Monday, March 28, 2011

Tail Light Remove Golf

"Women ... What makes it difficult to wake up? It is she and only she who must wake up. " Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, UN Palais des Sonnets

"I have understood that the UN is very difficult considering the problem of peace and seriously intended to promote a kind of pro-peace propaganda, through women's committees. I think that women just now moves to the man, who has authority, complete control. The state of degeneration is undeniable ... male, women turn to shake hands with the boy, lifting ... Women is therefore now an inescapable duty, which is to help regenerate man and fight for universal peace ¹ . " Samael, 1976

The Awakening of Universal Motherhood

Amma's eyes ² , women and men are equal. Amma wishes to express his views sincerely on this particular issue. These observations are not necessarily applicable to everyone, but they can serve a large majority.

Today, many women who are asleep, and they must wake up and rise. It is one of the most pressing needs right now. Not only must awaken the women living in developing countries, but also women from all over the world. In countries where materialism is prevalent, women should awaken spirituality. And in those countries where women are forced to remain in the limited walls of religious tradition, should awakening to modern thought. We have generalized the idea that women and culture of their environment, awakened by the education and development of materialism, but time has shown us that this is a very limited view. Only when women are able to assimilate the eternal wisdom of spirituality, in addition to receiving a modern education, will awaken in them the innate power they possess and will rise to act.

Who should awaken the woman? What makes it difficult to wake up? In fact, there is no external force that could prevent the development of their innate maternal qualities, other qualities such as love, empathy and patience. It's her and only her who must wake up. Only precluded by its own mind.

in most countries are still prevailing norms and superstitious beliefs that demean women. The primitive customs invented by men in the past to exploit and subjugate women, staying still alive today. The woman and her mind have been caught in the web of these customs. The woman lives mesmerized by his own mind and if you want to get rid of this magnetic field, has to do it herself. This is the only way.

If you look at an elephant as you can see with his trunk to uproot a huge tree and lift. When small and lives in captivity, is tied to a tree with strong cords or chains. But as his nature is to live freely, the little elephant is instinctively, with all his strength to break free. But it is not strong enough to do it. Seeing that their efforts are futile, abandoned the fight. Later, when grown and adult, can be attached to a small tree with a thin rope. Could be released easily if it wanted, but as his mind is conditioned by past experience, does not the slightest effort. This is what is happening to women. The company does not allow the emergence of women's strength. We have created an obstacle to flow that great strength.

Both women and men have the same potential, inherent and infinite. If the woman actually proposed it, it would not be difficult to break the bonds, the rules and constraints that society has imposed. The great strength of women is in their innate motherhood, in their power to create, to give life. And this power can help shape a change in society far more significant than people might realize.

Outdated and paralyzing who settled in the past, prevent women from reaching high spiritual levels. These are the shadows that still chase women, generating fear and insecurity within. They are just illusions, I would have to leave. The constraints that women think you are not real. Need to make an effort to eliminate these limitations imaginary. In fact, already have that power, is right here! And when that power is awakened, nobody can stop its march forward in all areas of life.

Men usually believe in the power of force. On the surface, see women as mothers, wives or sisters, but we can not hide that, at a deeper level, men still show a great resistance when attempting to understand, accept and appropriately recognize the woman and the feminine aspect of life.

Amma reminded of a story. In a village lived a woman who was very spiritual and was immensely happy to help others. The priests of the village was named priestess, but it was the first woman across the region, many priests do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bhis appointment. Some priests were jealous of the great compassion, humility and wisdom that many villagers appreciate it.

One day, he held a religious gathering on an island in the region and were invited all priests. The island was three hours by boat from the village. When they climbed into the boat, the priests found the priestess consternation was already on board. They whispered among themselves: What misery, even in this time leave us alone! The boat pulled away, but not even an hour had elapsed, when the engine stalled and the boat stopped. The captain exclaimed, "Oh, no! We lost, I forgot to fill the tank! "Nobody knew what to do. There was no other boat in sight. At that time, the priestess stood up and said: "Do not worry brother, I will go in search of gasoline." Said and done, he jumped from the boat and walked on water. The priests were amazed, but were not slow to point out: "Look at it, if not even swim!"

This is, in general, the attitude of men. Part of his nature and despise underestimate the achievements of women. Women are not decorations, to be controlled by men. They treat them as if they were potted plants, prevent the full growth potential of women.

She has not been created for the enjoyment of man or to serve tea to guests. The men used women like cassette tapes, they like to act on their whims and fancies, as if pressing the startup or shutdown. Men consider themselves superior to women, both physically and intellectually. Clearly the arrogance of his misconception about women, because in everything they do support the idea that women can not survive in society without dependence on men.

A woman who enjoys a bad reputation, even an innocent victim, will be rejected socially and often, even by his own family. Instead, the man could be so immoral as it please and get away with, because they rarely questioned his performance.

Even in developed countries, women are relegated to the background when it comes to sharing political power with men. It is interesting to note how in this field, some developing countries are comparatively more developed. And yet, how many women who have been active in the arena of world politics? Could count on the fingers of one hand. Is it due to the lack of women or due to man's arrogance?

The right circumstances and support others will help with security, the woman wakes up and rises. But not enough, it is they who should draw conclusions from these experiences and strengthen from within. The true power and strength comes not from outside but inside it.

Women must find their own courage. Courage is an attribute of mind, not an attribute of the body. They have the strength to fight the social rules that impede their progress. This is the personal experience of Amma. While in India there have been many changes can still see the supremacy of man. Even today, women continue to be exploited on behalf of certain religious conventions and tradition. In India women are waking up and taking steps forward. Until very recently, were not allowed to worship God in the inner sanctum of the temples, and could not consecrate a temple or perform Vedic rituals. They did not have the freedom to recite Vedic mantras. But Amma is driving the woman's courage and the means to perform these tasks. Amma which also performs the ceremony of consecration of temples built by our ashram. There were many who opposed women perform these rituals because, for generations, men were the only ones who could do such ceremonies. To those who questioned what we were doing, Amma explained that we worship a God who is beyond any discrimination, it does not differentiate between male and female. In the end, most people have supported this revolutionary change, as these prohibitions imposed on women were never part of ancient Hindu tradition. In all likelihood, these rules were drawn up later by men who belonged to a privileged social class, in order to exploit and oppress women. There were in ancient India.

At that time, the Sanskrit words used to refer to the husband his wife were Pathni (the guiding the husband through life), Dharmapathni (the phone to her husband on the path of dharma, which is right, responsibility) and sahadharmacharin (which advances together with her husband on the path of dharma). The use of these terms implies that women enjoyed the same status as man or maybe even one higher. Married life was considered sacred, and if they lived with the right attitude and understanding, mutual support, could achieve the ultimate goal of life: Self-Realization and God Realization.

In India, there has never been worshiped the Supreme Being exclusively in its male form. It is also revered as the Goddess, under different aspects. For example, is revered as Saraswati, the Goddess of learning and wisdom. Lakshmi is worshiped as the Goddess of prosperity and Santana Lakshmi, the Goddess who gives new life in the womb of the woman. Is also venerated in the form of Durga , the Goddess of power and strength. There was a time when man worshiped women as the very manifestation of these qualities. The woman was considered an extension of the Goddess, a manifestation of the attributes in the land. Sometime later, by the selfish influence of certain influential men with lust for power and dominion over all things, This profound truth is distorted and became separated from our culture. And so people forgot or ignored the deep connection between women and the Divine Mother.

usually tend to think that religion gives women a lower social status is Islam. However, the Koran speaks of qualities such as compassion and wisdom, and to use female terms to refer to the essential nature of God.

In Christianity, the Supreme Being alone is worshiped as the Father in heaven, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The feminine aspect of God is not so widely recognized. Christ considered equal to men and women.

The Bible speaks of the Virgin Mary and the Immaculate Conception of Jesus. So that may arise, Christ, Krishna and Buddha, it took a woman. A man could not accomplish this task. To flesh, God needed a woman to endure all the pains and difficulties during pregnancy and birth. Yet no one considers it unfair that women are ruled by man.

No true religion demeans women or talk disparagingly about her. For those who have realized God, there is no difference between male and female because they have an egalitarian view. If somewhere on this planet there are rules that prevent women from enjoying their right to genuine freedom, or regulations that impede their progress and social progress does not come from the commandments of God, but the selfishness of men.

eye What is more important? Is the right or left? Both are important. The same applies to the social status of men and women. They should become aware of their social responsibilities dharma. Men and women should support each other. Only in this way is possible to maintain harmony in the world. When the potential of both complement and move in the same direction, cooperating and respecting each other, then achieved, both men and women, perfection.

In fact, the man is a part of women. Each child is first in the mother's womb as part of the being of the same woman. With regard to a birth, the role of man is to provide seed. For it is a moment of pleasure, but women are nine months of austerity. It is the woman who receives, develops and makes that life a part of his own being. She creates the most conducive atmosphere for that life to develop on the inside and then gives light. Women are mainly mothers, the creators of life. Every man secretly wants to be re-embraced in the bosom of mother's unconditional love. That is one reason subtle attraction a man feels for the woman, man is born of a woman.

No one can question the reality of motherhood, that man was created by women. This fact can never understand those who refuse to leave the stronghold of their limited minds. Unable to explain the light to those who know only darkness.

Is God a man or a woman? The answer to this question is that God is neither male nor female. God is "That." But if we insist that God must have a gender, then conclude that it is more feminine than masculine because masculine is contained in the feminine.

Any person, whether man or woman who has enough courage to overcome the limitations of mind, you can reach the state of universal motherhood. The principle of motherhood is so vast and powerful as the universe itself. With the power of motherhood that emanates from within, she can influence the entire world.

aware Maternal love is love and compassion, both towards the son and for all people, animals, plants, rocks and rivers. It is a love that is lavished on all nature, all beings. In fact, when a woman wakes up in the state of true motherhood, considered all creatures their children. This love, this motherhood is Divine Love, and that is God.

More than half of the world population are women. It is a great loss to be denied the freedom of development for women, or denied a high social status it deserves. When you limit or ban it, the entire society that loses this potential contribution.

If she is weakened, their children are affected, becoming weak. Thus, a generation loses its strength and vitality. We can only create a world of light and consciousness when women receive the honor they deserve.

Women can perform all tasks as men, perhaps even better. Women have the will power and creative energy that allows them to develop any kind of activity. Amma can affirm from personal experience. Women can achieve extraordinary goals in all activities that develop, and this is especially true in the spiritual path. Women have the purity of mind and intellectual capacity necessary to achieve it. But whatever is proposed must be in its infancy, positive. If the beginning is good, its process and outcome, so will automatically. However, it takes patience, faith and love. The false start, based on imperfect, are the cause of the woman loses in life. It is not just that women share the same social status as men. The problem is that it gives women a bad start in life the product of a false understanding and lack of proper awareness. In this way, women try to get results without obtaining the benefits of a good start.

If we learn to read the Roman alphabet, we have to start from the first letters A, B, C, not X, Y, Z.

And what is the ABC of women? What is the mainstay of women, of their existence? Is its intrinsic quality, the essential principles of motherhood. Whatever the work area she chooses, these virtues should not forget that God or Nature has so graciously granted. The woman would have to perform all their actions strongly rooted in the basis of these maternal qualities. These are, like the ABC of the alphabet, the basic principles of women. Should not forget this crucial part of its essence when it acts at other levels of life.

She has skills that rarely occurs in men. A woman has the ability to divide into groups. Unlike man, they can perform different tasks simultaneously. When you have to divide and make more than one activity, she has the gift to perform them with great beauty and perfection. Even in her role as mother, has the virtue of expressing different aspects of your being. Be caring and sensitive, but also strong and protective, and if necessary, will be shown for strict discipline your family. Rarely see this confluence of qualities in a man. In fact, responsibility of women is higher than men's. She holds the reins of the integrity and unity, family and social.

a man's mind is easily identified with its thoughts and actions. The male energy can be compared to the stagnant water, which does not flow. In general, the intellect of man is trapped in the work he is doing. He finds it difficult to vary the point of concentration of his mind. For this reason, professional and family life of many men mingling ends. Most can not separate them. Women, by contrast, have an innate ability to establish such a separation. In man there is a tendency, deeply rooted, to transfer his home professional behavior and act the same way in his relationship with his wife and children. And many women who know how to keep family life separate from the professional.

female energy or the woman's flowing like a river. This facilitates the work of mother, wife and good friend, giving confidence to her husband. Has the special gift of being the guide and counselor for the entire family. The women also work outside the home, have all chances to succeed there as well.

The power of motherhood innate in women, lets you find within itself a deep sense of peace and harmony. This makes them think and act at the same time, while men tend to think less and react more. A woman has the ability to hear the pain of others and respond compassionately, and you have to face a challenge known to rise above the situation and respond with the same force as any man.

The more women identify with domestic motherhood, the faster it will grab your shakti or pure energy. If you develop this power within the world increasingly hear his voice.

In today's world, everything is polluted and lacks natural. In this situation, women should exercise particular caution for their maternal qualities and nature of women, are not also affected and distorted.

Only love, compassion and patience, which are the fundamental qualities of the woman inherently can reduce aggressive tendencies of man. Similarly, there are women who need the qualities of men to avoid being immobilized by his kindness and gentle nature.

Women are the strength and foundation of our existence in the world. When women lose contact with your real self, ceases to be harmony in the world and began the destruction. Therefore it is crucial that women around the world to make a great effort to rediscover their fundamental nature, for only then can we save this world.

He has also suffered greatly because of the exile of the feminine principle in the world. For the oppression of women and repression of the feminine aspect of the man inside the life of this has been fragmented, and often it is painful. The man should also awaken a sus cualidades femeninas. Tiene que desarrollar empatía y comprensión en su actitud hacia la mujer y en la forma como se relaciona con el mundo.

Las estadísticas muestran que los hombres -no las mujeres- cometen los mayores delitos y crímenes de este mundo. Existe también una estrecha correlación entre la forma como los hombres destruyen la Madre Naturaleza y su actitud hacia la mujer. A la Naturaleza se le debería dar la misma importancia, en nuestro corazón, que a nuestra propia madre biológica.

Lo que nuestro mundo actual necesita realmente es la cooperación entre hombres y mujeres. Una cooperación basada a strong sense of unity, family and social. The wars and conflicts, suffering and lack of peace that afflicts the world today, may certainly be reduced if men and women begin to cooperate and support each other. Until they restore harmony between the masculine and feminine, men and women, peace will remain an elusive dream.

There's a man in the depths of every woman and a woman in the heart of every man. This truth was revealed to them in meditation, the great sages and seers of antiquity. This is what the concept ardhanariswara (half god / half goddess) wants symbolized in Hindu spirituality. But, whether you be male or female, your true humanity will come to light only when the male and female virtues find a balance within yourself.

There are two types of languages \u200b\u200bin the world: the language of the intellect and the language of the heart. The language of rational intellect likes to argue and attack. Aggression is part of nature. It is purely masculine, devoid of love or any sense of interaction with others. It puts it this way: "Not only do I have reason and you're wrong, but also I will prove it to any price in order to disarm. "It is normal that those who speak this language and try to dominate others to dance like puppets to the sound of his own whims. Try to force their ideas on others. Their hearts are closed and rarely consider the feelings of others. The only thing they value and believe is the dictates of his own ego and his vain idea of \u200b\u200bvictory.

The language of the heart, the language of love, which is related to the female principle, is quite different. Those who speak do not pay attention to his ego. They are not interested in proving they are right or that the other is wrong. Are deeply interested in neighbor, and what they really want is help, support and lift others. In his presence, transformation arises spontaneously. They are the givers of tangible hope and light in this world. Those who come to them, they are reborn. When they talk, they do to impress, to impose their ideas or discuss, his speech becomes a true communion of hearts.

True love has nothing to do with pleasure or self-centeredness. In true love, you are not the major, is the other matters. In love, the other is not an instrument to satisfy your selfish desire, you are the instrument of the Divine to do good in the world. Love does not sacrifice the other, the love is given cheerfully, expecting nothing in return. Love is selfless, and not imposed on women to be relegated to the background, to treat it as an object. When there is true love, do not feel slighted, but rather will grandeur and you become one with the whole, it contains everything and feel eternally blessed.

Unfortunately, the language of the intellect is that which prevails in today's world, not the language of the heart. The representatives of lust and selfishness, not love, dominate the world. Narrow-minded people influence the weak-minded and use them to satisfy their selfish objectives. The ancient teachings of the sages have become distorted and adapted to the selfish desires of humans. The concept of love has been distorted. So dominant in the world conflict, violence and war.

Once, when Amma was giving darshan in India, a young man approached him. It was a region of the country, ravaged by terrorism. Because of the frequent killing and looting, the people of the area suffered greatly. He was the leader of a group of young people who are dedicated to making a great social work in the area. Amma begged: "Please let these terrorists, so full of anger and violence come to have a correct understanding. And to all those who suffered, who have been tortured with so many atrocities, fill your heart with the spirit of forgiveness. Otherwise, the situation will deteriorate and violence will never end. "

Amma was very happy to hear this prayer of peace and forgiveness. Asked what had motivated him to undertake social work, said: "My mother was the inspiration. My childhood was marked by darkness and terror. When I was 6 I saw with my own eyes the cruel murder at the hands of terrorists, of my father, who was a lover of peace. My life was destroyed. I just felt hatred toward the murderers and all he wanted was revenge. But my mother made me change my attitude. Every time I said that one day avenge the death of my father, she replied:

" Son, did your father back to life if you kill them? Look at your grandmother, always sad. Look at me I can barely move without your father. And look at yourself, how sad you are and what we suffer by not having your father. Would you like to have more children and mothers who suffer as we do? They feel the same intensity of pain that we feel. Instead, tries to forgive the murderers of your father for his terrible actions and disseminates the message of love and universal solidarity. Growing up, I offered to join various terrorist groups to avenge the death of my father. But the seeds of forgiveness planted by my mother had paid off, and rejected all these proposals. In addition, some young people conveyed the same advice my mother gave me. This changed the hearts of many people since then, help me to serve others. "

love and compassion instead of hatred, that this young man chose to pour into the world, resulting the spring of love from her mother.

The mother understands the heart of her son, poured his love on the child, teaches the positive aspects of life and correct his mistakes. If we cross a grassy field often tender, will quickly form a path. Good thoughts and develop positive virtues in our children will remain forever. It is easy to mold the character of a child at an early age, and more difficult as it grows.

And this is how the hand that cradles the baby also holds the lamp that spreads its light around the world. Thus, as through the influence about your child, the mother also affects the future of the world. A woman who has awakened his innate motherhood brings heaven to earth, wherever you are. Only women can create a world of peace and happiness. This is the first Guru, the first guide and teacher of mankind.

There is much truth in the phrase that says that behind every great man there is always a great woman. Each time we meet with beings happy and calm, with children of noble virtues and good disposition, with marvelous people power can overcome adversity and failures, with beings that possess a great capacity for understanding, sympathy, love and compassion for the suffering and delivered to the other, usually find a great mother who has been an example and inspiration to be as they are.

instead of running, remaining all his life within the four walls of the kitchen, the woman would have to come out and share with others what he has to give and so do their goal in life.

Men should never hinder the progress that rightfully belongs to women within society. Would understand that the contribution of women is of vital importance. They should pull out of its way it is Rather, they should provide the way for their progress is smoother.

Women, meanwhile, would have to think about what they can contribute to society, instead of thinking about what you can take it. This attitude will certainly help, to progress. It should be stressed that a woman need not receive or take anything from anybody, just needs to wake up. Only then can contribute socially to the way that best consideration, and get everything you need.

prevailing competition and hatred everywhere, are patience and tolerance of women responsible for creating harmony have in the world. In the same way that an electrical circuit can not be taken without the presence of the poles, negative and positive, life also requires, to flow in its fullness, presence and contribution of both women and men. And only flourish inside when the men and women are complementary and mutually supportive way.

Overall, women now live in a world created by and for men. Women do not need this world, they would have to establish his own identity to create a new society. But they should remember the true meaning of freedom, it is not live and behave the way they want, without paying attention to the impact on others. It does not mean that wives and mothers must leave their family responsibilities. The freedom of a woman, rise, must begin within. In addition, for the shakti that is, the pure energy, to awaken and rise in a woman, it is necessary to raise awareness of their own limitations. Later, you can overcome through willpower, selfless service and spiritual practice.

In an effort to restore their rights and social status, women should never lose their essential nature. This trend occurs in many countries, women will never help them achieve their true freedom. It is impossible to achieve genuine freedom by imitating the man. If the same woman turns away from the feminine principles, this process will culminate in a complete failure of women and society. Far from solving the problems of the world, worse. If women reject their feminine qualities and tries to behave like a man, growing only masculine qualities, the imbalance of the world will increase. And that's not what is needed now. What is really needed is for women to contribute socially, as best you can, developing universal motherhood, as well as masculine qualities.

Women have a drama (duty) for the world and herself. Together with men, should assume equal responsibility in the development and growth of society. Until women make an effort to awaken, she will be, so to speak, the head of creating a limited world.

are many individuals and organizations like the UN, support the advancement of women. This conference is an opportunity for us all to build on this base. A Amma would like to share some suggestions:

(a) The spiritual leaders should strive to ensure that his followers reunite with the true essence of spirituality, and condemn, in this sense, all kinds of oppression and violence directed at women.

(b) The UN would have to go to war zones where they occur and social conflicts, by their presence, provide safe shelter to women and children are particularly vulnerable.

(c) All religions and nations would have to condemn the shameful practices such as the killing of female fetuses and children and the circumcision of female genitalia.

(d) There must stop child labor.

(e) The dowry system prevailing in many countries should be abolished.

(e) The UN and the leaders of each country should intensify efforts to stop trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. The legal consequences of these behaviors should be so effective that banished such practices.

(f) It is amazing the number of violations that occur worldwide. It is incomprehensible that in many countries, are the victims of these acts which are eventually punished. Can we remain indifferent to these facts? It would have to reach an international agreement on the education of young people in order to prevent rape and other forms of aggression against women.

(g) The dignity of the woman is attacked by the propaganda that is presented as sexual objects. We should not tolerate this exploitation.

(h) The spiritual leaders should encourage their followers to perform selfless service, as if this assignment is an integral part of their lives.

(i) The lack of education and poverty are the main causes of difficulties that many women face today. The UN and the leaders of each country should undertake special projects for the education of women and the eradication of poverty.

The essence of motherhood is not restricted to women who have given birth, is a principle inherent in both women and men. It is an attitude of mind. Is love and that love is the breath of life itself. No one can say, "will breathe only in the presence of my family and friends, and do not breathe with my enemies." Similarly, in those in whom motherhood has awakened, love and compassion for others are part of his own being, as the same breath.

Amma believes that in the times ahead, we must make an effort to reawaken the healing power of motherhood. It is the only way to make our dream of peace and harmony for all. And it can be done! Depends entirely on us. Remember this and move forward.

A Amma would like to thank the work of all those who participated in organizing this Summit. Amma deeply appreciates your efforts to achieve peace in this world. Unit that we implement the decisions we have made in this conference and in discussions further.

May the seeds of peace that we are sowing here and now, bear fruit for all.

Geneva October 7, 2002,
address to receive the Gandhi-King Award of non-violence

1. The First Congress of Gnostic Anthropology, Second Conference, "The Santa Predestination" . Guadalajara, Mexico.

2. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi माता अमृतानन्दमयी Indian Master, called Amma, has developed a great humanitarian activities in support of schools, hospitals, the popular sectors, especially poor women and AIDS patients. Has been recognized by the Indian government as the official representative of Hinduism and has participated in the World Parliament of Religions and the Fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Mysore Mallige Clipe

unknown authors, so far the most likely picture
William Shakespeare, painted in oil for six years before his death.
Family House Cobbe, Dublin, 1610

Dedicated to the only inspiring, Mr. WH
All happiness and that eternity promised you want our EVER-LIVING-POET (Poet perpetual), who with good adventure desires to give them light.

Sonnet 116

At the junction of loyal spirits
do not let it put impediments.
not love to discover changes that change,
or who makes the distance is distance.

Love is identical to the light fixed,
you see the storms and not immutable.
The star that guides the ship to drift,
value is ignored, even knowing height.
Time is not even playing
rosy lips and cheeks the sickle of Time.
not alter with fleeting hours or weeks, but
endures and endures until the last pit.
If what I speak and that can be shown
then say I've never written anything, nor
that man has ever loved.

Sonnet 81
to live
O your own epitaph,
or you'll survive to my rotten bones,
death but can not boot your memory,
but all I do not remember ever.

From here, your name will be immortal life,
and I, when I leave, I will die for the world,
on earth give me a mass grave
over you, you will have the grave in the eye of man.

Cause you are my sweet memorial verses,
eyes have not yet born, one day read and languages \u200b\u200b
future comment from you,
when breathe today, are now all dead.

But you will live, by virtue of my pen,
on the lip of man, the birth of his breath.

Sonnet 76 Why is my verse is no new ornaments,
away of variations and new changes?
Why with the time that it did not address my view
to strange mixtures and new methods?

Why write routines on the same subject,
and wrap my intention in notorious clothes,
such that every word almost tells my name ;
revealing their source and origin?

Oh! Sweet love, you know, you just write,
because you and love you are always my argument,
my merit is to know dressing old words,
spending again what has already been used.

As the sun each day is new and old,
so is my love, repitiedo always said that once already.

Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1599

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Breed Are Kate Beckinsale's Dogs

Perpetual Poet Consciousness distinguishes true faith atheism, in a letter of Fichte

The true atheism, disbelief true, the real lack of faith
and impiety is that one does not wish to obey the voice of their conscience ...
When no more listen to the demands of a vain, but
interroguéis your inner self, you will discover that the moral world order is
absolutely first of all objective knowledge ...

The author of this article acknowledged a long time ago, its obligation to present the results of his philosophical reflection on the subject mentioned above, which stated in your classroom - also the broad philosophical public, to be discussed and examined in common. The author wanted to do this in the rigor and precision, the sacred character which is subject to many spiritual people, requires every writer, among other works have so consumed the time and the implementation of resolution was postponed again and again.

That which so far has puzzled almost universally say, and perhaps continue for a long time puzzling is that the moral test called philosophical or other proof of divine Providence, it is true test, and seems to admit that faith in God, in virtue of these demonstrations should first be introduced in humanity and be of demonstrated. Poor philosophy! If not already in human beings, I would at least know from where, then, your own representatives, who incidentally are also only human beings that make us want to take by force your test?, or if these representatives are actually beings of a higher nature, how do you want to find an access to us and help us understand others, without assuming in us something akin to their faith? Not so. Philosophy can only explain facts and under no circumstances can produce by itself, except that it produces itself as fact. Just as no philosopher will happen to persuade human beings to think, in future articles, as matter, as ordered in space and its transformations as occurring ordered in time, just as no makes sense to want to persuade you certainly believe in a divine providence. Both Similarly happen without his intervention, he presupposes as a fact, and he is there only to deduce these facts from the procedure itself must all be rational. Consequently, we want our reasoning in no case be taken by a persuasion of the unbeliever, but a deduction from the conviction of the believer. We have nothing to do but answer the causal question: how can the human being is faith?

The turning point that will determine the answer is that this faith should not be presented in the response as an arbitrary assumption that human beings could accept or not as he pleases, under a free choice, hold as true what the heart desires, because the heart desires, in addition to or in replacement of the hope of finding grounds to be convinced. What is based on reason is absolutely necessary, and it is not necessary is precisely why, contrary to reason. argue that this is true is an illusion and dream, as vain as something that can be dreamed.

Where will look, then, the philosopher who assumes this faith, the necessary foundation for it is possible to demand? Maybe on the alleged need to deduct an author rational from the existence or the constitution of the material world? In any case, since he knows very well that only a philosophy lost in pregnancy of having to explain any thing whose existence can not deny, but whose real cause is hidden it is capable of a similar conclusion, never the original understanding, which is under the guardianship of reason and under the direction of its mechanism. Or look at the world of sense from the standpoint of ordinary consciousness, which can be referred also the point of view of natural science, or from the transcendental viewpoint.

Lithograph Johann G. Fichte
Humboldt University of Berlin - Universitätsbibliothek

In the first case the reason is bound to remain in being in the world, as an absolute, the world is simply because it is simply because they were. From this point of view of an absolute being and absolute being is precisely this world, both concepts are identical. The world becomes a whole based on itself, perfect in itself, and precisely why, in an organized and the organizing, which contains in itself the cause of all phenomena that occur in him and his immanent laws. An explanation of the world and its ways from that proposed for intelligence, to the extent that only the world and its ways should really be explained and where, consequently, we are in the field of pure-pure-say natural science, is a complete nonsense. Furthermore, the statement: "intelligence is the author of the sensible world", not the least helps us forward and not a single line, because it is completely incomprehensible, and gives us a couple of empty words instead of responding the question should not be raised. Determinations of intelligence are, in effect and no questions, concepts, how could they turn on whether, in the monstrous system of a creation ex nihilo, either modify the existing material into the system more fair, where only models an autonomous matter eternal? Has not yet said first word understandable in this respect.

Considering the sensible world from the transcendental point of view, of course all these difficulties disappear, then there exists a world in itself: in all that we do not look in the eyes ore than the simple reflection of our own inner activity. But you can not ask for the foundation of what is not, it is not possible assume something that is beyond what is not to explain it. It would be therefore necessary to ask the foundation of the self itself.

There is no possible way that starts from the sensible world, leading to admit a moral world order, if one adheres to think only in the sensible world, without assuming, as these philosophers have made an order moral world. It is therefore our own conception of a supersensible world which should be founded this faith.

such a concept exists. I recognize myself free from any influence of the sensible world, therefore, quite active in myself and myself while a higher power above all sensible things. However, this freedom is not unlimited, it is your goal, only that she did not get outside, but it is imposed under itself. Me and my goal needed constitute the supersensible.

I can not doubt that freedom and their determination not to give up myself.

I can not doubt, I say, I can not even imagine the possibility that not, that inner voice fool you, it has to be approved and funded from outside, I can not, therefore, to further reasoning , doing tricks, giving explanations. This statement is there's quite positive and categorical.

I can not keep wondering if I will not destroy my inner being I can not continue because I can not want to continue. Here lies what sets the limit on the rebellious flight of reasoning, linking the spirit because it links the heart. Here is the point that unites mind and will and brings harmony to my heart. I could certainly continue to doubt whether I would like to get in contradiction with myself, because the argument has no inherent limit in itself, is freely to infinity and must be able to do so, for I am free in all my statements and only I can impose a limit under the will. So, the moral conviction of our determination arises because of our moral disposition, and it is faith. And with just cause they say: faith is the foundation of all certainty. That was it, for morality, while it is this, can not ultimately become, but by itself and not, for example, under a constraint intended.

I could go on wondering if I would also like crashing through purely theoretical considerations in the unfathomable unlimited, and if I wanted to give absolutely everything solid foothold and whether consent would find it completely inexplicable certainty that that accompanies all my thinking and deep feeling without which could not even hope for a moment of speculation. For there is no fixed point other than the specified support and is founded, not on logic but on the moral disposition: if our reasoning, or not part of it, or exceeds it, then we are in an ocean without limits where every wave drags another.

Realizing this goal I have set myself under be, and make it the real goal of my action, I put at the same time as possible realization for real action. Both propositions are identical, therefore, I propose something as a goal, means, I get real in some future time. However, in actual reality is necessarily also fantastic possibility. If I will not deny my being, I have to propose first the possibility of achieving this goal: the same way, I have to admit the second, the possibility of its realization: it is not itself something here first and some second but something absolutely one, both are in fact two acts, but one and indivisible act precisely the same spirit. It should be noted here, on the one hand, the absolute necessity of mediation, if I can still for a moment consider the possibility of realization of the moral goal as something mediated. This is not a desire, a hope, a reflection and weigh the arguments for and against, freely admitting something whose contrary is also believed possible. This course, under the condition of having made the decision to obey the law inside, it is absolutely necessary, it is immediately contained in this decision is the decision itself.

Then there is the order of development of thought itself. It does not follow the reality of the possibility, quite the contrary. It is not said I should because I can, but I I can because I must. The fact that it must and So I owe it thoroughly first, most immediate. This requires no explanation, no justification, no authorization, is known to himself and true to him. Is not determined by any other truth, however, rather every other truth is determined by this. Too often ignored this development of thought. He says: I have first to know if I can, before they can judge whether what I have to, or deleted the primacy of moral law and therefore the moral law itself if considered this way in the practice area, or completely unknown place so if the original judge and speculatively.

I have just
to impose the goal of morality, its realization is possible, it is possible thanks to me, means, after a simple analysis, that each of the actions that must be met, and my statements that condition, act as means for the goal I is proposed. My whole existence, the existence of all moral beings, the sensible world, while our common scenario, now maintain a relationship with morality and order derives entirely new order in which the sensible world with all its immanent laws is only the stationary base. This world is quietly its course as its eternal laws to build a sphere of freedom, but does not have the slightest influence on morality or immorality, the less force on being free. That plane, autonomous and independent, plans over all nature. The goal of the reason can only become real under the action of being free, but achieving the goal of the reason may be reached in safety thanks to a higher law. It is possible to act correctly, and each situation is expected on the basis of this higher law, the moral action is successful inevitably, if one conforms to this provision and fails inevitably immoral action. The whole world has taken our eyes look completely different.

This transformation of the world will look even more clearly if we rise to the transcendental standpoint. The transcendental theory says the world is nothing more than the vision of our own inner turned-sensitive activity under the laws understandable reason, an activity that consists of a mere intelligence is exercised within the limits of which are incomprehensible locked , and humans should not be blamed if he felt restless and completely sinking ground. Indeed, these limits are, by origin, incomprehensible. But what will it matter?, Practical philosophy says, what they mean is is most clear and more true, they are your particular place in the moral order of things. That which you perceive through them is really the only reality that concerns you and there for you, is the continuing interpretation of the mandate of duty, the living expression of what you should because you should. Our world is our obligation to sensitive material, that's the really real things, the real raw material of all phenomena. The obligation which the faith in the real world imposes on us is a moral obligation, the only possible for a moral being. Nobody can, not destroy it, give so much to their moral determination not save, even more within these limits, in view of the greatest finishing in the future. This revelation can certainly call the beginning of this belief in a world of sense, if it is seen as the result of a moral world order. It reveals that it is our obligation.

This is the true faith, this is the divine moral order which we admit. True faith is built on the work properly. This is the only profession of faith can: meet gay and naively what the growing mandate claims, without doubts and quibbles about the consequences. So it really comes to life and God for us, each of our actions assuming it meets the divine and all the consequences of our actions are only preserved in it.

The true atheism, disbelief true, the real lack of faith and impiety are that one argue with quibbles about the consequences of his actions and did not want to obey the voice of conscience while not created to predict the success of their actions, so you raise your own opinion above those of God and one God makes himself. Who wants to do evil that it is a wicked good. In a moral world order can never be good from evil, and as you believe in the moral world order, so surely you can not think that. You have no right to lie, even if the world will collapse. But this is just a manner of speaking, whether you would seriously believe that the world will collapse, you would simply be inconsistent and would destroy itself. But you do not believe this, or what you believe, you know that the plan of conservation of the world is, indeed, provided the lie.

Faith just is simultaneously also deduct the full and perfect faith. This moral order, living and acting is the same God we do not need no other God, and we can not get another. There is, in reason, no basis for leaving the moral world order and support, through reasoning to conclude that it is founded on its basis, a particular being the cause of this reasoning, therefore the original understanding does not make this deduction and certainly not aware of any particular being similar, just a wrong philosophy itself can. Is this order is not therefore the result of chance, such that it could be or not, this could be as it is, or otherwise, that would have to be explained first of its existence and nature for a foundation and have to justify the faith in him only after having shown their merit? When no more listen to the demands of a vain, interroguéis but your inner self, you will discover that the moral world order is the absolute first of all objective knowledge, the same way as your freedom and your moral determination are absolutely subjective knowledge first of all, that all other knowledge should be objective founded and established on this, but it can never be absolutely certain about something else, because there is nothing beyond it. You can not even attempt this explanation without undermining the status of this case and without hesitation it. Its range lies in being absolutely certain under itself and tolerate no quibbles. You rely on the do your tricks.

How, then, your tricks are successful, then you have undermined the immediate conviction, for which the consolidáis? Oh, your faith is weak if the mere assertion that basis that you do them, you can at once affirm and must leave it just the foundation crumbles.

Well, if you let out this conclusion, and under it assume that a particular being is the cause of this moral world order, what exactly you would have supported this assumption? This being must be different from you and the world, he must act in the latter according to concepts, he must be able concepts of acting, he should have a personality and a conscience. But, what you call it, then, personality and consciousness? "It is undoubtedly why you find yourselves in yourselves, that we have apprehended in yourselves and you have called with that name? However, less attention that you put the fact you do not expect that and that you can not quite think without limits and finitude, can teach you the way you build the concept. For the attachment of this attribute do this being a finite being, like you, and you have not thought of God as You wanted, but you have only multiplied yourselves in thinking. A from this being can not explain the moral world order, nor could you explain it from yourselves and all remains as unexplained as before, in fact, pronouncing these words, you have not thought at all, but only have shaken the air with an empty noise. You could provide would be so effortless. You are finite, how can the finite embrace and understand the infinite?

Thus faith is tied to what is immediately given and remains unshakable: if it does rely on concepts, it is weakened, as this concept is impossible and full of contradictions.

So it is a mistake to say, it is doubtful if there is a God or perhaps it is not. That there is no doubt, however, is the surest thing there is and is the foundation of all other certainty, the only thing absolutely and objectively true is that there is a moral world order, that every rational individual is assigned a determined in this order and getting their work, that each of its destinations, to the extent not caused by their own behavior is the result of this plan without this order does not fall off even a hair of your head and in its sphere of activity no bird falls, that any really good action is successful, that any evil action certainly fail, and that all things must attend the best for those who love the good directly. On the other hand, there can be no doubt for anyone who wants to reflect for a moment and confess honestly the result of his reflection, the concept of God as a particular substance is impossible and contradictory, is allowed to say this sincerely and silence the babble Scholastic to flourish true religion, the religion of joyful work properly.

Two great poets have already expressed inimitably this confession of faith of the wise and good man.

Who is authorized to say I believe in God? ¹ Who is authorized to call (look for a concept and a word to him) and I confess I believe in Him? Who dares to sit down and say, do not believe in Him? Universal, (after it has first arrested under a moral sense, and not, for example, by theoretical speculation, and is considered the world as the stage of being moral) the curator of all things, Does not preserve and sustains you, me, himself? Is not the sky is arched up there? Is not the earth firmly under it? And do not rise contemplating the stars eternal friendly there?

Do not you look eye to eye and do not get all the way through the head and the heart and moves into the eternal secret invisible and visible at your side? Do you feel your heart there, as big as it is, and if you're animated in full by that feeling then you name it, call it happiness! Heart! Love! God! I have no name for it. The feeling is everything, the name is sound and smoke, burning blue confusing.

And the second poem:

A godly will live as well as human tremor ² , For the time and space moves higher thought alive, and if everything is surrounded by eternal change persists in moving a calm spirit.

Ueber den Grund eine unsers Glaubens an Wetlregierung göttlicher ,
JG Fichte, Gesamtausgabe, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1798

1. Is an excerpt from the first part of Goethe's Faust-Goethe Werke , Hamburger Ausgabe, Bd III, pp . 109-110.
2. Finally, a verse by Schiller: Die Worte des Glaubens, Words of Belief - Schillers Sämmtliche Werke, hrsg. K. Foedeke, Stuttgart, Cotta Bd I , p. 235.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Salaries Mourinho Staff's

The 33 Jewels of the Yellow Dragon

Strut more, one that cements the influence of the 33 GEMS OF YELLOW DRAGON on the basis of Gnosticism Modern existence is revealed in all its everyday life. It is the culmination of the skills summary conquered by a Being in permanent confrontation with the reality of the life process there, right where human perceptions allow the material experience of the Soul. Its author claims to belong to the fraternity of legendary name Order of the Yellow Dragon. Samael Gnostic Teachers and Gargha Kuichines testified, at the time, belonged to that fraternity.

; TOMO  I                                          TOMO  II

                                              TOMO  III                                         TOMO  IV

The substrate of sensory experience, man has wandered through the world without realizing the hidden reasons behind their earthly drudgery, apathetic face a backlog of cases unnoticed that the reader will find abundantly in these volumes. A broad sense of what life will be discovered to those who see human beings in their relationship with the world bare concrete using simple concepts of deep and, since life naturally contains an infinity of circumstances, shades and nuances that define it. However, it is possible that the reader is unfamiliar with these teachings, but the unknowns that owns and the sincerity of his actions make him safe container such knowledge. Wisdom therefore has no favoritism to any person, his sole interest lies in the awakening of consciousness.

suggest the reader that the chances of success achieved at last a considerable range, range of possibilities.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Francis Playground Dc Gay Cruising

PDF Dionysius. Biographical introduction. In Divinis Nominibus - Latin and translation of Chapter X

The identity of Dionysius, the Doctor of Denial Transcendental features of a puzzle, which is saying a lot, precisely because of the lack of use anecdotal pieces that help in putting together some details of his existence. The data were limited signs of life, with the exception of a few looming in a few parts of his writings, starting out of his work to get lost in it. In a sense, because the first witness of the Greek Διονύσιος ὁ Ἀρεοπαγίτης-present as is known in the legendary presentation of the Apostle Paul in Athens, an event of enormous significance for Christianity, is described in the New Testament unconditional fan of the preaching of the illustrious Paul of Tarsus (Acts 17-34). In the other direction and secondly, because after Dionisio references offered in History, Eusebius of Caesarea Eclessiae, data on the Areopagite Areopagite gives them the same, but in a way so dark (dark, Dionisio style) that ended up joining the old controversy over the true author of the Corpus Aeropagiticum, appeared, it was said, and to cloud matters further, between the V and VI.

The increasing production
metaphysics, religious or simply contemplative of those years, in addition to the profound theological debates that led to the arrival of the international Dionisio, shed new tremendous light on the role of the Corpus . So much so that virtually no Patriarch, Scholastic outstanding exegete or mystical book lover who does not know or do not quote the unquestionable authority of Dionysius. Nor Scotus Eriugena, the great translator, a little affection to the myths and legends, dares to question the Athenian disciple of Paul is the author of works attributed to him. This issue of authorship was attended by historians and ever closer to us. With little hope of solution opted for sentencing, through the procedures that had at its disposal, that the dating was impossible to concede that the existing treaties belong the contemporary of the Apostle, without a diminution of the inferred the inspiration for which is recognized.

Ojala renewed effort on the writings of Dionysius develop new trends hermeneutics today, successfully unravel before that reports of his life (unknown in its entirety), yes the specific aspects of their work.

Getting into some rough terrain to ecclesiastical history, the secrecy of his identity is to lock in a dead end pursuing all sources, as always, features and evidence of their humanity . Of Dionysius was not also disclosed in which we could call occult or Hermetic circuits, keeping as much out of reach as the divine darkness he plans on his writings. In any case, Rudolf Steiner in Die Rätsel der Philosophie, The Riddles of Philosophy, a study of particular relevance, presents Dionysus as the key component, mysterious but revolutionary and integrative thinking and self sustained a mature conscience (the of us, Westerners.)

Dr. Steiner considers that "The Gnostics who leaned towards Christianity saw the perfect aeon Jesus Christ, who was joined to the terrestrial world." Dionysus embodies and a global tide of confluence, in which new concepts are recognized in the dark and illuminating Mystery of Christ, not having the soul rather than separated from 'lights' that sparkle in the fugacity. For Dionysius, the man was a member of the heavenly hierarchy. The possibility of going back on orders and ranges cosmic gives faint hope to a future that must be won by well-directed efforts but hidden from the world.

Study of Paul's preaching in Athens (kneeling, Dionysius),
Raphael, Florence, 1515. Uffizi Gallery

celebrates and reveres a Master Hierateus that has not been identified. The insistent readings suggest that the name Hierateus were able to release an honorable deference to the Wise Spirit of Paul, the converter: Master hieratic, holy master, skilled in the mysteries ...?

The text presented below is a translation of M. Kerkhoff. We take the liberty to soften the shade academic also in order to bring to the reader a sense of what shaped passages, relocated in two or three times the order of the words which we felt needed to believe considering that modern civilization is in reserves a large increase (in quantity and quality) of terms and words in all major languages. Impenetrable language of Dionysus was not, or a thousand or five hundred years ago, easy to translate. Not that the Athenians had prefabricated a special. Is that the commotion caused among several materializing and thoughtful theologians of the early centuries, came to equate the notions of God and existential positive Latin Roman, full of claims about the High, with a new physiognomy, unreal, fantastic and unattainable the unknown God, transcendentally Negative, does not necessarily reverse itself.

De Divinis Nominibus - Capitulum X

Dierum autem antiquus Deus laudatur, propter quod omnium ipse sit et aeternum, et tempus, et ante dies, et ante aeternum, et tempus. Et quidem tempus, et diem, et spatium temporis, et aeternum divinitus eum esse dicendum, ut existentem secundum omnem motum intransmutabilem et immobilem, et in semper movendo manentem ex seipso, et ut aeterni, et temporis, et dierum causalem.

Siendo alabado Dios como  Anciano de los días  él-es-él mismo evo y el tiempo de todo, y es él antes de los días, y antes del evo y antes del tiempo. Además, en realidad, conviene decir, mas sólo como le conviene a Dios, que él-mismo-es tiempo, el día, la estación y el evo, y que es inmóvil e intransferible si pasa a través del movimiento y permanece, en lo que se mueve siempre, en sí-mismo, y que él es la causa del evo, del tiempo y de los días.

Proinde et in sacris mysticarum visionum theophaniis et vetus et novus formatur, seniore quidem antiquum et existentem a principio, juniore vero non senescentem significante, clarissime a principio per omnia usque ad finem eum provenire docente: aut, ut divinus noster sacer perfector ait, utroque antiquitatem divinam declarante, seniore quidem, quod in tempore primum, junior vero, secundum quod est numerum antiquius, habente, quoniam unitas, et quae sunt circa unitatem, in Multum progredientium numerorum antiquior.

Wherefore, also, within the sacred theophany and mystical visions, has been set to gray and back where it actually means old age and from the outset, while the Being young means without senescence, or perhaps both [old age and youth] is to show that the same procedure from the beginning, through everything until the end, or as explained by our Divine Master in holiness, which shows the two initiality divine, pointing that he, as old, is primary in time, and as a youngster, however, given the primacy according to the number where the unit, and next to it, which is closer to the unit, has the primacy among the numbers, however, depart to the multiplicity.

Oportet autem, ut arbitror, \u200b\u200btemporis, et aeterni eloquiis scire naturam ex. Quae non sunt omnino Etenim absolute innate et vere et aeterna, locate aiunt aeterna, et incorruptibility, et immortalia, et immobilier, et existentia Similiter, dictates existentia quomodo sunt: \u200b\u200bElevamini Portae Aeternal, et similia. SAEP autem et antiquissima aeterni cognominatione characterizant, et totum est verum, when statum aeternum secundum temporis we appellant, quantum est proprietas aeterni antiquum immutabile et universale esse et sticking.

is appropriate, as I judge, about the nature of evolution and time from the Scriptures [sacred]. Not at all uncreated and truly absolutely timeless these things they often say 'uncorrupt', 'eternal', 'immutable', 'immortal', 'existing identities, "or when say I opened everlasting doors, and other such things. Often the means with the oldest things are named evo, si se quiere llamar ‘evo’ el todo de la duración de nuestro tiempo, o sea: en cuanto [se refiere] a lo que es propio del evo-ser antiguo, intransformable y medida total del ser entero.

Tempus autem vocant in generatione et corruptione et mutabilitate, et aliud aliter habens. Proinde et nos hic secundum tempus terminandos aeterni participationem theologia dicit, cum incorruptibile et semper sicsic habens, aeternum intelligimus. Eloquiis vero est, quando et in temporibus aeternum glorificatur, et aeternum tempus, et si magis in ipsis quidem et potentius existentia aeterna, et quae in generatione sunt, tempore dicta et declarata sunt. Oportet itaque non simpliciter coaeterna Deo, qui est ante aeternum, aestimari, quae aeterna dicta sunt. Pretiosissima autem eloquia inconversibilia sequentes, aeterna quidem et temporalia, secundum cognitos ipsos ad obaudiendum modos, media vero existentium et factorum quaecunque, alibi quidem aeternum, alibi vero tempus participant. Deum ast et ut aeternum, et ut tempus laudare, ut temporis totius et aeterni causalem, et antiquum dierum, ut ante tempus, et plusquam tempus, et moventem spatia temporum et tempora, et iterum ante aeterna subsistentem, quantum et ante aeternum est, et plusquam aeternum, et regnum ejus regnum omnium seculorum.

Pero llaman tiempo a lo que [mide] la generación, corrupción y variación de lo que puede ser de otra manera, y es debido a ello theology that teaches that we, who ended up here because of the time [our work or our lives], participate in the evolution, reaching incorruptible evo is always the same way.

ever held in the Scriptures and temporal evolution and time as eternal, so we know [them, the Scriptures] rather call and explain the 'evolution' as those things are proper, and ' time 'which are [only in size] of the generation. It should not simply think about the things that are called "eternal" are really co-eternal with God, which is pre-evo, but rather according to the most venerable writings should be understood, as their ways are already known, we're hearing about some private time eternal. And also [to learn to recognize] things that somewhere between those who really are [eternal] and those that were made [by man and nature], such that in a sense part of evolution, and those other than another [sense] of the time involved.

is to celebrate God as evolution and as time and cause of all times and all evo as the Ancient of days, as earlier than the time, but [as] who changes the seasons and times , as well as existing before the ages, as is before evo and above it, and his reign as the kingdom of all ages.