Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How To License Homemade Trailer

The wild beast teaches us on tolerance

Beast out of the sea (Revelation 13)

In Spain we campaign and often meet with ads, especially those belonging to the major parties: Partido Popular (PP) and the English Socialist Party (PSOE).

One of the spots caught my attention because of its remarkably tolerant and conciliatory approach. In this spot is presented as exemplary of a child, member of the PSOE, which was traveling about 300 miles comfortably drive to his old mother to vote, knowing that surely would vote for the PP. Both, mother and son, they look very happy in the re-encounter, none allowed to take precedence over ideological differences in their family relationships.

Jehovah's Witnesses to political parties are represented by a "demonic wild beast." According to witnesses, this beast is controlled by Satan to mislead mankind.

Watchtower Witnesses flagship magazine in its issue of February 1, 1986, speaks of the beast of Revelation as follows:
What does this monstrous animal? under the inspiration of John gives us a significant clue: "And he was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation." (Revelation 13:7.) And what has authority over every person on Earth today? Only one thing: the system global political domination. Really, this system derives its authority from the "dragon", Satan? The Bible says yes. For example, the apostle John said: "The whole world lies in the power of the wicked." No wonder Satan when he tempted Jesus in the desert, offered him authority over "all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth" and said: "[The authorities] have been given me." (1 John 5:19, Luke 4:5, 6.)
Among the Witnesses, when someone leaves the religion is despised as if it were an evil criminal, all emotional contact with the defendant is strictly forbidden under threat of suffer the same fate. Among the witnesses you may see a child who does not care for his aging mother because it was ejected for dissent openly about any official doctrine. If the Watch Tower brand to a subject as apostate (dissenting) matters little natural affection of a son for his mother.

And here's the great paradox: A political party controlled by Satan, as the Watch Tower-publicize a message that turns out to be more humane, caring, compassionate and generous that the doctrine of extreme social rejection and death practiced by the Witnesses. And I wonder: Who says a spirit that can be branded as evil? Although the Witnesses make up this cruel and inhumane behavior holy to the point, however, in light of international law does not support any redemption. Witnesses

, take good note! The wild beast knows and wants to educate us with wisdom and good sense of respect, understanding, and tolerance.





Published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Editions Spain):
  1. The Watchtower, November 15, 1981, pages 14-19,
    Expulsion ... from what point of view to see it.

  2. The Watchtower, April 1, 1986, page 31,
    Questions from readers: Why have expelled (excommunicated) Jehovah's Witnesses to some people who still believe in God, the Bible and in Jesus Christ?

  3. The Watchtower, February 1, 1986, pages 4-5,
    The Beasts of Revelation ... What do they mean?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can You Squeeze Scabies

Esteban López explains things clear (II)

Raymond Franz, 2008, Líder y Propietario de Commentary Press
R. Franz de gira promocional por europea
a favor de su libro "Crisis de conciencia"
(Foto editada y retocada por Morfeo)

Señor López.

Por alusiones, me dirijo a usted para darle una respuesta que espero le satisfaga. Sí, es cierto, hemos colocado un link hacia su página -y blog- bajo el encabezamiento "Hijas de la Watch Tower", sección "Enlaces sectarios". Permita usted que le diga las razones que nos llevaron a clasificarlos como 'sectarios':

Etimológicamente hablando, ustedes son una secta.

Ustedes, los 'Franzistas', se ajustan the first meaning of the word 'cult' that dictates this: "A set of followers of a religious or ideological bias." Although modified, an important part of their beliefs come from the trunk of the ideology of the Watch Tower and this in turn down of millenarianism, Protestantism, Christianity and Judaism, respectively.

his doctrine also coincided with the second meaning: "religious or ideological doctrine that is different and independent of each other." Raymond Franz their leader and you are independent from the Watch Tower and ideologically maintain a variant of the theology of Jehovah's Witnesses.

And the third meaning also applies to their religious group: "Body of believers in a particular doctrine or faithful to a religion that the speaker considers false." Other religions opponents, including WT, you are considered an apostate sect of the true church.

Although a 'cult' is not a pejorative term, however, the word may be associated with a pejorative adjective: dangerous, destructive, coercive, and so on. In the present case, for you are said: 'Daughters of the Watch Tower', 'Franzistas'.

While I understand the discomfort that is to be descendants of the Watch Tower ideological view of his poor moral character, however, do not understand why so irritated that they were branded as 'Franzistas'. Mr Lee, let me tell you that it is appropriate to refer to 'Franzistas' because they were ideologically-and are-protected by Raymond Franz, and also sell and distribute their books.

I say again, you are also the Franzistas sectarian or affirm this for two reasons: First, because they profess and follow a sect, and second, because they are fanatical and uncompromising, a party or an idea, namely, a true Christianity according to the particular perspective of a leader and not speak of Jesus Christ. Mr. Lopez is well known for its lack of respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own. Will not need to remind you that over the last decade, many ex-tj were beaten and driven from their oral boards without any option to replicate because they published opinions contrary to their doctrine, or criticized Raymond Franz.

Finally, Mr. Lopez, it can be a religious community and sect at the same time as they are not exclusive. Moreover, it can be criminal and religious, sectarian and have a Judeo-Christian creed.

Obviously, we respect your desire to remove our links to their pages sectarian, and that is why when you click on 'Thought and Culture' and 'Dialogues' will be linked with the word 'sect' in the dictionary of the Royal Academy English.


Persephone & MORFEO, MADRID, FEBRUARY 24, 2008

public release of Don Esteban López

Esteban Lopez, 1996
(Photo taken Site publishes

The concept of 'cult'.
Its differentiation against 'religious community. "

"The concept of cult is encumbered by a mortgage larger than that reflected original etymology. In common parlance this word is used to designate groups intolerant and dogmatic, closed to the world and suspected illegal actions. "However, in many cases, when the speaker holds some prejudice, the term is also used with respect to groups are simply peaceful religious communities. So a distinction should be discerning two realities that are very different: the cult and the religious community. "

Sunday, February 17, 2008

South Park Fr Streaming Ipod

JW, hustler, just want your money! Wait until the

GREED Gargoyle (GREED)

Witness LORD, hustler, just want your money!

You should regularly compare their beliefs with their actions and act accordingly. Therefore, you should inquire about the fate of their contributions both locally and nationally and internationally.

has ever wondered what kind of activity prevailing in their worship: Christian or commercial? The Bible makes the following method of analysis: "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and rotten fruit, because fruit is known by the tree. Prole of vipers, how can you speak good things when they are wicked? Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of his good treasure sends good things, while the wicked man, wicked treasure sends its wicked things. They say that of all the men idle talk will report on the Day of Judgement, for by your words you will be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned " (Matthew 12:33-37).

Compassion and charity to the needy is one of the key features of Christianity. The Bible puts it this way: "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world " (James 1:27).

If you associate with a Christian group should see very often as their church leaders promote programs to help disadvantaged people, and reading of religious literature, you should see very often quote James 1:27. Does it happen as well in their religion? To find out we could count the number of occurrences of the appointment of James 1:27 and the number of times it asks you for money. A sect in which raw greed of its managers are inclined to favor the money and neglect their obligations in relation to Christian charity. Let

under scrutiny Jehovah's Witnesses. Let your publications issued in the period 1970-2005. Thirty-six are sufficient to clearly in sight any statistical trend.

James 1:27 The appointment appears a total of 316 times, distributed as follows:
  • WT: 169 times.
  • Awake: 47 times.
  • Our Ministry: 30 times
  • Books: 63 times.
  • Yearbooks: 7 times.
The word 'contribution' and 'contributions' (in the Witnesses: euphemism for collecting money and real estate) are a total of 2165 times, distributed as follows:
  • WT: 748 times.
  • Awake: 340 times. Our
  • Ministry: 765 times
  • Books: 132 times.
  • Yearbooks: 180 times.
Subtracting two hundred times above because the word has nothing to do with the collections of the Witnesses, yet the result is overwhelming: every time you talk to the needy, six times we talk about collections. An example: Imagine that a speaker has a stake of 5 minutes, and you hear during the first 50 seconds to talk about the need, and at other times he insists, again and again, about the importance of donating money to the work of the Kingdom (euphemism for donating money to Watch Tower), and at the end someone asked about what was the main subject of discourse you respond: Helping the needy?

Do you know how many times we talk about collections in the biblical book of James? None. However, it is talk that some wealthy Christians neglected their obligations to the needy. The only time a collection is mentioned in the New Testament is in 1 Corinthians 16:1-5. It is telling that only mention this only relates to basic needs of poor Christians in Jerusalem and in any way with clerical revenues for the "work world."

Think you please: If money is collected to cover the cost of the work world to preach the kingdom of God, then why there are deposits of billions of dollars spread over an indefinite list of bank accounts, or business units such as REGI U.S. (Year 2002), or in investments real estate and luxury hotels in New York (United States). Also, why are you asking for donations every week if there is already enough money to finance the worldwide work for twenty consecutive years. Did you know that Watch Tower is one of the richest multinational publishing companies in the world?

The argument of 'growth' is inadequate because the witnesses are almost a decade almost no growth, and if there is no increase then why continue to demand extraordinary contributions to new construction projects.

JW Linnet, will shake you, Watch Tower just wants his money and free labor! The statistic is accurate and will not lie, and publications and show: Watch Tower: 2165, James 1:27: 316, the home team loses by a landslide.

want to be a CONTRIBUTOR

Please take note of as contributing to Watch Tower, as regularly explained in its flagship magazine, The Watchtower


Many away some money to deposit contributions in the boxes labeled "Contributions to the work world (Matthew 24:14)."

these congregations sent monthly contributions to the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Monetary donations can also be sent directly to: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Attention Treasurer's Office, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, or the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Checks sent to the address above should be made payable to "Watch Tower." It also can be donated jewelry and other goods. These contributions must be accompanied by a brief letter indicating that it is outright grants.


be left money in trust for the Watch Tower for use in the worldwide work. These funds will be returned to the donor if they so request. For more details, please contact the Treasurer's Office (Office of the Treasurer), whose address appears in the paragraph above.


addition to outright grants, There are other ways to contribute to the worldwide work of the Kingdom, some of which are listed below.

Insurance. Watch Tower may be appointed beneficiary of life insurance or retirement plan.

bank accounts. They can get bank accounts, certificates of deposit or individual retirement accounts in trust for Watch Tower or payable to that in case of death, in accordance with the country's banking laws.

Stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds can be donated to Watch Tower unconditionally.

Estate. Marketable real estate may be transferred, either unconditionally or, if they host, the donor retaining the life estate on property, which may reside while alive. It must communicate with the branch that serves your country before transferring any property. Grants

income. A donation income is an agreement that transfers funds and securities to a corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses and, in return, the donor or the person designated by him, receive a prescribed annuity. The donor is entitled to a deduction in the income tax year made the donation.

Wills and trusts. You may bequeath to Watch Tower money or property by a will duly authenticated or named beneficiary of a trust agreement. Trusts in favor of a religious entity can bring tax advantages.

As the designation "Planned Giving" this kind of contributions normally requires some planning by the donor. To assist those who wish to contribute to the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses with a donation of this type has been prepared in English and English Planned Giving brochure to promote the service of the Kingdom worldwide. The purpose of this brochure is to inform about the different ways to make an immediate donation or leaving a legacy assets. Many people, after reading the prospectus and consult their own legal counsel or prosecutors have been able to support religious and humanitarian activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses and maximize the resulting tax benefits. This booklet can be ordered directly from Charitable Planning Office (Department of Planned Giving.)

For more information, write or call the Charitable Planning Office at the address below or contact the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Charitable Planning Office

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

100 Watchtower Drive Patterson, New York 12563-9204
Phone: (845) 306-0707



  1. Watchtower, English edition.
    2005, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 30
    Contributions to gladden the heart of God

  2. Watchtower, English edition.
    2004, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 23
    Have you experienced the happiness it produces give?

  3. Watchtower, English edition.
    2003, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 29
    cultivate a generous spirit

  4. New World Translation (Bible Witness.)
    1984, The Watchtower.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Beybladedesmume Complete Save

world in a cave discovered

Meteorite impact on the cities of New York and Paris
1998, Scene from the movie Armageddon

A sect awaits the end of the world in a cave. About thirty followers, including four children, refugees continue underground in the Volga area. Threaten to burn them alive if the authorities try to remove them by force. The contact is through tunnels. They say that Satan is hiding on the Internet.
By Ulf Maude (dpa) leave, so they can lead a normal life, "Penza says the director of the Russian office of child protection, Tatiana Makeienko.

But sect members threatened to burn alive if the authorities make use of force. survive in their branching underground tunnel system based on gas cylinders, kerosene and food. Donors removed snow from vents and chimneys to avoid suffocation. "We maintain regular contact with them through ventilation holes, it seems that they are healthy and want to continue underground to survive the 'end of the world,' "said Maria Orlova, Prosecutor of Penza.

Battle of Armageddon / Battle of Armageddon

currently investigating whether this is an "illegal association that violates human rights." The authorities say they have no intention of raiding the hideout. "We must act cautiously to avoid further damage," said psychiatrist Kekelidse Surab, government research institute Serbski. Daily

growing concern about the development of children, among which is a little less than two years. "We hope that the final triumph of reason and understand that their children have yet to discover the world themselves," said Kekelidse. All residents the cave need psychological help, he added.
Researchers believe that the cult leader, Pyotr Kusnezov, has manipulated the other members, from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. His theories have been published in an edition of 17,000 copies and television warned against Satan and his intention to control the world through internet. According to witnesses, members of the sect away ever more of their activities, do not go to work and can not use money, listen to the radio or watch television. Their children are prohibited from attending school and reject all modern technology. Doctors analyzed to the parent of 44 years in November in a psychiatric clinic. The diagnosis: personality disorder with severe hallucinations. Currently, almost all Russians have seen pictures of a starving and troubled Kusnezov on television.
According to media, the former industrial engineer even attempted suicide. The sect remains a mystery.

President of the Russian association of research centers of religions and sects, Alexander Dvorkin, believes that traditional religious faiths have a duty to fight "the ideology of the sects" to protect people easily manipulated. "We should explore leaders and believers explain the fallacies and harms of cults, "says Dvorkin.


still remember in my childhood, back in October 1, 1975 , Jehovah's Witnesses were locked in their homes, with fear and anxiety, because they expected from one moment to another, be unleashed to the world with lightning, earthquake, fire and brimstone. Many of them had accumulated a huge amount of food and water to endure this time of calamity.
Shortly before that date, the Watchtower Society, through its publications and speakers, encourage witnesses to dispose of their property and spend the little time remaining to preach in places of need. Young Witnesses refused promising scholarships and professional jobs because they distract from its obligations to the Lord. Some witnesses to put off surgery because they felt that in a few months God will restore health in a perfect, immortal body.

Jehovah's Witnesses regularly
covers published showing severe trial

of God on non-Witnesses Witnesses or bad.

Read some comments that were made between 1968 and 1975: must engage in the activity of full-time preaching. Given the short time remaining, we want to do this as often as circumstances permit. Think, brothers, are only about ninety months before the completion of 6,000 years of human existence on Earth.

A precursor of Texas says: "I noticed that each week was spending forty hours a secular work that would soon fade in Armageddon and I left with empty hands. So I quit my job and started my vacation precursors and later I became a regular pioneer. "
No doubt some of you have entertained the same thoughts about jobs in the world. But how many of you have thought to put these jobs on the side for two weeks or more to be precursors of vacation? You can bring the satisfaction you desire.

For many young people today think of the future it is very annoying. A young pioneer of Michigan wrote:
    "During my senior year in high school I started thinking seriously about a career. Since I knew that this old system is rapidly approaching its destruction, it would not wrap. I decided to be a precursor. "
  • First was a precursor to holidays. Enjoyed much of this undertaken by the regular pioneer. Are you thinking of a career? Have you considered serious times we live in and the privilege of pioneering holiday now?

    There are reports of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish the rest of his days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a great way to spend the short time remaining before the end of this wicked world. That
  • madness, by God! Perhaps it may seem like a fad that the followers of the sect Russian supracitado article is locked in a cave and threatening to commit suicide if they try get them out, however, almost two million Jehovah's Witnesses there said a similar derangement in the last decade of the seventies, when locked in their houses waiting for the battle of Armageddon. Another coincidence with the sect in Russia: Jehovah's Witnesses fear Internet. In the background, and analysis based on coercive methods, all sects are very similar, all fear that their supporters contrast the information with sources outside the group, and no doubt, Internet is a source outside of easy and difficult to ban surveillance.

    Kekelidse According to the psychiatrist, all cave dwellers need psychological help. Witnesses also need help, and hope that these articles and news to help government officials to become more aware of the problem of sects and do not be fooled by their propaganda. Changing perspective: The Armageddon that should concern us is that which may arise in the mind of a political madman with enough power and greed to cause conflicts between different cultures and peoples of the earth. Other possible armageddons: Climate change, depletion of land resources, natural disasters and fall of large meteorites.

    Instead of terrorizing and exploiting people, religion should improve the mentality of the next generation to make better ethical and intellectually and successfully address the following objectives: to improve international law, eliminate pollution of our environment, harmoniously confederate peoples and cultures, eradicating hunger and poverty, eliminate greed and violence in all its facets, using technology to improve and care for the balanced development of all terrestrial biodiversity what religion is doing about it?



2008, EXTJ.ORG, what happened in 1975?

Our Kingdom Ministry.
1968 March, English edition, published by The Watchtower.

  1. Our Kingdom Ministry.

    1969 June, English edition, published by The Watchtower.

  2. Our Kingdom Ministry.

    1970, February, English edition, published by The Watchtower.

  3. Our Kingdom Ministry.

    1974 July, English edition, published by The Watchtower.

Friday, February 8, 2008

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The Watchtower (Video contributed)

  • Managers
    not subscribe to this blog and do not deny the video information
  • The viewer is who critically assesses the validity of the content Warning Read and Release
    We present a documentary about the Witnesses Lord certain matters including dark current and the announcement of REGI on FOX (REGI was a company owned by the Watchtower). Index Video Content:

    Minute: 00:15. Tazel Charles Russell and his obsession with the pyramid of Giza. According to Russel, both the Bible and the steps of the pyramid pointed to the prophetic date of 1914 as the year that would befall the Armageddon described in the book of Revelation.
    Minute: 02:33.
    The Generation of 1914, which said that he would not die, and is 108 years old. 1914 was the date on which all the scaffolding was mounted on the prophetic "end times" (Matthew 28).

    Minute: 04:56.
      Allegedly, the Watchtower Society was based on excerpts from the New Testament by Johannes Greber to the New World Translation. Johannes Greber was a Catholic priest and then a spiritualist. The Watchtower knew who he was when he published Greber the NWT, as indicated by the quote from the Watchtower 1956, p. 432.

    1. Minute: 05:33.
    2. Tazel Charles Russel and his alleged connections with Freemasonry: Symbols, personal statements, Russel tomb.

    3. Minute: 7:04.
    4. subliminal images in Watchtower publications.

    5. Minute: 08:54.
    6. The Watchtower and its shares in a company connected to arms, REGI U.S. One of his best customers is the Marine Corps of the U.S. Army.

    7. Minute: 14:32.
    8. The Watchtower and his relationships with the "wild beast" United Nations (UN). Usually

    9. concealment of facts is a common practice among historians so dishonest and ratification of the Watchtower when one of his books on historians view the Biblical witnesses antagonists:
    10. And while ancient historians almost always exaggerated the victories of their rulers and
      hide their failures and mistakes
      , the Bible writers were frank and honest, even if it was serious sins they had committed
    11. "
    12. (12).
    -Pyramid Tomb of Pastor Russell (Masonic symbol is appreciated) addition, your New World Translation reads: "Now this is the basis for the trial, the light has come into the world, but men have loved darkness rather than light because their works were wicked. Because
    who practices vile things hates the light, neither cometh to
    for his deeds should be censored . But what does truth comes to light, lest his deeds are made manifest as in harmony with God wrought " (8). Before 1914, he wrote of the end times:
    "The" End Time "is a period of one hundred and fifteen years (115) from 1799 AD to 1914 AD, is particularly marked in Scripture ... This method of fixing a date is accurate. Demonstrate that the events mentioned in prophecy here are consistent with the career of Napoleon in history, we can determine the date as surely as the beginning of the reign of Caesar Augustus or Tiberius, or Cleopatra, described in verses 17, 20 and 21. The career of Napoleon, in the light of prophecy, marked in 1799 AD as the end of 1260 years of papal power and the beginning of the period called the "end times." "[Studies in the Scriptures, vol. III, "Thy Kingdom Come" Edition 1908. p. 23, 40. Written in 1891 by Charles T. Russell].

    "The present great war in Europe is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures. "[" Pastor Russell's Sermons, "p. 676] .
    And now how many Witnesses know the truth about the year 1914? Why the Watchtower does not want to republish

    Studies in the Scriptures and Sermons

    the illustrious brother Russell, founder of the Bible Students and co-founding member of the Watchtower?
    If you are a Jehovah's Witness and still knows nothing of the issues supracitados then you should question the honesty of their reporting and investigate other dark matters will probably also hidden. We have chosen not to assess the content of the video because that task is up to you.
    Without further ado, enjoy the video.
    Jehovah's Witnesses: dark Affairs

    kindly contributed by Don David Pérez
    i Payà by
    Script and David Pérez i Payà Don and Don Ernesto Cortez Homes
    Voice off by Don Ernesto Cortez Homes

    2008, Don David Pérez i Payà.

    1. 2008, The Ivory Tower, The Pyramids and TJ.

      2008, EX-TJ.ORG, False prophecies.

    2. http://www.freeminds.org/foreign/nwt_sp.htm

      2008, FreeMInds, Criticism of the New World Translation
    3. .
    4. http://www.latorredemarfil.com/tm_russell_discurso_mason.htm

      2008, The Ivory Tower, The Temple of God.
    5. http://www.regtech.com/

    6. http://www.regtech.com/Radmax_Technology/Military_Application/
    7. 2008, Reg / Regi Technologies Inc.

    8. http: / / www.geocities.com / tjqaa / un.html
      Watchtower attached to the instrument of Satan

    9. Asked
    10. the link Jehovah's Witnesses United Nations http://www.geocities.com/tjqaa/un3.html
      Watchtower Society disassociates
      2008 United Nations Association Testo LORD for reform in the blood issue

      New World Translation (Bible Witness)
      1984, Wathtower, Gospel according to John 3:19-21.

      Studies in the Scriptures, vol. III, "Thy Kingdom Come"
      Ed 1908. p. 23, 40. Written in 1891 by Charles T. Russell.

    11. Pastor Russell's Sermons, p.
    12. 676.

    13. WT.
    14. 1956, p. 432, English-language edition.
    15. Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life
      , 1995
      Wathtower, chap. 2 pages. 17 para. 15.