Friday, November 21, 2008

Quickbooks Pro 2009 License Hack

Thieves "without any shame? Manipulators "brazen?

Hacker trying to upload the video interview YouTube.
Apparently this act harms the interests of Commentary Pre $ $

I got!
To be informed about the dark dealings of the Watchtower
No need to pay Commentary Pre $ $!

Although we intend to be well-intentioned, honest and generous
our opponents see us as well of ugly!

Dear readers. The

Franzistas-to Esteban Lopez to head back to chide the good work of those who want to expose and denounce the activities of sects Lord! Now accused of brazen thieves and those who generously been placed on YouTube's video-interview with Raymond Franz, issued by TVE in 1996 in a program called "Line 900."

Mr. Esteban López, please tell us what is the problem? In his blog "Pieces of Hope", dated November 11, 2008, we answer: [...]

The English television interview conducted at Raymond Franz is very enlightening because it gave voice to someone who had been unfairly silenced for a long time unable to speak to the English-speaking public. English television journalist Julia Castelló at the time gave me a copy of the recorded interview and when someone was interested in seeing a copy myself responsible to a specialized company and mailed COD charging only expenses involved . [...]

is true that the interview has been added by others on YouTube, but must be clear that this was done without my permission and without Raymond Franz. Since the special files to be viewed on the Internet I did and I spent my money for it, the rest added in YouTube interviews are simply a blatant theft of property.
interview posted on YouTube without permission not only have shamelessly stolen, but the blatantly manipulated by assigning bad motives to Raymond Franz and discrediting your good name with the sole purpose of causing confusion.
the end is attached the full article, remove each their own conclusions.

not know the feelings that have prompted Don Esteban Lopez, famed ex-witness who lives in Barcelona (Spain), and unconditionally loyal acolyte of Raymond Franz and CEO of the publishing company Iberian Commentary Press. We do not speak prosecute based on what we do not know, however, it does explain why the authors of this blog contributed a foreign initiative for publication in the above YouTube video interview.

Simply put, it was a response to restrictions Commentary Press for free public access to the video interview. That Esteban Lopez called "charges" had implications for a monetary amount (as he himself recognizes) that far exceeded the cost of shipping doubled. This we all know who have had to pay Don Esteban Lopez to have a copy of the video interview. In order to estimate the cost of that service, add an explanation on how to duplicate a videotape of HSV: simply connect two VHS players in the first place the tape player to double and the second a blank tape, so easy. Cost if it were, with three euros more than it would have covered both the value of the VHS type video tape plus shipping. What was the final selling price? Well bordering a 1,000% (ten times the cost), namely 30 €, and that if we speak of cheaper selling price because we know that some paid even more.

Although the sale of videos is a lawful business activity and we assume Commentary Press said its sales to English Treasury (made known by the writer), the authors of this site seems immoral and unchristian-that trades with vital information that could free the sectarian yoke millions of unfortunates who remain in captivity-and-operated in the sect "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" (religious name registered by the Watchtower, a leading multinational publisher.)

Following statements by Esteban Lopez on the intellectual property of Raymond Franz on the agenda were discussions with the producer, and this, he clarified that the transfer of the copy of the interview was provided exclusively for personal use Raymond Franz (and by proximity, Esteban Lopez) and that all rights of the interview are the property of the producer who made the program "Línea 900". Bone out that these statements, this undermines production Raymond Franz as a valid executive person to permit or restrict the viewing of the interview. What would such a producer if he is informed of the "Cash receipts of expenses" that Don Esteban Lopez practiced with those who request a duplicate of the tape to watch the interview? Maybe we should inform both TVE and the Treasury on that business in disguise. We'll see where it comes up with this ugly matter "!

These "revenue expenses" remained for many years. Fortunately, the technology would promote the release of this information. The Internet, bete noire of sects and sectarian allowed digital publication of a vast amount of information. How could it be otherwise, it's finally been remastered video interview in a digital format and uploaded to the Internet.

should clarify that this new resource is not up to the Internet for anyone to have it. Esteban Lopez put the video interview on its website under key (username and password). For a copy of the video were asked visitors to send an email to Esteban Lopez, after a few days he reported on conditions and how to acquire the video interview and while he inquired to give "explanations" of his interest, it informing him of the honey of a new religious community is rising (or New Religious Movement). Abstract: We used the need for information for proselytizing and trade (typical Commentary Press) stakeholders, finally, or had just bought a book, or video, or were recruited to "meet" in private forums or communities.

The authors of this blog again disapproved of this conduct unbecoming and interested. Finally, others applauded the initiative to publish the video interview on YouTube. Apparently, this "good work" has provoked the ire of the Franzistas, to the point of swearing such as "thieves" and "manipulative." That thieves more rare! Do not earn money, spend their time and resources and do not expect any compensation. Franzistas Gentlemen's see if they knew at once! This initiative pursued a single objective: the unconditional and free viewing of the video interview of Raymond Franz.

Now, Stephen says the following:
"Internet and YouTube portal represents a formidable opportunity for all who wished could see the interview with Raymond Franz without wasting time making copy after copy and send again and again by mail. So I decided to convert the original format VHS tape in a special file to be viewed on the internet. That I took some money but I felt that the benefit to others more than offset the effort ".
Stephen, there are things we do not understand: The video interview was in digital format since 2001 (it is possible that before, however, this is the date the undersigned may ratify).
  • Why have waited many years to publish freely on the Internet?

  • Why was jeered and / or reported to those who wanted to put it free on the Internet from 2001?

  • If the charge was because of the inappropriateness of the "Web site that hosts it." Why pages by Commentary Press or its delegate Iberian "Written for the Concordia" (currently "Thought and Culture") is offered free of charge early viewing of the video interview? Why have they waited until November 2008?
Please do not misunderstand us, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the facts and not the prosecution of any person or editorial. We understand that everyone can do with their "goods" and "past experience" that suits you. Take this opportunity to acknowledge that there is information, whether paid or unpaid.

If anyone wants to see the "corpus delicti", the video-entevista concerned, you can click on the following link: -1996.html


About Raymond Franz's interview on YouTube

November 11, 2008 by Stephen

The English television interview conducted at Raymond Franz is very enlightening because it gave voice to someone who had been unjustly silenced for a long time unable to speak to the English-speaking public. English television journalist Julia Castelló at the time gave me a copy of the recorded interview and when someone was interested in seeing a copy myself responsible to a specialized company and mailed COD charging only expenses involved.

Internet and YouTube portal represents a formidable opportunity for all who wished could see the interview with Raymond Franz without wasting time making copy after copy and send it again and again by mail. So I decided to convert the original format VHS tape in a special file to be viewed on the internet. That cost me a lot of money but I felt that the benefit to others more than offset the effort.

always wanted the interview was not manipulated by anyone, although I recognize that that will always be difficult. So I would like to make clear that the only portal YouTube has the express permission of Raymond Franz for the interview to be seen is this:

is true that the interview has been added by others on YouTube, but it should be clear that this was done without my permission and without Raymond Franz. Since the special files to be viewed on the Internet I did and I spent my money for it, the rest added in YouTube interviews are simply a blatant theft of property.

Customers interview posted on YouTube without permission not only have shamelessly stolen, but the blatantly manipulated by assigning bad motives to Raymond Franz and discrediting your good name with the sole purpose of causing confusion. However, any unbiased person can see the interview to see how unfounded were the suspicions and accusations with which the interview was handled. First, anyone who knows a little of Raymond Franz knows that he never called "sect" Jehovah's Witnesses nor speak of them as derogatory way as is done in some forums and blogs on the internet. Just need a bit familiar with their books to understand the tone and content that their most fervent desire is to help thinking.

I sincerely believe it was necessary to say this so that more readers can have a clearer picture of everything that is involved. There are behaviors and procedures that I will never understand. I just hope that eventually common sense and respect for others first in a medium, the Internet, where it sometimes seems that absolutely everything is permitted.

Sincerely, Esteban López

Friday, August 8, 2008

Monica Roccaforte Dailymotion

Who governs the will of Jehovah's Witnesses?

song "Tell me the truth"

thousand times I wonder who rules my life , who runs

my mind with that of others.

What powers in the shadow
play with my will,

appoints a machine so that we control.

Tell me the truth,
tell his secret.
whole truth,
not be afraid. We

other movers and shakers.
not removed the mask,
not know how they are.

They use the words
only to confuse.
I do not know if
hope will survive.

Who rules my life, who dominates my will?
Tell me the truth, the whole truth, not be afraid!

Who governs the life of a Jehovah's Witness, who dominates his will? This article is only intended to tell "the truth", the whole truth ... Does God, Jesus Christ, the Bible perhaps? Any lawyer, economist or just any knowledgeable person would say that an "ecclesiastical Governing Body." However, a Jehovah's Witness base (TJ from here) might answer this:
On one occasion, Jesus said, "[not] expect people to treat them as leaders, because I, the Messiah, I am his sole leader" (Matthew 23:10, Translation Current language). With these words made it clear to his disciples on earth would not have any human leader. His only leader would be in heaven, namely Jesus Christ himself, who has held this position by divine appointment. Indeed, Lord "raised Him from the dead [...] and made him head over all things in the congregation, which is his body" (Ephesians 1:20-23).
But quite another to dictate what their rules:
  • First,
    in their statutes are defined as a "religious institution" [English] called "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" (TCDJ)

  • Second,
    that this entity is not governed primarily by Jesus Christ and God, and therefore according to the rules written in the Bible, but by their statutes. According to Article first TTJT are under the direction of its Governing Body Church " (from here CG). And in relation to other foreign TTJJ say "The entity has close links with TTJJ and other legal entities of the same faith, both in Spain and in foreign countries that operate under the direction of the ecclesiastical Governing Body. " In conclusion: For legal purposes, the TTJJ are a transnational religious entity (or multinational) with governance structure of the type hierarchy.

    Although the Holy Scriptures claim that base their doctrines and organization, as the first article of its status as the Bible is relegated to the background: "The members of this organization shall be baptized Jehovah's Witnesses ( Note that it says "Christians"), living in harmony with the Scriptures and the doctrines and organization that sets the ecclesiastical Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and are active (defined as regularly this religious denomination) in any congregation, assignment, mission or religious function of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain " .

    Note that the CG will veto the individual's conscience when deciding what activity (Christian and spiritual)
Article 1
of the statutes of the Bank English religious
Jehovah's Christian Witnesses

should clarify that with the exception of senior officials, most unknown TTJJ supracitados statutes and, if asked about it, answer "as automatons, that their leaders are not human but are Jehovah and Jesus Christ who really govern their lives. It is possible that if you offer them a copy of the statutes, they would be rejected and possibly allude to those documents come from "enemies of the people of the Lord" (commonly called "apostates", and according to them these foes are sinners deserving of death which pardon is not granted any).

Photo of directors of the Watchtower Society.

Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (August 2005)

Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (January 1992)

Governing Body Jehovah's Witnesses (1975)

Directors of the Watchtower, 1917 (approximately)
Above: (left to right) JA Bohnet, RJ Martin, Giovanni DeCecco, FH Robinson, CJ Woodworth

Below: AHMacMillan, JFRutherford, WE. VanAmburg

  1. The Watchtower, April 1, 2007, page 21, paragraph 1,
    Article: Let loyal to Christ and his faithful slave .

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Letter Of Service Dosconnect

Letters of protest from some of our readers

Dear readership.

Over the last six months, have reached "Letters of protest sent to the administrator of the blog. I've taken the time to analyze the opportunity, and reality- the above protests and finally proceed to give the proper response.

to today's date is preparing a formal complaint to send to, and the "punishment" to which you are submitting this site to appear when lists of search engines.

1 Letter.
Subject: Email with the complaint on the Misuse of "Jehovah's Witnesses and copyright violation.

This blog has always tried to enforce the law and the rules, therefore, has been incorporated into the header the following tagline:
Warning! The information in this blog have come together to offer the public a resource concerning groups called "cults," controversial organizations and movements. We are not associated in any way with The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, New York, or any of its corporate identity and / or religious.
appreciate the attention given to the law the legal department of the Watchtower Society. Hope to make that same interest in complying with human rights with regard to suicide induction (relating to blood transfusions), and also cruel and inhuman treatment given to those who no longer wish to be identified as Witnesses LORD by their friends and relatives Witnesses ("social death").

headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York

2 Letter.
Subject: Email with order withdrawal of "Opus Dei" from the list of "Cult of deeply rooted" and more if it is related to the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church.

There are many Catholics who consider the "Opus Dei as a sect covered by senior Catholic, however, they themselves are neither participants nor supporters of the extreme ideological positions of this sect. Thanks for asking this qualification. The editors have made the following adjustments: The label "ICAR: Opus Dei" has been changed to "Opus Dei" and the label ICAR: Legionaries of Christ, has been changed to "Legion of Christ"

Idol Worship Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer
(Founder of Opus Dei)

3 rd letter.
Subject: Email with a suggestion (nice and respectful) of not include the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church in any of our items as it believes that this has nothing to do with the "sects."

The editors have decided not generally use the term "sect" with the ICAR and other religions deeply rooted. If ever the ICAR is related to any practice considered proper by the sects, specifically mentioning (avoiding generalizations) and search using the word that best fits the event and / or character.

Sunset at the Vatican

4 th Charter.
Subject: Supporter of Raymond Franz moved a complaint to our office, so as not to relate the Web's "Thought and Culture" and "Pieces of Hope" with the Lord Raymond Franz, alleging that they have no link whatsoever relating them to "Commentary Press" and "Raymond Franz" and do not have to Franz as spiritual leader.

Classification Sites "sectarian" and "Pro Raymond Franz" was based on the content of "Thought and Culture." This site included a link dedicated to Raymond Franz and Commentary Press (Editorial owned by Raymond Franz with that information traded Ray won thanks to its privileged position as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses).

Web "Thought and Culture"
advertising Raymond Franz and his books
(27 February, 2008)

After a few weeks and as a result of a complaint from Mr Don mercantilism Raymond Franz and his representative Iberian, Sr. Don Esteban Lopez, the site manager "Thought and Culture" removed all links to Raymond Franz and Commentary Press. Before long a supporter "franzista" (English) asked us not the option of Christianity relacionásemos Mr. Don Esteban Lopez with Raymond Franz and his publisher.

Web "Thought and Culture"
no advertising Raymond Franz and his books
-Based on the Web is the protest
(June 2008)

Morfeo told me to wait a few months because, in the past, said Stephen behaviors very "irregular" and even "sectarian." Taking into account the advice of Morpheus was delayed request to remove the blog-López Franz relations.

In view of the last post on the blog "Pieces of Hope" (former "Dialogues", former "Channel C"), "" indefinitely canceled the request. In the post entitled: "Around Raymond Franz" , turns to "worship" Raymond Franz, in that article, Esteban Lopez says:
" greatness, at least a Christian theologian, is measured only by the fact of whether through his work shines the message Christian, Sacred Scripture, the Word of God. "
The article "Raymond Franz around" like a pamphlet advertising a religious publishing house in which worships a human personality, rather than a Christian trial which highlighted the educational value of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Again turn to relist Raymond Franz knowledge acquired as leader of the Watchtower. It is very revealing colophon Article:
For a better understanding of his work can read Chapter One concregación of free Persons, including in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Both this book and other books written and recommended by him can be found on the website of its small editorial Commentary Press.

Blog "Pieces of Hope"
(Old "Channel C" and "Dialogues")

Raymond Franz and his book "In Search of Christian Freedom"

(July 13, 2008)

5th Charter.
Subject: Supporter Raymond Franz moved a complaint to Google because the company is listed on the site »sectasytestigosdejehova" in the queries related to "Raymond / Ray, Franz, ComentaryPress."

In this respect we can do little, if Google and Yahoo makes ear to these complaints, as it seems to be, we will have no choice but to advertise them on our own. To date, and according to reports from the tool "Analytics" we have noticed a substantial reduction in access through Google buscardor (80% to 10%). When Morpheus told me how they are spent "franzistas" I thought it was "not so bad", however, the facts speak for themselves.

Far from discouraged, has seen fit to publicize them in other places such as forums Catholics and evangelicals, other pages dealing with the issue of cults, etc. Take this opportunity to thank the support received from friends' websites such as: and (directed by marriage Fuentes) and other web's ex-tj's.

Sell books online
on behalf of the editorial Commentary Press

Some biographical information on Raymond Franz:

He was raised among the elite executive, and his uncle's mouth Frederick Franz, from Young knew all the miseries of the past presidents of the Watchtower. It is suspected that shortly before his resignation, forced resignation by the hard core of the Governing Body, bring up these miseries in the context of a "crisis of conscience" and one "spiritual" work for nine years between colleagues who did not mention the Bible in its executive sessions and now accused of being dogmatic, authoritarian, insensitive and repulsive.

hope that one day Raymond Franz disclose all available information without having to pay to obtain it. A person who feels ashamed of his complicity, it stated in their interviews, distribute information gradually and in the commercial publisher Commentary Press "with proven profit.

warn you that from this blog will continue to press Raymond Franz and his acolytes to leave their commercialism and, if possible, and they please, pitch in for free in denouncing and unmasking of the Watch Tower.

Persephone (Manager), Madrid, July 13, 2008


  2. Blog
    07/06/2008, Excerpt from the book "In Search of Christian Freedom" -la.html

  3. Translation of some individual chapters of the books of Raymond Franz

  4. Forum 2007, the Esteban forum closes its doors again: And four times they left planted the staff!

  5. Forum 2008, Gift Book "Crisis of Conscience" (2 nd edition): I received but I pay for free - to see if it sets an example = 1

  6. Forum 2008, Jose: About Ray Franz and Stephen

  7. Forum
    For Morpheus: Duda .., what the book "Crisis" was a joke?

  8. Yahoo Forum Hodos-Way
    2006, Esteban Lopez and his unfortunate remark.

  9. Yahoo Hodos-Road Forum
    2007, Interview with Raymond Franz.

  10. Aleth Yahoo Forum 2004, forwarding an application (Martin Joseph is asked to withdraw the experience of Esteban López because you do not agree with either the tone or the content of Pepe critical to the Watchtower)
    http:// Http://

Around Raymond Franz

"Greatness, at least of a Christian theologian, is measured only by the fact if his work shines through the Christian message, Sacred Scripture, the Word of God - Hans Küng. "

Raymond V. Franz did not study at school Gregorian in Rome, and theology at the prestigious German University of Tuebingen. However, its continuing work and appreciation for the scriptures have become a true scholar and profound aware of his spirit. If the greatness of a human being is more for the good done to others than by anything else, then we should say that Ray Franz meets the requirements in an absolute way. And is that your work has been able to leave an indelible imprint on the conscience of many people, precisely because of their sincere effort in which the Christian message shine above mere ecclesiastical dogmatism. However, the personal price he paid for it was high, because as in the case of many other people in the history of Christianity, has suffered scorn, disgrace or even expulsion from the religious community to which he belonged for most of his life. You can read here a broader profile of his biographical trajectory.

in the thinking of Raymond Franz can see the importance that should be free Christian believer's life in keeping with the spirit of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Like Paul of Tarsus wrote, "Christ freed us to live in freedom. Therefore, stand firm and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1, New International Version). Spiritual maturity should be the concrete goal of every Christian, and that includes that he can feel free in conscience to make decisions without having to constantly expect the guidelines set by others. Even the apostles were masters of the faith of anyone and in fact it is stated: "Not that we lord of your faith, but we work for your joy for by faith ye stand." (2 Corinthians 1:24, King James, 1995) However, this freedom also means responsibility and serious commitment to the spirit of Christianity, whose purpose is to love God and neighbor.

For Franz the person is more important than the rules, especially if they are imposed by threats or spiritual abuse. In the congregation or church of God should not be a relationship of subordination of one another, but viewed and treated as what they really are: members of the same spiritual family who has Christ as a reference and share the same hope. With the latter, Franz also denies that, according to the Scriptures, there are two kinds of hope, an earthly and a heavenly, and therefore two classes of Christians divided into "anointed" and in which they are not. Christian writings of the Bible is for everyone who has put his faith in Jesus Christ, not only to an exclusive class and different from others.

also striking in their thinking to recognize that there is only one "true" church, but all of them good Christians and even beyond. Maybe that's why its continued reluctance to join any name or create a new church or religious organization. As he once wrote, do the latter would only mean a further barrier to Christian ecumenism. However, he appreciates being reunited with friends in private homes to consider the Scriptures and share encouragement and stimulus.

Raymond Franz's work highlights the possible negative effect on people's lives imposed standards of human character with no basis in Scripture. Although his writing has more to do with his experience in the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, much of its content could also apply to other churches or denominations. Clara has always been their defense that in Christianity, the only conduit between God and man is Jesus Christ, not the "church" or a "God's organization." However, one need only a bit familiar with the book content for viewing and that is something that is surprising in contrast to other works, the tone in which he writes, always without bitterness, hatred or sense of bitterness, looming also a deep appreciation for all people of faith that make up the community in which he spent so many years of his life. As he has said on more than one occasion, "I'm not interested in getting one of their religion, but that could further deepen their relationship with God."

As in the case of Hans Küng, whose work has denounced the excesses of the Catholic Church, Franz does the same in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious organization smaller but very similar in structure and the demands of being the ' one true church. " However, as Küng ago, he emphasizes the unique cornerstone and center of Christianity, Jesus Christ. For his perseverance and appreciation for the truth, Ray Franz has helped many people to see a different side of Christianity, trying to highlight the simplicity and grandeur while its high principles and values. Only for the good that has already has earned the respect and sincere gratitude thousands of people around the world.

For a better understanding of his work can read Chapter One concregación of free Persons, including in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. Both this book and other books written and recommended by him can be found on the website of its small editorial Commentary Press. Esteban López

July 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sample Welcome Note For Wedding Guests

homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God

not say a word!
You are a sinner who is useless!
Christ commands you! Christ commands you! Wash your dirty mind!


Desde tiempos inmemoriales, la religión ha perseguido con saña a los homosexuales tachándoles de 'degenerados' y 'pervertidos' (mentes sucias a las que habría que lavar). Los cristianos suelen decir que los "afeminados" impenitentes estarán condenados; y con frecuencia citan el siguiente verso bíblico:
¿O no sabéis que los injustos no heredarán el Reino de Dios ? No erréis, que ni los fornicarios, ni los idólatras, ni los adúlteros, ni los afeminados, ni los homosexuales, ni los ladrones, ni los avaros, ni los borrachos, ni los maldicientes, ni swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11 SSE)
is true that the law which the Lord gave to His people "Israel" unreservedly condemned homosexuality:
"'When a man lies with a male as one equals lies with a woman, both have done a detestable thing. Should be killed without fail. Their own blood is upon them. (Lev 20:13 New World Translation)
But it is also true that the same God promoted slavery and the slaves treated unfairly and especially if they were female:
"And these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them:" If you buy a Hebrew slave be slave six years, but the seventh will as a person release without paying anything. If you come alone, just leave. If you own a wife, then his wife has to go out with him. If his master gives him a wife and she actually gives birth to sons or daughters, the wife and children will become the master of it, and he shall go alone. (Exo 21:1-4 New World Translation )
" And if a man smite his slave or his slave with a stick and such [person] in fact die under his hand, he has to avenge all means to that [person]. However, if it takes [to die] a day or two, not be avenged, because it is his money . (Exo 21:20-21 New World Translation )
which law do we pay? Obviously, the two laws define the personality of the God of the Bible. However, a god that believes human life and money I do not deserve our respect nor our blind obedience. Although the Hebrew God, Jehovah of armies has always been faithful devotees who have followed to the letter his "old law."

The emblem of those who admonish those who doubt,

in Florence in 1491 under the fundamentalist regime of Girolamo Savonarola prostitutes and homosexuals were beaten, burned, any display of makeup or jewelry was prohibited. Savonarola wanted to create the kingdom of God on earth at any cost, he organized a huge public bonfire, the flames were books, sculptures, paintings, wigs, cosmetics and jewelry. All of the gay accessories Florentine Renaissance. Even Botticelli for fear of condemnation joined the frenzy of destruction and threw his own paintings to the flames. Hell that became known as " The Bonfire of the Vanities "

Girolamo Savonarola,
portrait of Fra Bartolomeo
Italian Preacher and
organizer of the famous
vanity bonfires

Under certain news, the "line of Savonarola " has remained until today the flames of purifying fire. As we have homophobic insanity seems to have cystic católiquísima in Poland. Some "Orthodox Christians" are trying to ban children's series "Teletubbies" because it encourages homosexuality among Polish children. It appears that Tinky Winky (one character) carry a purse, an accessory more feminine. Frankly, I do not understand how this program could promote relations between persons of the same sex, always thought it was a series of children's entertainment. And what if Tinky Winky is gay, perhaps in the real world there are no children as well? This statement is to be the same speculation to say that Bert and Ernie were dating.

, they say, Tinky Winky
is gay and corrupt children's minds

(Bottom chain attached TV news,
Copyright television channel "La Sexta",
content on YouTube)

Well, what now, we burned all the puppets Bert and Ernie and Tinky Winky, and then what, children condemn 'atypical' to the most atrocious outrage? What characters will follow later: Bugs Bunny because it is naked and gives kisses to Elmer? The saying goes as follows: All things are clean to clean. But the contaminated [...] nothing is clean but have contaminated both the mind and consciousness. (Tit 1:15, NWT)

Bugs Bunny and Elmer get married!
Gay Wedding "corrupting minors?

(Below is attached
chapter contains this "obscenity" clip 6:33 ';
Copyright Warner Bros, YouTube content)

Jewish Orthodoxy Christian responds vehemently "God forbid! God made man who loved women and women to love the man!" And added: Anatomy proves us right, and it suggests that God made man male and in consistency, the man would have to act according to their gender. "

Well, maybe yes or maybe not. Masculinity is not limited to the genitals but also includes human behavior. It has long been known that the female brain is physiologically different from men. What if our genetic code, so unusual, to produce a male genital organ while a brain female physiology (or vice versa)? Perhaps a Christian believer would respond thus: Impossible God could not prohibit homosexuality without establish a safety mechanism that prevented genetic homosexuality.

The emblem of those who want a better world, the question

As science discovers the miracle brain and genitalia do not always conform to the same genus. A team of scientists from the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden says that the brains of homosexual people has some differences from heterosexuals. In particular, the symmetry of the hemispheres and certain nerve connections gay subjects differ from what would be expected based on their biological sex. The same applies to the brains of lesbians.

This finding has been on the same line that another conducted research on how lesbians respond to certain smells differently from those who feel attracted to men and with some similarity to heterosexual men (Article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences', 2006).

Group Differences in covariations with the left (a) and right (b) amygdala seed region. Indicates the scale Sokoloff T values. Detected clusters at T = 3.0 Are superimposed on the standard MR image of the brain. Typical views illustrating Brain Differences Are group Shown. Abbr.: HEW Straight Women, Straight Hem Men, How Gay Women, Gay Men HoM.

These findings could undermine the "good sense" of religious dogma. That sexual orientation comes "factory" would turn the ugly argument "against nature" since coming determined by genes, the homosexual would be exactly what it is.

Some Orthodox have been quick to comment that it might be possible that the experiences were the cause of alterations in brain physiology, in short, time and research will place each in his place.

"Is it possible that after a life of vice and depravity,
finally, Bert and Ernie have become hopelessly

bad times for the Judeo-Christian orthodoxy! Maybe some fundamentalist sectarian and laments: science Damn! At the end of the University should be banned and burn heretical books (read any book that contradicts the Bible.) If this line of research is consolidated, then the Bible will lose the status of "perfect divine guidance" and Judeo-Christian beliefs associated down from the pedestal of the gods settle permanently in the culture and mythology of a nomadic people emerged from the "wandering tribes"-ap (i) r (u) - back in the nineteenth century BC.

couple of women with atypical sexual preference


  1. Encyclopedia Wikipedia,
    2008, Girolamo Savonarola

  2. Version Scripture Old,
    1999 by Russell Martin Stendal.

  3. BBC News - World
    2007 Poland investigates Tinky Winky

  4. Journal World ,
    2008, the brain is feminized gays and the lesbians masculine

  5. Journal World ,
    2006, two homosexual population studies related to sexuality smell

  6. PNAS,
    2008 by the National Academy of Sciences
    PET and MRI show differences in cerebral asymmetry and functional connectivity between homo- and heterosexual subjects

  7. PNAS,
    2006 by the National Academy of Sciences
    Brain response to putative pheromones in lesbian women

NEWS 1 / 3

News published on the BBC (Warsaw, Poland)

Poland investigates Tinky Winky


High Polish official has ordered psychologists to investigate whether the popular BBC children's program, "Teletubbies" promote a homosexual lifestyle.

The goal is to decide if the series can broadcast on state television.

The agency of children's welfare, Ewa Sowinska, said he was particularly concerned Tinky Winky, the purple character with a triangular antenna on his head.

"I noticed he was wearing a woman's handbag," she told a magazine.

"At first, I realized I was a kid," he said.


Recently, the Polish authorities have announced a series of measures to prohibit the promotion of homosexuality among children.

Education Minister, Roman Giertych, was criticized when he revealed that plans to dismiss teachers who do so.

Last month, the European Union failed especially to Poland in a resolution homophobia in the 27-member bloc.

"Winnie the Pooh?

Many people here have taken the Tinky Winky's psychological evaluation with good humor.

A radio station listeners were asked to decide what is the most suspicious children's program.

received several emails in which it was stated that Winnie the Pooh has only male friends.

Sowinska has even reversed slightly, insisting he did not believe the British television series is a threat to Polish children.

But the psychological examination is held and the office can recommend not to present the program.

NEWS 2 / 3

News published in the newspaper "El Mundo" (Spain)
TO LESBIANS masculinize


MADRID .- A team of scientists prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden is changing the concept of human sexuality. His last contribution to this field promises to raise some controversy: the brains of homosexual people has some differences from heterosexuals. In particular, the symmetry of the hemispheres and certain nerve connections gay subjects differ from what would be expected based on their biological sex. The same applies to the brains of lesbians.

After checking how gays and lesbians odors processed differently than they do people attracted to the opposite sex, Ivanka Savic, one of the most prolific researchers in this field, and his colleague, Per Lindström, Department of Neuroscience Karolinsa Institute were launched to explore the brain directly and some of his connections in 90 individuals of different sexual orientation.

Previous studies suggested that women and homosexual men had a brain structure atypical for their gender during certain tests. The activity of the two hemispheres was not normal, which could be explained by changes in their volume. That was precisely what Savic and Lindström measured using magnetic resonance participants.

Feminization and masculinization

In the cerebellum, a structure located in the back and bottom of the head surrounding the brainstem, which integrates a large amount of information- no striking differences were detected. However, the brains of homosexuals, rather than the typical arrangement of sex shows similar to the opposite. The gays of being feminized and masculinized in lesbians. In women

'hetero' the right hemisphere is usually larger than the left. This feature can be seen, paradoxically, in male homosexuals. "Lesbians, by contrast, have more symmetrical brains, more like heterosexual men. The finding" fits well with previous observations, the authors note.

also been detected, thanks to PET (positron emission tomography) functional differences in a region called the amygdala. This structure, which is bilateral (there is one on each side of the brain) is part of the limbic system and is involved in processing and storing emotions.

For gay men, the connections of this small information center showed a pattern distinctly feminine. Were established mainly from the left into the contralateral amygdala, anterior cingulate, subcalloso nucleus and hypothalamus. By contrast, the right amygdala of lesbians was, as in heterosexual men, the most dominant and established communication with the caudate, putamen and the cortex prefrontal.

Genetics or environment

to Francisco Mora, a professor of human physiology, faculty of medicine at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, these differences can be explained by social influences, psychological and cultural.

"The amygdala is the gateway to the limbic system. She gets all sensory information that is emotionally neutral, and it is given a category (good, bad, etc.)", Explains Mora. "Although this structure there are pre-programmed circuits, we must learn to make this classification," he adds.

From this point of view, "Cultural patterns are capable of physically and chemically alter the brain so that the Savic and Lindström observations can be explained by the environment and would not innate but acquired.

controversial field of study

If the homosexual is born or made is an old question, and his response, feared by many. The possibility that sexual orientation is innate, ie, having a biological substrate could reopen the door to the search, which has caused so much damage, a cure for this condition is no longer considered a disease the World Health Organization 18 years ago.

On the other hand, that sexual orientation comes 'factory' would turn the ugly argument 'against nature' and that be determined by genes, the homosexual would be exactly what it is. "The usefulness of the work of Savic and Lindström perhaps the end the old idea that the bad influences and experiences behind the attraction of the same sex," says Manuel Martín-Loeches, head of the section Joint Center for Cognitive Neuroscience UCM-ISCIII Evolution and Human Behavior.

From COGAM, the Collective of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals of Madrid, its president, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, downplays works such as topics considered 'forgotten' and declares: "The homosexual is neither born nor made, the homosexual."

Since Simon LeVay's controversial make public its conclusions about the differences between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual, many studies have detected differences between them. Jobs with twins glimpse a role of genetic imprinting on sexual orientation, who undoubtedly have their influence. But the environment is decisive, as revealed by the percentage of children adopted by gay couples who prefer the same sex, 14% versus 2% of the general population.

Swedish Authors seem inclined to multifactorial theory. On the issue of sexual dimorphism in the brain, "three factors must be taken into account: the environment, genetics and hormones."

NEWS 3 / 3

News published in the newspaper "El Mundo" (Spain) / 1147964485.html

Two homosexual population studies related to sexuality smell


Gay women respond to certain smells differently which are attracted to men and with some similarity to heterosexual men, according to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "

The substances used in the study are two derived hormone known as AND and EST, present in male sweat and urine of pregnant women respectively. The responses to these stimuli varied by sexual orientation of individuals.

In a previous study, the scientists identified significant similarities between heterosexual women and homosexual men. In both groups encouraged EST olfactory regions while breathing normal DNA is activated the anterior the hypothalamus (related to sexuality).

Contrary to expectations, Ivanka Savic and her team at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm found no significant differences between the effects of AND and EST were in the brains of 12 homosexual women studied, since both substances activated the same regions.

Lesbians only to heterosexual men agreed on one point. When exposed to EST a small area of \u200b\u200bthe anterior hypothalamus called the dorsomedial nucleus was activated in both groups.

response patterns were not as alike as 'a priori' is expected. "Our observations reinforce the hypothesis that male and female homosexuality are different, "said Savic.

Although the study did not clarify the routes of activation, the results support the idea that the preoptic area of \u200b\u200bhypothalamus is related to mate choice, such as experiments suggested in animals.

"Both studies indicate that the physiological response of brain regions associated with reproduction are different in gay and straight people," said Savic. And he added that "probably lesbians represent a more heterogeneous group with mechanisms diverse. "

The existence of pheromones, substances involved in sexual behavior-has proven in animals but not humans. AND and EST are, according to the authors, two good candidates to be but in any case appear to be involved in sex.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Walk In Clinic Prescription Birth Control

The Watchtower: Beautiful, seductive and deadly

The Bible says: "What has been lost with the abundance of his persuasive. For the softness of his lips seduces him. In Suddenly he goes after her, like a bull that comes even to the slaughter, and just like I was in fetters to the discipline of a fool, until an arrow pierces his liver, as a bird gets rushed into the trap, and he did not know that it is wrapped his very soul. And now, O sons, listen and heed the words of my mouth. Do not deviate from your heart to the ways of it. Ni, wandering on foot, come into her paths. For many that she has brought down dead, and many are all that she is killing. Highway to hell is your house going down to the inner rooms of death. "(Proverbs 7:21-27 NWT)
The book of Proverbs describes in great detail, seduction practiced by a whore religion. Every human decision is subject to the opinion of the needs and deepest desires-and primary.'s desire, once triggered, it is very difficult to appease, as well has witnessed the story, quoted above.

religious whore:

sects How to seduce your customers?

The whores seduce their prospective clients with a voluptuous body, and / or suggestive clothing, and / or a honeyed speech. They exploit a powerful primary need: sex drive (connected to the reproduction of the species). The sects operate similarly to the prostitutes when they offer 'quick fixes and miracle' to meet the needs of individuals.

In 1943, a brilliant humanist psychologist American named Abraham Maslow developed a theory (called "hierarchy of needs) explained in a way the human motivation, the theory established five levels of hierarchy, sorted by priority, from highest to lowest:
  1. basic biological needs. Are basic physiological needs to maintain homeostasis (referred to the health of the individual), within these include: The need to breathe, need to drink water and need to sleep.

  2. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: They arise from the need for the person feel safe and protected. Among them are: physical security, employment security, and income security and resources.

  3. SOCIAL NEEDS: They relate to the emotional development of the individual are the needs of partnership, participation and acceptance. In the working group, among these are: friendship, affection and love. Are met through the service functions and benefits that include sports, cultural and recreational activities. Man by nature has a need to relate, group, family or friends or formally in organizations.

  4. NEEDS OF SELF: The individual requires more than being a member of a group, it is necessary to receive recognition from others in terms respect, status, prestige, power, etc. Refer to the way it recognizes the work of staff; relates to self-esteem.

  5. SELF-REALIZATION. The search for a meaning to life by developing their potential in one or more activities.
The physiological needs are born with man, the other needs arise over time. Only unmet needs influence the behavior of individuals, that need not generate any behavior satisfied. Beware of unmet needs and intellectual interests neglected!

The dress 'sexy' of the prostitute could be compared with the promise of eternal life in perfect health and perfect body, his lips fleshy and tasty could be likened to the apparent friendship, affection and love offered by the "new brothers and sisters" and finally, mellow and sensual speech could be equated with respect , status, prestige and power offered by the leaders of the sect.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS from house to house
knocks on your door (I know of one that would control).
Perhaps in the near future
this photo is not a metaphor

abandoning his luxurious couch

If you ever decided that: abandoning his luxurious couch, or reject her soft, sensual kisses, or ignore the persuasive language, this will have been possible because:
  • or have accepted the employment and housing problems do not depend on absent and mysterious god but our manual and intellectual skills and the identification and use of personal opportunities;

  • or we have accepted that we are imperfect and mortal, and like others, death will inevitably come to pass in a moment of our lives, and therefore, instead of wasting our lives in a futile search for a hypothetical immortality Now is the time to seize it (perhaps the only one of which we have);

  • or have recognized that genuine friends (or spouses in the project) are not exclusive to any religion or ideology, in fact it is highly advisable to seek new friends in all facets of our lives (family, work, sport, leisure, travel, philanthropy, etc.).

  • or have carried out activities (sports, socio-cultural and recreational activities) outside the cult ;

  • and we understand that respect and prestige acquired through talent or work or academic preparation, nothing to do or privileges nor theocratic appointments offered by a religious organization as payment for services rendered in the field;

  • or found meaning in life through the development of our potential in one or more activities, outside the Witnesses sect there are so many rewarding tasks (including: charitable, scientific, socio-political, family, etc.) half-life we \u200b\u200bwould list them.
Under this line of argument we can understand why, among other things, discourage the sects ('frowned upon' is often synonymous with 'no') or prohibit are very strongly.
  • If envision sectarian books, magazines, newspapers and movies that do not conform to the orthodoxy of the sect;
    happen to discover that many people live happy, happy and fully realized without religion takes part in their lives;
    If sectarian come into contact with other intellectuals, writers, politicians and philanthropists;
    happen to discover an ethical and moral superior to that found in religions and / or fundamentalist sects, and also would uncover the lies of the religious creeds;

  • If sectarian unbelievers are associated with recreational (family, former friends, classmates or work);
    or participate in sports, socio-cultural and recreational activities;
    happen to satisfy other social needs ;

  • If sectarian accept charges and socio-political appointments;
    or aspire to be athletes, singers and popular actors,
    happen that satisfy other needs of the ego ;

  • If sectarian collaborate with other philanthropic or socio-political;
    or pursue higher education and university;

    happen that satisfy other needs of self-realization ;
    would get a mind well educated and skilled when reason (to be a faithful believer and devotee does not need intelligence or culture, in fact among the sectarians are frowned upon those who love the culture, intelligence and internal debate, they say they are proud, arrogant and stubborn .)
The Watchtower: Beautiful, seductive and deadly
Witness, I recognize that for some of the Watchtower speech can be seductive and organizational structure can look very attractive and captivating, but ... Beware! And finally could let "dry", without a drop of 'blood' (a metaphor for life and property of Witness). Yes, friend! The Organization is like a beautiful and seductive vampire that once you are at your fingertips, you will catch you and suck all your blood. Beware! Do not be seduced by its good looks it is hidden behind a cold and ruthless predator!

THE VAMP "Vampirella"


Sources Consulted:
  1. Wikipedia,
    2008, Maslow Pyramid, C3% A1mide_de_Maslow

  2. Vampirella,
    1969, Warren Publishing , ~ Shoaf / Vampirella /

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Farewell Party Quotes For Admin Invitation

My treasure: The bank accounts of the congregations


My treasure: The bank accounts of the congregation

The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses said:
  • Jehovah's Witnesses preach free, that's not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses literature pay twice, once when the witness takes the literature in the classroom and other once when a mundane gives a voluntary contribution, it is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses to pay for a place of worship and then tell them to put the ownership of the property on our behalf (for the Watch Tower), that is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses to pay for places of worship of other local congregations (rapid construction program Living congregations with limited resources) and then requires them to benefit the congregation to return the loan at a 6% interest , and finally tell them to put the ownership of the property on our behalf, nor is it sufficient we want more.

Kingdom Halls,
Built and paid for by Witness
and put the name of the Watch Tower

  • Jehovah's Witnesses pay all expenses of our executive supervisors (Circuit and District): Upper-middle series car, comfortable housing, clothing and footwear luxury of a monthly retirement pension fund, that is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses pay the land and the construction of assembly halls; is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses pay all costs of massive meetings (assemblies of circuit and district) and if possible even succulent raise surplus, that is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses pay the land and the construction of the national offices (branches) is not enough, we want more.

  • Jehovah's Witnesses pay endless increases in the national headquarters, that's not enough, we want more.
supracitado and paying all still ask another extra effort, that monthly deviate a lot of money from their paychecks and deposited in at least two boxes: one box labeled contributions "to the work of the Kingdom" and another labeled "For the maintenance of the place of worship (Kingdom Hall).

And I say:

But they say this?! But if you have already paid nearly all the "Kingdom" that want a contributions box labeled "For the work of the Kingdom?

A detail: the boxes of contributions is displayed a sign that gives this: THERE ARE NO COLLECTIONS ! Can not make collections, tell us? Are you sure? Go! For whoever would say something completely different.

Training Centre of the Watch Tower
Why wait
paradise if we allow others to pay one now?

Frankly, I thought I had seen everything in terms of 'milking the sheep' ... Error, Morfeo friend! On March 1, 2008 the Watch Tower has given a further twist to their collection system, and a circular USA congregations can be read as follows:
Dear brothers, by this we are happy to inform commissioning operation of a new system for transferring funds to the branch. [...] This system replaced from April 1, 2008 Watchtower System Electronic Funds Transfer (WEFTS, for its acronym in English). [...] We encourage all congregations to seriously consider the advantages of leaving funds on deposit in the account with the branch. [...] After hearing all the funds, the branch can get more interest each congregation for their own account, and you get more interest for the benefit of the worldwide work.
In short, this is what you want the Watch Tower, and that you explain it to them as they have very clear what they want from their sheep (figuratively):
  • First, the surplus money from voluntary contributions Witness what we have ourselves instead of you to have it in bank accounts worldly

  • second, the interest on deposits stood us us

  • third, the whole amount of your bank accounts you want to invest in financial or in acquiring shares or bonds of other companies (what we offer plus interest);

  • room, all the benefits of these investments also we want. Of course, all this money will go to the World Building of the Kingdom. And please do not do weird questions such as: What work have to finance world's Witnesses if you pay in advance all costs and movable and immovable property and to all new projects, make new collections? ... Answer: A mystery, divine mystery, of course! that only the anointed can understand, and

  • fifth, whether in the near future schisms arise, something quite possible judging by the doctrinal lurches we are taking in recent decades, the emerging power of these sects would be minuscule " Why? Why not have control over the venues, not about literature, and now with this new procedure could not even touch the surplus funds that they had saved the local congregations. Obviously, most of those who hold positions (superintendents, district, circuit overseers, elders and ministerial servants) would stay with us because we control the real estate, and is it true they say that the ambitious always remain very close the powerful.
What procedures 'Watchtowerianos' come in the future? Perhaps, Jehovah's Witnesses domiciled their payrolls in current accounts of a bank owned by the Watch Tower? Calla Morfeo and do not give ideas!

Ay! The teats of the udder of the sheep are already infected and skinned wiggle so much, poor little lambs!

As a climax, and in summary-and censorship-serve these biblical texts:
  • should therefore the bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, warm, worldly affections mortified, hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, no striker, not filthy lucre, but moderate, non-litigious, outside of greed , (1 Timothy 3:2-3 SSE)

  • By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words on which the condemnation and long time is not idle, and their destruction does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:3 SSE)

  • sell things that they own and give gifts of mercy. Make yourselves purses which do not wear out, treasure in heaven that never fails, where no thief approaches nor moth consumes. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 12:33-34 NWT)

Two magazines as "Food"
Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus said: Poor
we ever! Better make disciples!
and labeled 'Christian apostates' missionaries
of other religions to help the poor materially



Scanned Letters:


to the following web sites for his invaluable Help:

  1. Forum Sources marriage, David and Mary.

  2. Blog of our dear friend numerical 9328737.

  1. Magazine Watchtower, English edition,
    1972, October 1, pg. 601, Generosity begets generosity
    All this expansion has required considerable expenditure of funds.

  2. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1976, September, page 7,
    The box of questions,
    Is it appropriate to have several boxes of contribution to the Kingdom Hall, each designated a different purpose?

  3. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1983, December, page 4,
    A new program to build Kingdom Halls.

  4. Our Kingdom Ministry , English edition,
    1985, April, page 3,
    Fund of the Society for Kingdom Halls.

  5. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1985, December, page 3,
    expansion program for more Kingdom Halls.

  6. Jehovah's Witnesses carry out the will of God unitedly worldwide,
    1986, pages 15 and 28,
    meetings that encourage the love and fine works,
    Boxes contributions
    financial support through voluntary contributions.

  7. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1987, December 1, Page 30,
    Is sacrifice their contribution?,
    How to contribute some to the work of the kingdom.

  8. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1988, December, page 4,
    manifest faith through good works,
    Congregations can help.

  9. Jehovah's Witnesses in the twentieth century,
    1989, page 29,
    Questions that have interested,
    What financial contributions are expected from those attending meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses?

  10. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1989, December, page 3,
    us keep in step with rising theocratic
    is still much to do.

  11. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1990, May, page 5,
    Attend the District Assembly 1990 "Pure Language"
    Literature and Food Service.

  12. Journal WT, English edition
    1990, December 1, page 24, his work thrives
    How Lord
    How local congregations receive contributions to cover its expenses?

  13. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1991 December 1, page 28,
    How can we pay to the Lord?

  14. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1991, May, page 5 and 6,
    Prepare now to attend the District Assembly 1991 "Lovers of Liberty",
    "For all the place of assembly will be boxes for contributions "

  15. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1991, June, page 3,
    contribution boxes in the Kingdom Hall should be clearly marked. By contributing, be sure to deposit the money in the appropriate boxes (World Society Building Fund, Society for Kingdom Halls, or in the box to the needs of the congregation). The elderly may find it helpful to make announcements In this regard, as required. It is not correct to use the money deposited in these boxes for other purposes. It is the responsibility of each state how wants you to use your donation by placing it in the case of contributions due.

  16. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    1992, November, page 1,
    Do we value our literature?

  17. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    19 92 December 1, page 27,
    We are not peddlers of the Word of God,
    do contribute some to the work of preaching the kingdom.

  18. Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom,
    1993, Chapter 21, page 340,
    How is it funded the work?

  19. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1993, December 1, page 29,
    The giver of "every good gift"
    Ways to contribute: "... surplus is sent. the branch .. Watch Tower. " Magazine

  20. The Watchtower, English edition,
    1994, December 1, page 19,
    I contribute some to the work of preaching the Kingdom.

  21. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1995, December 1, Page 30,
    "Where does the money?"
    do contribute some to the work of preaching the Kingdom.

  22. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1996, August 1, page 22,
    With eyes and heart fixed on the prize, Since 1945
    serve together [ ...] In Bowling Green arranged a meeting room [...] To pay the rent of the premises, we put boxes of contributions, and every week they covered their expenses.

  23. Magazine The Watchtower , English edition,
    1996, November 1, page 31,
    Why give to the Lord? ***
    How are some contributions to the worldwide work.

  24. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1997, November 1, page 28,
    "Honor the Lord with your valuable things": ways of doing it. Ways
    some voluntarily give contributions to the worldwide work.

  25. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1998, November 1, page 26,
    "God loves a cheerful giver "Ways
    some give contributions to the worldwide work.

  26. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    1999, November 1, page 22,
    When abundant generosity,
    methods of contribution to the worldwide work.

  27. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2000, November 1, page 31,
    The wealth of generosity brings joy,
    Ways to make contributions to the worldwide work.

  28. Jehovah's Witnesses: who they are and what they believe,
    2000, page 30,'s Frequently Asked Questions
    interested persons
    What financial contributions are expected from those attending meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses?

  29. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2001, November 1, page 28,
    "The blessing of the Lord ... that's what enriches "Ways to Give
    contributions to the worldwide work.

  30. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2002, May 15, page 10,
    The dramatic increase in calls for rapid expansion
    It appreciates the generous support.

  31. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2002, November 1, page 28,
    Support for true worship: past and present,
    Ways we can make contributions to the work world.

  32. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2003, November 1, page 28,
    cultivate a generous spirit ,
    Ways we can make contributions to the worldwide work.

  33. Our Kingdom Ministry , English edition,
    2003, November, page 3,
    checks that are deposited in the boxes as gifts for contributions at the Kingdom Hall for the work world and the Kingdom Halls Fund should be made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Which are delivered to the district assemblies and sent to the branch can be made payable to "Watch Tower." The business address of the branch is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.

  34. Our Kingdom Ministry, Editing English,
    2003, December, page 7,
    We remind the brothers responsible for the accounts of the congregation that the donations are deposited in the boxes to the worldwide work and Kingdom Halls Fund should be sent monthly the branch and should not be used to pay the mortgage at the Kingdom Hall or to cover any other expenses of the congregation.

  35. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    2004, May, page 3,
    Donations by check to be deposited in the boxes of contributions from the Kingdom Hall for the work Global Fund and the Kingdom Halls should be made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Donations by check to be made in the district assemblies or sent to the branch should be made payable to "Watch Tower." The official address of the branch is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.

  36. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2004, November 1, page 22,
    Have you experienced the happiness it produces give?,
    Ways that can make contributions to the worldwide work.

  37. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    2004, November, page 3,
    Checks are deposited as donation boxes at the Kingdom Hall contributions to the work World and Kingdom Halls Fund should be made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Which are delivered to the district assemblies and sent to the branch can be made payable to "Watch Tower." The official address of the branch is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.

  38. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    2005, May, page 7,
    checks that are deposited in the boxes as gifts for contributions at the Kingdom Hall for the work world the Kingdom Hall Fund should be made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Which are delivered to the district assemblies and sent to the branch can be made payable to "Watch Tower." The official address of the branch is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Magazine

  39. The Watchtower, English edition,
    2005, May 15, pages 6-7,
    A World Without Poverty

  40. The Watchtower Magazine, English edition,
    2005, November 1, p. 26-28,
    Contributions rejoice the heart of God,
    Ways that can make contributions to the worldwide work.

  41. Our Kingdom Ministry, English Edition,
    2005, November, page 3,
    Checks as donations are deposited in the boxes of contributions from the Kingdom Hall for the work world and the Kingdom Halls Fund be made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Those who are placed in boxes for contributions of district assemblies and sent to the branch must be made payable to "Watch Tower." Checks should be sent to: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.

  42. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2006, November 1, page 20,
    build unity for praise God,
    Ways we can make contributions to the worldwide work.

  43. The Watchtower Journal, English edition,
    2007, November 1, page 20,
    "The silver is mine and the gold is mine"
    Ways that we can contributions to the worldwide work.