It is said that the main motive for the Christian pastor is his love for the flock. However, this is not the case when it comes to sectarian groups and / or totalitarian as they search for money, power and personal prestige seem to be the real reason for those who seek to be overseers of the flock. Once achieved the goal, and before long, the herd begins to be shorn and milked frenzy.
Puppeteer in full action
Jesus Christ (absent, not exercise)
Exclavo fiel y discreto (Grupo abstracto, no ejercen) Accionistas de la corporación (Dueños de la Sociedad Watchtower)
Presidente del Cuerpo Gobernante.
Miembro del Cuerpo Gobernante. Presidente del Cuerpo Gobernante.
- Superintendente de Zona (Suelen ser miembros del Cuerpo Gobernante).
- Coordinador de sucursal (Gobernador para cada país).
- Miembro del Comité de Sucursal.
- Superintendente de distrito.
- Superintendente de circuito.
- Superintendente de ciudad.
- Superintendente presidente de congregación.
- Superintendente miembro del "comité de servicio".
- Superintendente de congregación. Servant
- ministerial assistant superintendent.
- ministerial servant. Publisher
- assistant ministerial servant. Publisher
- male congregation. Publisher congregation
- women (only charge available to women.)
- Puppets meet fundamental to the maintenance of the sect, namely, raising money and property, the continued indoctrination, and maintenance of a railway police and judicial system that monitors the submission and obedience of all what the leader suggests. And although these puppets are continually told they are pastors and princes devoted to teaching and care for the spiritual needs of the congregation, the reality is quite different: they are sales representatives who collect contributions, distribute books and magazines and acquire land and premises to the sect. Valuable tool
- ambition! Without it the sects perish with the same speed as the green grass under the summer sun. And referring to the Witnesses without the ambition of the little congregation superintendents would take the "dream life" that many of the Governing Body members enjoy, with luxury accommodation, free Visa credit limit, airline tickets business class , dream vacation spots, five star hotels, etc. .. As Ray said Franz, former Governing Body member: Just read the Bible and many of them rarely preach from house to house, and yet if you like to travel and live in luxury hotels.
The Watchtower, August 15, 1986, pages 13-18, Beware of abuse of power. Manuals internal organization.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 1987. Manuals internal organization
a. Trained to be ministers, 1958. B.
- Organized to preach the Kingdom and make disciples, 1972. C.
- Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, 1983 and 1989. D.
- Organized to do Jehovah's will, 2005.
- a. Dictionary of the Royal English Academy (RAE), XXII Edition. B.
- Web Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
- c. Crisis of Conscience: The Internal Struggle Between Loyalty God and Loyalty to One Religion
- , English edition, published by Commentary Press (1993).
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