that this information sensitize government officials to the extent that legal proceedings be initiated which would force the Watchtower Society to adapt their internal regulations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. How many thousands of more deaths are necessary for us to see published a correction?
NOTE: To date, the governments of Belgium and France are pioneering in the fight against the abuses practiced with the Watchtower and today several court proceedings remain open.
current ideological stance
The monthly spreadsheet titled "Our Kingdom Ministry" , edited and published by the Watchtower and distributed worldwide to all local churches, is issued in advance the ideological position that should have a "good witness" on almost any subject. In the November 2006, talking about fractions blood transfusions, reads:
What I think of blood fractions and medical procedures involving the use of my blood? The Bible commands Christians to "abstain [...] of blood" (Acts 15:20). That's why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood all or any of its four main components: red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Also, do not donate blood or accept that theirs is stored for transfusion after (Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts. 15:28, 29).is noted that: First, they read as follows: "What I feel about fractions ..." [The authors put into the mouth of the reader], and then instead of letting the reader use their conscience and draws its conclusions, these authors provide what should be considered an "acceptable response." As we will see this "acceptable response" actually amounts to a dogma of faith that if not heeded by the membership TJ actions would "police" and "judicial" (by the superintendents of local churches).
The Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights " reads as follows: " Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom change his religion or belief, and the freedom to manifest his religion or belief, individual and collectively, both publicly and privately , teaching, practice, worship and observance. " Watchtower Society Does it respect the inalienable right? Even if they say yes, its manner of action suggests the opposite.
Shares "police" and "judicial"
What if the individual conscience of the reader no TJ agrees with the "Suggested Response" by the Watchtower? What would happen to a consciousness which TJ allows you to accept a blood transfusion or any of its "main components"? Simply put: first, the TJ would be blackmailed and humiliated in an illegal trial "in camera", and second, in the case that the defendant did not abide by the dogma, would be sentenced to expulsion. In the event that the defendant did not appeal the sentence, offenses useless matter of not following the established order, "the sentence would be final and would be expelled, and thirdly, the local churches would make a public announcement, a slogan that tells "good witnesses" and must avoid all social intercourse with the defendant: he could not be spoken (or even a simple greeting.) In
secret manual entitled "Pay attention to themselves and all the flock" , Unit 5a, "Superintendents who govern it right" , the leaders of each local church are given a list of serious offenses, punishable by expulsion, "and among them is" The not abstain from blood. " (Genesis 9:4, Acts. 15:20,28,29.) Any attempt to contradict the "established order" puts in place a "police" and "judicial" whose primary purpose is to "subject" or "eject" the offender. Among the major sins include the following: ".. action is taken against the true worship of Jehovah or against the order he has established in her village dedicated . [..] People who deliberately spread (stubbornly adhere to, and talk about) teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostate.
This secret is not an isolated point, other public notice published in the Watchtower magazine:
- "If the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the family and the home immediately might be possible to eliminate almost all contact with the relative. Even if it had some family matters that required communication, this certainly would be kept minimum "(Watchtower, 15/04/1988, p. 28. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- " Sometimes Christian parents have allowed a child becomes ill expelled physically or emotionally return home for a while. "Introduce yeast at home?" (Monthly brochure Kingdom Ministry, August 2002, pg. 4 párr.9. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- "To say a simple Hello! someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person? (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p.19. Posted by The Watchtower Society).
- "They refuse to have fellowship with the person removed all spiritual or social level" (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p. 16. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- True loyalty to the Lord encourages His slaves to hate what He hates and whom he hates. (2Cr 19:2.) "Is not I hate those who hate you deeply, O Lord, and I disgust those who rise up against you? I really hate them with complete hatred. Have become to me real enemies. "(Ps. 139:21, 22.) But this hatred does not seek to cause harm to others and is not synonymous with hatred or malice. Rather, it expresses a total abhorrence of what is wicked, and avoid what is evil and they hate intensely to the Lord. (Ro 12:9, 17, 19.) Christians rightly hate the enemies of God, the Devil and his demons, as well as men consciously and deliberately take their stand against Lord . ( Insight, volume 2, page 258 . Published by the Watchtower Society)
- It has happened to the true proverb said: "The dog has returned to his own vomit, and the washed sow to wallowing in the mud. '" -2 Pet. 2:20-22 (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p. 16. Published by the Watchtower Society)
What is colostrum?
The encyclopedia Wikipedia says that colostrum is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy and the first days after birth, consisting of immunoglobulins, water, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a serous fluid and yellow. Also stresses that lymphocytes are an important part of colostrum. Dr. Fanny
Sabillón and reported that Dr. Benjamin Abdu
colostrum is characterized by its yellow color due to the presence of beta-carotene. Has a high density (1040-1060) that makes it thick. Volume increases progressively up to 100 ml per day during the first three days and is directly related to the intensity and frequency of suckling stimulus. This amount is sufficient to meet the needs of the newborn. Colostrum has a 87% water; 2.9g/100 me. fat, lactose and 2.3g/100 5.5g/100ml me. protein providing 58 Kcal/100 me. Stresses concentration in colostrum IgA and lactoferrin, together with the large number of lymphocytes and macrophages confer the protective status to the newborn. The concentration of sodium is 48mg/100ml, per day. And its pH of 7.45 favors gastric emptying.To clarify the previous paragraph to say that lymphocytes are a type of leukocyte (white blood cells), characteristic and abundant component in human blood.
How many white blood cells containing the colostrum?
If anyone thinks that the white blood cells is negligible wrong. In this regard, in the year 1994 in the Journal of Immunology Doyma, Mr. Acosta AG Research Department, Naval Medical School, Department of the Navy of Mexico, J. Ortiz, L. Barragán, and S. Torres Laboratory of Immunology and Rheumatology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, and JI Santos Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, in the study "Lymphocyte T CD4 + and CD8 + in colostrum and autologous blood Mexican women " said the following:
Colostrum and human milk contains cellular and humoral elements that confer specific and nonspecific immune protection for the newborn infant. In the present study examined the number and proportion of leukocytes and subpopulations of T lymphocytes in colostrum obtained within 36-48 hours after delivery in a group of Mexican women aged 16 to 48 years. The total number of leukocytes in 63 women showed great individual variability, with a value 829.382/ml through which increased with multiparity and the proportion of macrophages, polymorphonuclear cells and lymphocytes was, respectively, 66.38, 32.38 and 7.23%. In 28 cases, lymphocytes were isolated from colostrum by discontinuous-gradient of Percoll to analyze its reactivity with monoclonal antibodies CD3, CD4 and CD8 by indirect immunofluorescence. These lymphocyte subpopulations in colostrum compared with those found in autologous peripheral blood. While the proportion of T lymphocytes (CD3 +) in colostrum (69.9%) is similar to that of autologous peripheral blood (70.83%), the distribution of CD4 + and CD8 + show differences, in colostrum, CD8 T cell ratio is higher (45.07% in colostrum by 31.7% in blood), while that of lymphocytes CD4 T is lower (33.07% in colostrum by 43.2% in the blood). The CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in colostrum (0.803 ± 0.477) was significantly (p \u0026lt;0.05) lower than in autologous peripheral blood (1.434 ± 0.40).Summarizing the above: the proportion of lymphocytes (white blood cells) in colostrum is similar in autologous peripheral blood (blood collected from the mother colostrum owner).
Previously, similar studies had been carried to supracitado. One of the most important was the mid-seventies. Ogra and Ogra studied samples colostrum-milk of 200 women and determined their cellular content between 1 and 180 (see figure). They then compared the response of T lymphocytes in colostrum and milk with that of T lymphocytes from peripheral blood. It has also been shown that T lymphocyte subpopulations determined according to surface epitopes are similar to those in the peripheral blood.
In the same line of research, in 1982, Goldman AS , C. Garza, BL Nichols , RM Goldblum, published a similar study: Immunologic Factors in Human Milk During The first year of lactation extensively studied the immunological factors in human milk during the first year of lactation. For the study, women had 20 to 35 years old during the first year. Both the collection and storage conditions and immunological analysis were controlled to minimize confounding variables. The quantification of the total number of cells has been difficult, but the comparison was carried out between the different techniques (Coulter electronic particle counting, cell counting by visual fluoresciencia filter and detection, and automated cell counting by fluorescence) was desmostado the superiority of the staining of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
transfusion the baby of maternal white blood
white blood cells from maternal blood travel to the baby through colostrum. Put another way: The mother transfused white blood cells from your bloodstream to the lobes of her breasts, specific place where it occurs on colostrum and breast milk only to be sucked by the baby in her first hours of life, sitting in the tissues of infant and achieving immunization gained in the short term.
Schematic diagram of a breast (section of an adult female human)
Key: 1. Brisket 2. Pectoral muscle 3. Lobes 4.
nipples 5. Areola 6. Duct 7. Fat 8. Skin
Key: 1. Brisket 2. Pectoral muscle 3. Lobes 4.
nipples 5. Areola 6. Duct 7. Fat 8. Skin
Therefore, and as seen under a Jehovah's Witness mother during the first few days feed your baby with colostrum would violate the mandate to "abstain from blood" (such and as understood by the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses) Why? Because white blood cells (found in colostrum) are a vital blood component prohibited by the Watchtower and can not be transfused to sustain life.
Leukocytes in colostrum and calf survival
This effective protection system is not unique to humans, cows also have it. Dr. Jim Quigley published in 1999, the following conclusions:
leukocytes (white blood cells) are found in udder secretions including colostrum. Depending health of the udder and the presence of intramammary infections, the number of leukocytes in colostrum can easily exceed the 1,000,000 cells / ml. Colostral leukocytes are composed of a primary lymphocytes ("23%), neutrophils (» 38%) and macrophages (»40%).
colostrum lymphocytes can survive in the intestinal tract due to lack of proteases found in the intestine during the first 24 hours after birth and the presence of protease inhibitors such as inhibitor tipsin. In addition, leukocytes have shown to be absorbed into the bloodstream of the newborn calf . That is why the interest in determining whether these cells contribute to the animal's immune response.
immunological effects of colostrum from leukocytes have been evaluated in several studies. Riedel-Caspari (1993) inoculated calves with E. coli and colostrum food and non-viable leukocytes (white blood cells were removed by centrifugation of colostrum). Calves fed colostrum Leukocyte excreted more bacteria than calves fed colostrum containing leukocytes.
Duhamel (1986) obtained linpocitos of heifers immunized with and without Mycobacterium bovis dead and added these cells to cell-free colostrum from tuberculin negative cows. Colostrum was fed the calves from these heifers. Lymphocytes obtained from the blood of calves was analyzed for their ability to respond to M. bovis. Calves fed colostrum containing lymphocytes from immunized heifers developed a response to M. bovis between 3 and 21 days, whereas calves fed with colostrum from control heifers did not develop a response. This research indicated that lymphocytes play an important role in immunity of calves during their first month of life .
Manipulation of information in Awake!
How is it so clear that this issue has gone unnoticed by leaders of the Witnesses? The answer is that it has not gone unnoticed, quite the opposite. Its flagship magazine "The Watchtower" and "Awake)" provided that mentioned the colostrum, have failed system that colostrum contains a large amount of white blood cells. The authors of these publications have repressive measures towards the inner critic and to describe the limited educational background of most of its members, and therefore can afford to say so vague (and inaccurate) that colostrum protects the baby against diseases and infections. As shown in the published take in the years 1990-1994:
- magazine "Awake!"
1994, August 22, page 12.
Breastfeeding Basics
The woman who has just given birth can give your newborn a clear or yellowish substance called colostrum. This "liquid gold" is highly beneficial for the baby. Some components fight harmful bacteria. is also a substance rich in protein low in sugar and fat, which makes it the ideal food during the first days of life.
- magazine "Awake!"
1993, September 22, page 14.
The advantages of breast milk
(The first milk is secreted, a dense, yellowish substance called colostrum, is ideal for baby, and gives special protection against infection. )
- magazine "Awake!"
1990, November 22, page 2.
The fetus is ready to fight
oco P after birth baby's immune system receives reinforcements in their struggle against the invaders, when making first breast milk, in those early days is called colostrum and is full of different antibodies that are well equipped to child for war.
Anyone knowledgeable and unbiased conclude that the white blood cells, whether these are in the blood or colostrum involved in defending the body against foreign substances or infectious agents. Why this omission biased (and maliciously) into the hands of the editors of the Watchtower? This simply because the function of colostrum did not fit his scheme of doctrine, and because it showed the great ignorance in matters of science of the progenitors of the "ban" in 1945: NH Knorr FW Franz (third and fourth president of the Watchtower, respectively) .
is well known that for those years the majority of the directors of the Jehovah's Witnesses had only completed compulsory education, even for some of them it was a source of pride for years not involved in higher education was intended to serve to the Organization. Someone might conclude that there was no bad faith on the failure of white blood cells, perhaps could have happened that 45 years later, still remain very poor academically. However, this assumption is misplaced because in 1988 he published the following about "the body's defenses against foreign invaders"
This behavior is far from that which corresponds to Christians loving and compassionate you trust your life to people who, before his arm twisted and recognize their incompetence and moral, they prefer to ignore (and manipulate) information that makes them uncomfortable ?
ideological incoherence
How do you explain the following inconsistencies: First, God commanded to "abstain from blood" (even at the expense of losing their lives by refraining from a blood transfusion), and the other allows the baby to make white blood cells (and other disease-fighting agents) in its early days as an aid to sustain life. It could be analyzed from two perspectives: The human and divine.
is well known that for those years the majority of the directors of the Jehovah's Witnesses had only completed compulsory education, even for some of them it was a source of pride for years not involved in higher education was intended to serve to the Organization. Someone might conclude that there was no bad faith on the failure of white blood cells, perhaps could have happened that 45 years later, still remain very poor academically. However, this assumption is misplaced because in 1988 he published the following about "the body's defenses against foreign invaders"
- magazine "Awake!"
1988, August 8, page 20 .
Wonderfully made to stay alive
If a virus or other foreign invader makes foray into the body for the first time, it is possible that your immune system need a few days to destroy it. First you have to find the lymphocyte ( a special type of blood cell white) right. The body has millions of cells from which to choose, each is capable of manufacturing one type of weapon that is effective against a particular virus. Once you find the right lymphocyte, it plays at high speed. In a few days the bloodstream is full of those warriors who either cling to the enemy and destroy, or inactivate it produce antibodies, for the destruction. "Antibody" says the book The Body Machine (machine body) - is set to the surface molecules of the virus as a key to a lock. "
This behavior is far from that which corresponds to Christians loving and compassionate you trust your life to people who, before his arm twisted and recognize their incompetence and moral, they prefer to ignore (and manipulate) information that makes them uncomfortable ?
ideological incoherence
How do you explain the following inconsistencies: First, God commanded to "abstain from blood" (even at the expense of losing their lives by refraining from a blood transfusion), and the other allows the baby to make white blood cells (and other disease-fighting agents) in its early days as an aid to sustain life. It could be analyzed from two perspectives: The human and divine.
- Divine: God's Witness or a callous and cruel capricious or is an uneducated. How else could explain that, on the one hand, prohibits the use of blood to save lives through blood transfusions, and another, created the colostrum, transfusing white blood cells (and other components) from the mother to the baby in order to support and ensure the survival the baby.
- humanity: the leaders of the Witnesses, in 1945 established the doctrine of abstaining from blood and banned blood transfusions, were ignorant of science and medicine and knew that colostrum contained white blood cells. If, in addition to the medical ignorance is compounded their incompetence in biblical theology, the need to differentiate themselves from other religions at all costs, the result is a no nonsense doctrinal or theological rationale.
To illustrate: Mother, if his son, a minor, contracted a fatal disease that requires you to re-transfusing white blood cells, similarly to when I nursed. Who would prevent him from returning to? God NO, it is assumed that he designed the system colostrum as white blood cell transfusion (and other) So, would you the power to illiterate people (particularly in medicine, science and theology), and of doubtful honesty, which appear more interested in compensation for the welfare of your child? In any case, when taking care of your health others would not rely on medical rather than religious.
DEDICATION: This article is dedicated to a dear friend, for his professionalism and human qualities at the time to watch and care for patients. Thanks Carmen.
non-medical sources
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Http://
- Immunologic Aspects of Human Colostrum and Milk
1977 , The Journal of Immunology, 119, pp.
245-248 Authors: SS Ogra, D. Weintraub and PL Ogra
- Immunologic Factors in Human Milk During The first year of lactation
The Journal of pediatrics. 01/05/1982; 100 (4) :563-7.
Authors: AS Goldman, C Garza, BL Nichols, RM Goldblum
- BREASTFEEDING. A guide for the medical profession.
Lawrence, Ruth A., Lawrence, Robert M.
1980-2007, sixth EDITION., Pg. 187-191. Importance
immune milk.
composition of breast milk.
by Dr. Fanny Sabillón and Dr. Benjamin Abdu
- Doyma Journal of Immunology,
1994, 13 (4): 118-121, 8 REF,
CD4 + T lymphocytes and CD8 + IN COLOSTRUM AND MEXICAN WOMEN autologous blood.
- colostral leukocytes
Written by Dr. Jim Quigley (February 20, 1999)
https: / / / cgi-bin / wa? A2 = ind9903 & L = & P = 3686 dairynew
leukocytes in colostrum (Translated by Gustavo M. Gonzalez)
- Insight, Volume 2, Page 518
, Odio.
What kind of hatred must cultivate the servants of God?
- "Pay attention to themselves and to all the flock,"
Unit 5a, "Superintendents who govern it right"
- Watchtower,
15/04/1988, pg. 28. Discipline
can bear fruit peaceful.
The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the family and the immediate household. It may be possible to remove almost all contact with the relative. Even if it had some family matters that required communication certainly this would be kept to a minimum, in harmony with the divine principle: "Quit mixing in company with anyone named a brother, is a fornicator or a greedy person [or guilty of another gross sin], [... ] not even eating with such a man. " (1 Corinthians 5:11.)
- monthly brochure Kingdom Ministry,
August 2002, pg. 4, párr.9. Christian
demonstrated loyalty when expelling a relative .
Can you speak to an expulsion? Although the Bible does not describe all situations that may arise, 2 John 10 helps us understand how the Lord sees the matter: "If anyone comes to you and not bring this teaching, never receive him at home or say a greeting. " The Watchtower, November 15, 1981, page 19, says: "To say a simple 'Hi' someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person? ".
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.19.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
And we all know from our years of experience that saying a simple "Hi" to someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person?
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.16.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
The fact that they refuse to have fellowship with the person removed all spiritual or social level reflects loyalty to the standards of God and obedience to the mandate given in 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13.
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.16.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
It has happened to the true proverb said: 'The dog has returned to his own vomit, and the washed sow to wallowing in the mud. '"-2 Pet. 2:20-22
- monthly brochure Our Kingdom Ministry,
November, 2006, pages 3-4.
What I think of blood fractions and medical procedures involving the use of my blood?
The Bible commands Christians to "abstain [...] of blood" (Acts 15:20). That's why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood all or any of its four main components: red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Also, do not donate blood or accept that theirs is stored for transfusion after (Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts. 15:28, 29).
What are blood fractions, and why every Christian should make his own decision as to whether or not to accept?
blood fractions are elements that are extracted from the blood using a process called fractionation. For example, to split the plasma, one of the four major blood components, we obtain the following substances: water (91.5%), protein, albumin, globulin and fibrinogen-(7%), and substance-nutrients hormones, gases, vitamins, and electrolytes-waste (1.5%).
Are fractions also included in the mandate to abstain from blood? We can not answer categorically. The Bible gives no specific instructions on the subject of fractions. Many of them come from blood that has been donated for medical purposes. Each Christian must decide according to their conscience whether to accept or reject the use of blood fractions in their treatment.
When taking these decisions, consider the following questions: "Do I have this to refuse all blood fractions means that I will not take certain medications, such as some aimed at combating various viruses and diseases and some that contribute to blood clotting to stop bleeding? "I can explain to a doctor why you reject or accept certain blood fractions?".
- magazine "Awake!"
1988, August 8, page 20.
Wonderfully made to stay alive
If a virus or other foreign invader makes foray into the body for the first time, it is possible that your immune system need a few days to destroy it. First you have to find the lymphocyte (a special type of blood cell white) right. The body has millions of cells from which to choose, each is capable of manufacturing one type of weapon that is effective against a particular virus.
Once you find the right lymphocyte, it plays at high speed. In a few days the bloodstream is full of those warriors who either cling to the enemy and destroy, or inactivate it produce antibodies, for the destruction. "Antibody" says the book The Body Machine (machine body) - is set to the surface molecules of the virus as a key to a lock. "
- magazine" Awake! "
1994, August 22, page 12.
Breastfeeding Basics
The woman who has just given birth can give your newborn a clear or yellowish substance called colostrum. This "liquid gold" is highly beneficial for the baby. Some of its components fight harmful bacteria. It is also a substance rich in protein low in sugar and fat, which makes it the ideal food during the first days of life.
- magazine "Awake!"
1993, September 22, page 14.
The advantages of breast milk
(The first milk is secreted, a dense, yellowish substance called colostrum, is ideal for the baby, and gives special protection against infection.)
- Magazine "Awake!"
1990, November 22, page 2.
The fetus is ready to fight
Shortly after birth, the baby's immune system receives reinforcements in their struggle against the invaders, when making first breast milk, which in those early days receiving called colostrum and is full of different antibodies that child well equipped for war.
- magazine "Awake!"
1982, March 8, page 17.
Why breastfeeding is the best way to feed
The newborn baby is in a world that is full of diseases against which he still has no immunity. With nursing the infant, it fulfills this need, thanks to the mother colostrum instead of milk secreted during the first few days after giving birth. This yellowish liquid is rich in antibodies and proteins that provide immunity against certain bacteria, and this protection lasts several months.
- book "How to achieve happiness in their family life,"
1978, chapter 7, pages 89-90, paragraph 21.
Having children ... responsibility and reward
During the early days the breasts secrete colostrum, a yellowish fluid that is especially good for infants because (1) is low in fat and carbohydrates and therefore more easily digested than other foods, (2 ) is richer in immunization factors that mother's milk, which comes a few days later, and (3) has a mild laxative effect that helps to cleanse the cells, mucus and bile that have gathered in the bowels of the infant before birth.
- magazine "Awake!"
1977, November 22, page 12.
do we prepare for childbirth
Shortly after that our precious princess sat on my chest and received their first meal, a unique liquid called "colostrum." I remember learning that it is especially good for the newborn. There are three reasons: (1) because the colostrum is very low in fat and carbohydrate is more easy to digest baby. (2) is richer immunity factors of real milk. (3) Colostrum has a mild laxative effect and eliminates the "meconium" (a collection of cells, mucus and bile) that is coupled into the infant's bowels before birth.
- magazine "Awake!"
1976, July 22, at 7.
Why not breastfeed your baby?
To open the milk ducts and reduce the accumulation in the breasts, which sometimes occurs after childbirth, it is recommended that approximately six weeks before your baby is born, start to try to draw by hand some of the colostrum of breasts. Colostrum is the yellowish fluid that is present before it reaches its true milk.
- magazine "Awake!"
1973, October 22, page 14.
Infant Feeding ... What is the best method?
Colostrum, the yellowish watery fluid that is secreted during the first days after birth, is particularly vital for the little one to protect you from disease.
- magazine "Awake!"
1973, June 8, page 17.
Are you ready to the newcomer?
addition, no substitute can match perfectly the power and protection that breast milk was designed to provide the baby. This progresses from the colostrum in the first two or three days, which is an important food for the little one, to milk that becomes stronger as the baby's needs. Breast milk has a constant temperature, is free of germs and is easy to digest, contains all the vitamins, and there is evidence that provides protection against infection.
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