Monday, February 28, 2011


Sailing to Byzantium

John the Baptist - Agios Ioannis Prodromos, mosaic
Haghia Sophia in Istanbul

That is no country for old men.
young arm in arm, the birds in the trees
generations die singing, waterfalls
salmon, tuna crowded seas,
fish, animals or fowl, commend all summer
everything that occurs, is born, and dies.
Caught in that sensual music all neglect
monuments of intellect that does not age.

An aged man is but a miserable object,
a tattered coat on a stick, unless
the soul clap and sing, and louder sing
for every tatter in its mortal dress.
There is no singing school but studying
monuments of magnificence;
and so I recorrdio the seas and come
into the holy city of Byzantium. Oh

sages are in the sacred fire of God
and gold mosaic of a wall, Come from the holy fire
, CIRAD to me, and thirst
Meistersinger my soul.
Consume my heart sick with desire,
as tied to a dying animal
not already know what it is, and gather
to dream of eternity.

Once out of nature I shall never take
my form from any natural,
but a form as Grecian goldsmiths make that
of hammered gold and gold enamelling
to keep a drowsy Emperor awake;
or put in a golden bough to sing the lords
and ladies of Byzantium
on the past, present, or things to come.

William B. Yeats, Sailing to Byzantium

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Invader Zim Birthday Invitations

Rudolf Steiner's advice was requested but not like

Steiner, a sketch by an unknown author

Want some advice? Well. My advice: Do what you want! VM

are saying we do not disclose the esoteric knowledge, but we will take into account the materialism of the age. The esoteric left, then, in a well-founded empirical thesis. If we look at how they currently received esoteric knowledge, understanding and sympathy we feel for those who, at that time, opposed disclosure. Again and again, such disclosure becomes calamitous, and the same people who receive esoteric knowledge, raise obstacles and hindrances against their spread. Still not considered enough, these hindrances and obstacles.

Indeed, we have the most terrible experiences when it comes to dissemination of esoteric knowledge. Even when you have the best intentions to help the individual, are calamities, even the most basic things. Many times it happens that is given to an individual this or that board, but the council does not like! While the occult gives advice like, can generally have defense, but when he gives advice and do not like, no one accepts them. And they say the parties: "If you give me other tips, I can not myself."

This comes to threats when in fact all he did was tell the occult it would be beneficial to that individual. But as he will receive anything other than say, "I have waited long enough, so now tell me what it is." I told him a long time, but that does not like! That will lead to progressive detachment, until those who were once the most fervent supporters, they become the bitterest enemies, because they expect advice tailored to your wishes, and when they receive others become bitter enemies.

Thus it is our time shows that we can not easily condemn esotericists they said not to accept the "popularization" of hidden truths.

And so, in the mid-nineteenth century, was never carried out such a popularization, but wanted to take into account the materialistic tendencies of the time. It is difficult to express what I have to say I can only encrypt it in words that were never uttered in that way but they are true. At that time the esoteric said: "what to do with the humanity! As much as I lectured them about the true teachings of esotericism, but make fun of me and you. Perhaps it will convince some gullible, a handful of gullible women, few men credulous; but those who appreciate science is not convinced. You must have the inclinations of the day. "

[A Steiner was concerned about the apparent discrediting or 'slump' in the dignity of Education, delivered in the midst of the terrible habits of our age ].

Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung
okkulte Die Bewegung im Jahrhundert und ihre Beziehung neunzehnten zur Weltkultur,
October 10, 1915

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Black Stool After Grape Juice

The most recent impetus Ahrimanic: new lodges and orders determined to "overcome" and forget

- "It's true, there are people in higher spheres are Freemasons and Jesuits. Higher and higher Freemasons Jesuit community belong to the higher spheres of a special brotherhood, they form a state within a state which covers the others. "

Rudolf Steiner -" We must not forget that it is only those from the upper echelons who direct the destinies of occult orders and world politics. Occult societies secret that they are preparing the incarnation of Ahriman are intended to make the whole earth to the reign of materialism. "Gennady Bondarev

Steiner. "In our time there are people whose momentum is so strong materialist who strive to acquire the means that will enable them to influence the material world after death ... these are the centers of a certain ceremonial magic. "

Bondarev. "When we { members Live the 'brotherhoods' } we meet face to face with others outside the weakest of these societies, we are able to exert some magical power over them intensified. When we say a word, he delivered a speech, then these dead souls will be working through us, because we are prepared to have been woven into the rituals of ceremonial magic. With the help of ceremonial magic it creates a very special kind of human being, because it has nothing to do with bribery or power struggle. No, it offers an answer to the question of the meaning of existence as a whole. "The hope for immortality Ahrimanic, says Rudolf Steiner, live in more people than we might think ... in the same way that you grow up in a death rate immortal ... Ahrimanic in immortality, one loses consciousness of the other, the true and genuine immortality. These companies are generally very organized as ceremonial magic is intended to act especially on the gullible ... a few meets, rather than alone ... using others as their instruments. "

"Catholicism, National Bolshevism, the Britanic, Bolshevism, socialism, materialism, secret societies, to this great association representing atavistic forces, dominated by the spirits of the Old Testament. And only a true affirmation of Christ, which leads to anthroposophy, are contained the new forces of development that are capable of overcoming the crisis. "

Steiner." There is a difference between a person say, which is present in an honest and simple in the cultural processes of our time and gave a speech in parliament ... that a person who is involved in ceremonial magic circles, achieving strengthened with power pulses of certain dead souls and now these impulses delivered the speech in parliament or write newspaper article. "

The Asuras in Hinduism Sanskrit "power-hungry beings."
Detail of a sculpture in the Kofuku-ji Buddhist Temple, Nara, Japan

Bondarev. "Occult political forces of any kind, which becomes a tool or Luciferian spirits Ahrimanic -or new events, the Asuras, are eager to use any means to achieve his goal. In one of his lectures Rudolf Steiner speaks of occult foundations of terrorism. He talks about how, through mediums prepared, you get the secrets of the spiritual world with the help of the souls who are violently forced out of their bodies, how one gains knowledge of what legitimately wants to take place in the world, then faking expertise through the development of healthy impulses.

"The same purpose is pursued by binding the souls of the dead to the earthly plane through the mummification of their bodies. The high degree of Masters of the Orders, fraternities and lodges, as we know that Christ is God and that everything written in the Gospels is true. But they say themselves: not to love Christ as our leader, who is the leader of the normal world, we want a different leader, want to oppose this normal world. Such people, trained by ceremonial magic, they get the idea that this world is really a ahrimanic forces much stronger spiritual world (the world of Christ). "That, above all, to continue with what they have gained here in physical life, they can make immortal the material experiences of physical life." Ahriman called "Christ." "

Of The Crisis of Civilization,
Gennady Bondarev