Sunday, September 13, 2009
Powerful Woman Strangles Man
To my loyal readers:
Prisoner moved to New York to take a sabbatical at Columbia University. This space, where the fruit is interwoven with the vegetables and the news is going to hibernate until next summer. But there will be exile from the blogosphere. Only a temporary move. The Prisoner, now, is Columbianing .
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Compliance Salary Survey 2011
In a clear manifestation of ideological inconsistency Jehovah's Witnesses, on the one hand, ordered to "refrain" of white blood cells (a major component of blood), even at the expense of life itself, and on the other, allow the infant to take white blood cells (and other disease-fighting agents) in its early days to help keep them alive ... Dementia!What is about colostrum and milk with the prohibition of blood transfusions between the "Jehovah's Witnesses? Why has failed in the Watchtower publications that colostrum and blood contain a similar proportion of white blood cells? Could a mother, "witness" to be consistent with their beliefs to breastfeed your newborn baby? These questions, and other considerations will be answered then, however, first clarify what is the current ideological position among the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) on the blood transfusions.
This article was added to a long list of complaints about the ideological stance of the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the form of "abstain from blood" even at the expense of life itself. You could say that with the imposition of this dogma, a state predisposes Watchtower an altered mental alienation, which, in some states of illness or accident, could induce the Jehovah's Witness to self-immolation (for adult), and others, to murder (in the case of a minor). We trust that this information sensitize government officials to the extent that legal proceedings be initiated which would force the Watchtower Society to adapt their internal regulations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. How many thousands of more deaths are necessary for us to see published a correction?
NOTE: To date, the governments of Belgium and France are pioneering in the fight against the abuses practiced with the Watchtower and today several court proceedings remain open.
current ideological stance
The monthly spreadsheet titled "Our Kingdom Ministry" , edited and published by the Watchtower and distributed worldwide to all local churches, is issued in advance the ideological position that should have a "good witness" on almost any subject. In the November 2006, talking about fractions blood transfusions, reads:
What I think of blood fractions and medical procedures involving the use of my blood? The Bible commands Christians to "abstain [...] of blood" (Acts 15:20). That's why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood all or any of its four main components: red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Also, do not donate blood or accept that theirs is stored for transfusion after (Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts. 15:28, 29).is noted that: First, they read as follows: "What I feel about fractions ..." [The authors put into the mouth of the reader], and then instead of letting the reader use their conscience and draws its conclusions, these authors provide what should be considered an "acceptable response." As we will see this "acceptable response" actually amounts to a dogma of faith that if not heeded by the membership TJ actions would "police" and "judicial" (by the superintendents of local churches).
The Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights " reads as follows: " Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom change his religion or belief, and the freedom to manifest his religion or belief, individual and collectively, both publicly and privately , teaching, practice, worship and observance. " Watchtower Society Does it respect the inalienable right? Even if they say yes, its manner of action suggests the opposite.
Shares "police" and "judicial"
What if the individual conscience of the reader no TJ agrees with the "Suggested Response" by the Watchtower? What would happen to a consciousness which TJ allows you to accept a blood transfusion or any of its "main components"? Simply put: first, the TJ would be blackmailed and humiliated in an illegal trial "in camera", and second, in the case that the defendant did not abide by the dogma, would be sentenced to expulsion. In the event that the defendant did not appeal the sentence, offenses useless matter of not following the established order, "the sentence would be final and would be expelled, and thirdly, the local churches would make a public announcement, a slogan that tells "good witnesses" and must avoid all social intercourse with the defendant: he could not be spoken (or even a simple greeting.) In
secret manual entitled "Pay attention to themselves and all the flock" , Unit 5a, "Superintendents who govern it right" , the leaders of each local church are given a list of serious offenses, punishable by expulsion, "and among them is" The not abstain from blood. " (Genesis 9:4, Acts. 15:20,28,29.) Any attempt to contradict the "established order" puts in place a "police" and "judicial" whose primary purpose is to "subject" or "eject" the offender. Among the major sins include the following: ".. action is taken against the true worship of Jehovah or against the order he has established in her village dedicated . [..] People who deliberately spread (stubbornly adhere to, and talk about) teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostate.
This secret is not an isolated point, other public notice published in the Watchtower magazine:
- "If the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the family and the home immediately might be possible to eliminate almost all contact with the relative. Even if it had some family matters that required communication, this certainly would be kept minimum "(Watchtower, 15/04/1988, p. 28. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- " Sometimes Christian parents have allowed a child becomes ill expelled physically or emotionally return home for a while. "Introduce yeast at home?" (Monthly brochure Kingdom Ministry, August 2002, pg. 4 párr.9. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- "To say a simple Hello! someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person? (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p.19. Posted by The Watchtower Society).
- "They refuse to have fellowship with the person removed all spiritual or social level" (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p. 16. Published by the Watchtower Society).
- True loyalty to the Lord encourages His slaves to hate what He hates and whom he hates. (2Cr 19:2.) "Is not I hate those who hate you deeply, O Lord, and I disgust those who rise up against you? I really hate them with complete hatred. Have become to me real enemies. "(Ps. 139:21, 22.) But this hatred does not seek to cause harm to others and is not synonymous with hatred or malice. Rather, it expresses a total abhorrence of what is wicked, and avoid what is evil and they hate intensely to the Lord. (Ro 12:9, 17, 19.) Christians rightly hate the enemies of God, the Devil and his demons, as well as men consciously and deliberately take their stand against Lord . ( Insight, volume 2, page 258 . Published by the Watchtower Society)
- It has happened to the true proverb said: "The dog has returned to his own vomit, and the washed sow to wallowing in the mud. '" -2 Pet. 2:20-22 (Watchtower magazine, 15/11/1981, p. 16. Published by the Watchtower Society)
What is colostrum?
The encyclopedia Wikipedia says that colostrum is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy and the first days after birth, consisting of immunoglobulins, water, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a serous fluid and yellow. Also stresses that lymphocytes are an important part of colostrum. Dr. Fanny
Sabillón and reported that Dr. Benjamin Abdu
colostrum is characterized by its yellow color due to the presence of beta-carotene. Has a high density (1040-1060) that makes it thick. Volume increases progressively up to 100 ml per day during the first three days and is directly related to the intensity and frequency of suckling stimulus. This amount is sufficient to meet the needs of the newborn. Colostrum has a 87% water; 2.9g/100 me. fat, lactose and 2.3g/100 5.5g/100ml me. protein providing 58 Kcal/100 me. Stresses concentration in colostrum IgA and lactoferrin, together with the large number of lymphocytes and macrophages confer the protective status to the newborn. The concentration of sodium is 48mg/100ml, per day. And its pH of 7.45 favors gastric emptying.To clarify the previous paragraph to say that lymphocytes are a type of leukocyte (white blood cells), characteristic and abundant component in human blood.
How many white blood cells containing the colostrum?
If anyone thinks that the white blood cells is negligible wrong. In this regard, in the year 1994 in the Journal of Immunology Doyma, Mr. Acosta AG Research Department, Naval Medical School, Department of the Navy of Mexico, J. Ortiz, L. Barragán, and S. Torres Laboratory of Immunology and Rheumatology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, and JI Santos Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, in the study "Lymphocyte T CD4 + and CD8 + in colostrum and autologous blood Mexican women " said the following:
Colostrum and human milk contains cellular and humoral elements that confer specific and nonspecific immune protection for the newborn infant. In the present study examined the number and proportion of leukocytes and subpopulations of T lymphocytes in colostrum obtained within 36-48 hours after delivery in a group of Mexican women aged 16 to 48 years. The total number of leukocytes in 63 women showed great individual variability, with a value 829.382/ml through which increased with multiparity and the proportion of macrophages, polymorphonuclear cells and lymphocytes was, respectively, 66.38, 32.38 and 7.23%. In 28 cases, lymphocytes were isolated from colostrum by discontinuous-gradient of Percoll to analyze its reactivity with monoclonal antibodies CD3, CD4 and CD8 by indirect immunofluorescence. These lymphocyte subpopulations in colostrum compared with those found in autologous peripheral blood. While the proportion of T lymphocytes (CD3 +) in colostrum (69.9%) is similar to that of autologous peripheral blood (70.83%), the distribution of CD4 + and CD8 + show differences, in colostrum, CD8 T cell ratio is higher (45.07% in colostrum by 31.7% in blood), while that of lymphocytes CD4 T is lower (33.07% in colostrum by 43.2% in the blood). The CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in colostrum (0.803 ± 0.477) was significantly (p \u0026lt;0.05) lower than in autologous peripheral blood (1.434 ± 0.40).Summarizing the above: the proportion of lymphocytes (white blood cells) in colostrum is similar in autologous peripheral blood (blood collected from the mother colostrum owner).
Previously, similar studies had been carried to supracitado. One of the most important was the mid-seventies. Ogra and Ogra studied samples colostrum-milk of 200 women and determined their cellular content between 1 and 180 (see figure). They then compared the response of T lymphocytes in colostrum and milk with that of T lymphocytes from peripheral blood. It has also been shown that T lymphocyte subpopulations determined according to surface epitopes are similar to those in the peripheral blood.
In the same line of research, in 1982, Goldman AS , C. Garza, BL Nichols , RM Goldblum, published a similar study: Immunologic Factors in Human Milk During The first year of lactation extensively studied the immunological factors in human milk during the first year of lactation. For the study, women had 20 to 35 years old during the first year. Both the collection and storage conditions and immunological analysis were controlled to minimize confounding variables. The quantification of the total number of cells has been difficult, but the comparison was carried out between the different techniques (Coulter electronic particle counting, cell counting by visual fluoresciencia filter and detection, and automated cell counting by fluorescence) was desmostado the superiority of the staining of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
transfusion the baby of maternal white blood
white blood cells from maternal blood travel to the baby through colostrum. Put another way: The mother transfused white blood cells from your bloodstream to the lobes of her breasts, specific place where it occurs on colostrum and breast milk only to be sucked by the baby in her first hours of life, sitting in the tissues of infant and achieving immunization gained in the short term.
Key: 1. Brisket 2. Pectoral muscle 3. Lobes 4.
nipples 5. Areola 6. Duct 7. Fat 8. Skin
Therefore, and as seen under a Jehovah's Witness mother during the first few days feed your baby with colostrum would violate the mandate to "abstain from blood" (such and as understood by the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses) Why? Because white blood cells (found in colostrum) are a vital blood component prohibited by the Watchtower and can not be transfused to sustain life.
Leukocytes in colostrum and calf survival
This effective protection system is not unique to humans, cows also have it. Dr. Jim Quigley published in 1999, the following conclusions:
leukocytes (white blood cells) are found in udder secretions including colostrum. Depending health of the udder and the presence of intramammary infections, the number of leukocytes in colostrum can easily exceed the 1,000,000 cells / ml. Colostral leukocytes are composed of a primary lymphocytes ("23%), neutrophils (» 38%) and macrophages (»40%).
colostrum lymphocytes can survive in the intestinal tract due to lack of proteases found in the intestine during the first 24 hours after birth and the presence of protease inhibitors such as inhibitor tipsin. In addition, leukocytes have shown to be absorbed into the bloodstream of the newborn calf . That is why the interest in determining whether these cells contribute to the animal's immune response.
immunological effects of colostrum from leukocytes have been evaluated in several studies. Riedel-Caspari (1993) inoculated calves with E. coli and colostrum food and non-viable leukocytes (white blood cells were removed by centrifugation of colostrum). Calves fed colostrum Leukocyte excreted more bacteria than calves fed colostrum containing leukocytes.
Duhamel (1986) obtained linpocitos of heifers immunized with and without Mycobacterium bovis dead and added these cells to cell-free colostrum from tuberculin negative cows. Colostrum was fed the calves from these heifers. Lymphocytes obtained from the blood of calves was analyzed for their ability to respond to M. bovis. Calves fed colostrum containing lymphocytes from immunized heifers developed a response to M. bovis between 3 and 21 days, whereas calves fed with colostrum from control heifers did not develop a response. This research indicated that lymphocytes play an important role in immunity of calves during their first month of life .
Manipulation of information in Awake!
How is it so clear that this issue has gone unnoticed by leaders of the Witnesses? The answer is that it has not gone unnoticed, quite the opposite. Its flagship magazine "The Watchtower" and "Awake)" provided that mentioned the colostrum, have failed system that colostrum contains a large amount of white blood cells. The authors of these publications have repressive measures towards the inner critic and to describe the limited educational background of most of its members, and therefore can afford to say so vague (and inaccurate) that colostrum protects the baby against diseases and infections. As shown in the published take in the years 1990-1994:
- magazine "Awake!"
1994, August 22, page 12.
Breastfeeding Basics
The woman who has just given birth can give your newborn a clear or yellowish substance called colostrum. This "liquid gold" is highly beneficial for the baby. Some components fight harmful bacteria. is also a substance rich in protein low in sugar and fat, which makes it the ideal food during the first days of life.
- magazine "Awake!"
1993, September 22, page 14.
The advantages of breast milk
(The first milk is secreted, a dense, yellowish substance called colostrum, is ideal for baby, and gives special protection against infection. )
- magazine "Awake!"
1990, November 22, page 2.
The fetus is ready to fight
oco P after birth baby's immune system receives reinforcements in their struggle against the invaders, when making first breast milk, in those early days is called colostrum and is full of different antibodies that are well equipped to child for war.
is well known that for those years the majority of the directors of the Jehovah's Witnesses had only completed compulsory education, even for some of them it was a source of pride for years not involved in higher education was intended to serve to the Organization. Someone might conclude that there was no bad faith on the failure of white blood cells, perhaps could have happened that 45 years later, still remain very poor academically. However, this assumption is misplaced because in 1988 he published the following about "the body's defenses against foreign invaders"
- magazine "Awake!"
1988, August 8, page 20 .
Wonderfully made to stay alive
If a virus or other foreign invader makes foray into the body for the first time, it is possible that your immune system need a few days to destroy it. First you have to find the lymphocyte ( a special type of blood cell white) right. The body has millions of cells from which to choose, each is capable of manufacturing one type of weapon that is effective against a particular virus. Once you find the right lymphocyte, it plays at high speed. In a few days the bloodstream is full of those warriors who either cling to the enemy and destroy, or inactivate it produce antibodies, for the destruction. "Antibody" says the book The Body Machine (machine body) - is set to the surface molecules of the virus as a key to a lock. "
This behavior is far from that which corresponds to Christians loving and compassionate you trust your life to people who, before his arm twisted and recognize their incompetence and moral, they prefer to ignore (and manipulate) information that makes them uncomfortable ?
ideological incoherence
How do you explain the following inconsistencies: First, God commanded to "abstain from blood" (even at the expense of losing their lives by refraining from a blood transfusion), and the other allows the baby to make white blood cells (and other disease-fighting agents) in its early days as an aid to sustain life. It could be analyzed from two perspectives: The human and divine.
- Divine: God's Witness or a callous and cruel capricious or is an uneducated. How else could explain that, on the one hand, prohibits the use of blood to save lives through blood transfusions, and another, created the colostrum, transfusing white blood cells (and other components) from the mother to the baby in order to support and ensure the survival the baby.
- humanity: the leaders of the Witnesses, in 1945 established the doctrine of abstaining from blood and banned blood transfusions, were ignorant of science and medicine and knew that colostrum contained white blood cells. If, in addition to the medical ignorance is compounded their incompetence in biblical theology, the need to differentiate themselves from other religions at all costs, the result is a no nonsense doctrinal or theological rationale.
To illustrate: Mother, if his son, a minor, contracted a fatal disease that requires you to re-transfusing white blood cells, similarly to when I nursed. Who would prevent him from returning to? God NO, it is assumed that he designed the system colostrum as white blood cell transfusion (and other) So, would you the power to illiterate people (particularly in medicine, science and theology), and of doubtful honesty, which appear more interested in compensation for the welfare of your child? In any case, when taking care of your health others would not rely on medical rather than religious.
DEDICATION: This article is dedicated to a dear friend, for his professionalism and human qualities at the time to watch and care for patients. Thanks Carmen.
non-medical sources
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Http://
- Immunologic Aspects of Human Colostrum and Milk
1977 , The Journal of Immunology, 119, pp.
245-248 Authors: SS Ogra, D. Weintraub and PL Ogra
- Immunologic Factors in Human Milk During The first year of lactation
The Journal of pediatrics. 01/05/1982; 100 (4) :563-7.
Authors: AS Goldman, C Garza, BL Nichols, RM Goldblum
- BREASTFEEDING. A guide for the medical profession.
Lawrence, Ruth A., Lawrence, Robert M.
1980-2007, sixth EDITION., Pg. 187-191. Importance
immune milk.
composition of breast milk.
by Dr. Fanny Sabillón and Dr. Benjamin Abdu
- Doyma Journal of Immunology,
1994, 13 (4): 118-121, 8 REF,
CD4 + T lymphocytes and CD8 + IN COLOSTRUM AND MEXICAN WOMEN autologous blood.
- colostral leukocytes
Written by Dr. Jim Quigley (February 20, 1999)
https: / / / cgi-bin / wa? A2 = ind9903 & L = & P = 3686 dairynew
leukocytes in colostrum (Translated by Gustavo M. Gonzalez)
- Insight, Volume 2, Page 518
, Odio.
What kind of hatred must cultivate the servants of God?
- "Pay attention to themselves and to all the flock,"
Unit 5a, "Superintendents who govern it right"
- Watchtower,
15/04/1988, pg. 28. Discipline
can bear fruit peaceful.
The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the family and the immediate household. It may be possible to remove almost all contact with the relative. Even if it had some family matters that required communication certainly this would be kept to a minimum, in harmony with the divine principle: "Quit mixing in company with anyone named a brother, is a fornicator or a greedy person [or guilty of another gross sin], [... ] not even eating with such a man. " (1 Corinthians 5:11.)
- monthly brochure Kingdom Ministry,
August 2002, pg. 4, párr.9. Christian
demonstrated loyalty when expelling a relative .
Can you speak to an expulsion? Although the Bible does not describe all situations that may arise, 2 John 10 helps us understand how the Lord sees the matter: "If anyone comes to you and not bring this teaching, never receive him at home or say a greeting. " The Watchtower, November 15, 1981, page 19, says: "To say a simple 'Hi' someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person? ".
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.19.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
And we all know from our years of experience that saying a simple "Hi" to someone can be the first step leading to a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Do we want to take that first step on an expelled person?
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.16.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
The fact that they refuse to have fellowship with the person removed all spiritual or social level reflects loyalty to the standards of God and obedience to the mandate given in 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13.
- Watchtower,
15/11/1981, p.16.
Expulsion ... from that point of view to see it.
It has happened to the true proverb said: 'The dog has returned to his own vomit, and the washed sow to wallowing in the mud. '"-2 Pet. 2:20-22
- monthly brochure Our Kingdom Ministry,
November, 2006, pages 3-4.
What I think of blood fractions and medical procedures involving the use of my blood?
The Bible commands Christians to "abstain [...] of blood" (Acts 15:20). That's why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood all or any of its four main components: red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Also, do not donate blood or accept that theirs is stored for transfusion after (Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts. 15:28, 29).
What are blood fractions, and why every Christian should make his own decision as to whether or not to accept?
blood fractions are elements that are extracted from the blood using a process called fractionation. For example, to split the plasma, one of the four major blood components, we obtain the following substances: water (91.5%), protein, albumin, globulin and fibrinogen-(7%), and substance-nutrients hormones, gases, vitamins, and electrolytes-waste (1.5%).
Are fractions also included in the mandate to abstain from blood? We can not answer categorically. The Bible gives no specific instructions on the subject of fractions. Many of them come from blood that has been donated for medical purposes. Each Christian must decide according to their conscience whether to accept or reject the use of blood fractions in their treatment.
When taking these decisions, consider the following questions: "Do I have this to refuse all blood fractions means that I will not take certain medications, such as some aimed at combating various viruses and diseases and some that contribute to blood clotting to stop bleeding? "I can explain to a doctor why you reject or accept certain blood fractions?".
- magazine "Awake!"
1988, August 8, page 20.
Wonderfully made to stay alive
If a virus or other foreign invader makes foray into the body for the first time, it is possible that your immune system need a few days to destroy it. First you have to find the lymphocyte (a special type of blood cell white) right. The body has millions of cells from which to choose, each is capable of manufacturing one type of weapon that is effective against a particular virus.
Once you find the right lymphocyte, it plays at high speed. In a few days the bloodstream is full of those warriors who either cling to the enemy and destroy, or inactivate it produce antibodies, for the destruction. "Antibody" says the book The Body Machine (machine body) - is set to the surface molecules of the virus as a key to a lock. "
- magazine" Awake! "
1994, August 22, page 12.
Breastfeeding Basics
The woman who has just given birth can give your newborn a clear or yellowish substance called colostrum. This "liquid gold" is highly beneficial for the baby. Some of its components fight harmful bacteria. It is also a substance rich in protein low in sugar and fat, which makes it the ideal food during the first days of life.
- magazine "Awake!"
1993, September 22, page 14.
The advantages of breast milk
(The first milk is secreted, a dense, yellowish substance called colostrum, is ideal for the baby, and gives special protection against infection.)
- Magazine "Awake!"
1990, November 22, page 2.
The fetus is ready to fight
Shortly after birth, the baby's immune system receives reinforcements in their struggle against the invaders, when making first breast milk, which in those early days receiving called colostrum and is full of different antibodies that child well equipped for war.
- magazine "Awake!"
1982, March 8, page 17.
Why breastfeeding is the best way to feed
The newborn baby is in a world that is full of diseases against which he still has no immunity. With nursing the infant, it fulfills this need, thanks to the mother colostrum instead of milk secreted during the first few days after giving birth. This yellowish liquid is rich in antibodies and proteins that provide immunity against certain bacteria, and this protection lasts several months.
- book "How to achieve happiness in their family life,"
1978, chapter 7, pages 89-90, paragraph 21.
Having children ... responsibility and reward
During the early days the breasts secrete colostrum, a yellowish fluid that is especially good for infants because (1) is low in fat and carbohydrates and therefore more easily digested than other foods, (2 ) is richer in immunization factors that mother's milk, which comes a few days later, and (3) has a mild laxative effect that helps to cleanse the cells, mucus and bile that have gathered in the bowels of the infant before birth.
- magazine "Awake!"
1977, November 22, page 12.
do we prepare for childbirth
Shortly after that our precious princess sat on my chest and received their first meal, a unique liquid called "colostrum." I remember learning that it is especially good for the newborn. There are three reasons: (1) because the colostrum is very low in fat and carbohydrate is more easy to digest baby. (2) is richer immunity factors of real milk. (3) Colostrum has a mild laxative effect and eliminates the "meconium" (a collection of cells, mucus and bile) that is coupled into the infant's bowels before birth.
- magazine "Awake!"
1976, July 22, at 7.
Why not breastfeed your baby?
To open the milk ducts and reduce the accumulation in the breasts, which sometimes occurs after childbirth, it is recommended that approximately six weeks before your baby is born, start to try to draw by hand some of the colostrum of breasts. Colostrum is the yellowish fluid that is present before it reaches its true milk.
- magazine "Awake!"
1973, October 22, page 14.
Infant Feeding ... What is the best method?
Colostrum, the yellowish watery fluid that is secreted during the first days after birth, is particularly vital for the little one to protect you from disease.
- magazine "Awake!"
1973, June 8, page 17.
Are you ready to the newcomer?
addition, no substitute can match perfectly the power and protection that breast milk was designed to provide the baby. This progresses from the colostrum in the first two or three days, which is an important food for the little one, to milk that becomes stronger as the baby's needs. Breast milk has a constant temperature, is free of germs and is easy to digest, contains all the vitamins, and there is evidence that provides protection against infection.
Monday, August 10, 2009
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Most workers did not provide a AFJP. They were in black or in the distribution system. Most Argentines do not fly by Aerolineas Argentinas or receives every month a bill AySA. And almost nobody watches Channel 7. But all and tell everyone from my friends, my cousins, my brethren and companions work, even my old, my girlfriend, my sister and Aunt Clotilde, see football. Among the Argentinians
there are fanatics who see their favorite team, the other 9 games of First and summary Cambaceres-Deportivo Cuenca, those who look only to their favorite team, and the less enthusiastic, see the Selection . And almost everyone sees the World Cup, the Copa America, the Olympics, the sub-20 ... In short, we are a nation fobalera. " Is there a more attractive idea for a populist government nationalize Argentine football? No.
That is exactly what will happen. Imagine, for a second, the deep dilemma that cross the reviled neo-liberal self-confessed football fanatic. Ideas vs. Free football every Sunday. Or that of all journalists working around machinery football. Salary vs. Hearing.
Everything is a new chapter in the most emblematic fight Kirchner, which dragged on for a year and half with Grupo Clarin. The story got in the ring three heavyweights Grondona, Kirchner and Magnetto. Want for anything more than Hugo Moyano said it wants to grant the transfer of the fans and players to the courts and they are all already.
is clear what is the incentive behind the novel: more popularity for the government, more money for football, less business for Clarin. Does anyone realized that the state will open a new channel of financing for the hooligan? Has anyone noticed that ALL are going to finance the hooligan? There seems to be the best incentive to pay taxes.
But that's not important. There will be free football and this is joy for all Argentines. That's the votes of the Argentines. And that's what it says it invested money.
Friday, July 31, 2009
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I present to the bride by Aimée
I wonder Cristina thought of this when he said to "raise" the profile of the Minister of Economy?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Elisabeth Van Der Spout
This is the answer which was obtained today by sending an email to the spokesman of the Ministry of Planning:
Could not deliver to these recipients or distribution lists:
The recipient's mailbox is full and can not accept messages. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message. Try to resend it later or contact the recipient directly.
This is the answer to be heard today by calling cellular spokesman of the Ministry of Planning:
"The message box that intecta contact person is full and can not receive messages. I'm Sorry" (followed by a tuuu tuuu ... ... tuuu ...)
may request to answer questions too, but is it too much to ask that even if you can leave a message? Aimé
Sunday, July 19, 2009
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Let's see what Aimé's economic plan: keep the trade surplus and tax (did not say how), to create a Development Bank with Anses silver, used at national universities to give credibility to the INDEC (not said so, but that is) and report the great pearl of the Extra-official newsletter: "Clearly the issue of bonds in accordance with CER was a solution that was chosen at a time, but it is seen that is a path should not move again. Moreover, there is a way to backtrack. " It is not news: Kirchner and the debt had insulted CER. But if the novelty of "backtrack" the path. If you're a trader in any market, what would you do? Would you buy bonds adjusted by CER?
That was not all gentlemen. Aimé, at least lip service, boasts some provisions Kirchner, for example, that inflation is not really a problem, macro policies that are consistent and that there is a problem of mistrust behind the flight of capital.
escurché If everything so far is true Boudou, said he had to say, but on some issues, in essence, believes otherwise. There is so many differences with other Cabinet members. And this "change so that nothing changes" becomes more relevant than ever.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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is good for people to make money. It's good for making it, is good for those who work for making it (more or less, depending on the situation of course) and is good for the economy where you live and work on making it. Exaggerate: to make money is to make homeland. Initially
when I read here and here Nestor and Cristina more than doubled its assets in a year gives me some bad feeling. It is known that the former president is working to make money. But it seems a lot. And then I read this:
As in recent years was in the Casa Rosada, Kirchner also gave good results in 2008 the sale of public lands in El Calafate was acquired cheaply by the administration of former mayor Néstor Méndez: January 12 last year sold for $ 6,300,000 20 095 m2 of land he had bought on 1 March 2006 for $ 132,079. With this single operation earned $ 6,167,921.
Taking into account that in 2003, Kirchner had come to the Casa Rosada with a declared net worth of $ 6,851,810, the cumulative increase of assets during the six years I have been in power is 572 per cent. That is to say that his fortune increased nearly sixfold.
OK, all wrong. But never mind, sure there are people in the past six years also seven times their assets since 2003. There was much growth. High courage and I:
Most of the debts of the marriage is for a loan of 8,834,369 pesos issued by the Bank of Santa Cruz, owned by Grupo Eskenazi, who also owns 15 percent stake in YPF [. ..] Among the creditors are the companies former president of South routes, the building contractor Juan Carlos Relats, which acquired oil companies in Santa Cruz, and Southern Building Services, the employer Lazaro Baez, a friend and partner in a venture Kirchner property.
Well, let's say that no one can swallow, government contractors, businessmen linked to businesses regulated by the State to which they agreed by pressure from the state, are creditors of the Head of State and former head of state. Welcome to Banana's.
I deny it to myself to make money is to make home (sometimes).
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hong Kong Travestılerı
Critique of Argentina said today that Eduardo Duhalde going to rescue that which was his main bet six years ago: President Lole. Here said that the old leader could return to his travels and move the chess board in 2011. And I began to do so.
Tripartism began to take shape. All we need is the Pro-Union boys become, not Union Pro-PJ-Pro and that's it. Or to embrace the device to bind both the "old politics" and resign all or part of the independent vote. But there is a whole strategy falls. Negotiate with Duhalde does not seem very Pro Stealing from a part of PJ Duhalde, however if it sounds a little more Pro
Everything is to be seen. 2011 will be good.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thankyou For Coming Message
Yesterday we Clarín data and the Chair. Today, The Nation (which garnered praise for its strategy of hiring Polyarchy, which welcomed an institutional notice) figures CFK denies giving others, but confirms that the FPV is the first national force, followed by Pro With ACYS and other levels, Clarín points to the same side .
De Narváez starts ticking away with the PJ, Reutemann and winks to the presidency of Scioli. Some officials are beginning to suggest, off the record , the Lole will be the figure behind which will bring together Peronism. Suppose that the three musketeers entrench the center-right alliance of pejotismo are unmarked. The two-party system who died in 2001 will be generated then a tripartism, as CFK said.
With the book open passages between the PJ and the Pro, it will take a little longer so who is who (or not). There are high chances of a stage borocotista in the coming months. The panradicalismo is much more defined, although it could absorb progressives who do not share the Peronist palate.
The scheme has more balance than the previous because it has two non-Peronist forces, although not that much. And despite the capitalist crisis, does not show much left to say. But more likely than the previous Though that still remains to be seen.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pokemon Online Yellow Mac
was sung. Old political fox, Cristina was left with the last word, without saying so openly, announced that it won the election. The Front for Victory won the most votes when all votes are counted. CFK was agreed yesterday that Argentina does not end in the suburbs. He counted them all and reached the magic number: 29.56% for the FPV, ahead of ACYS, which gained 29%, and the Pro, with 18.5% of the vote. What celebrations Mauritius, if you came third? What you Claríííín pasha?!
was sung. IndeK defended and criticized the media for not say that Macri lost votes in the capital, as they lost in Buenos Aires. And like her husband was gentle, quiet, reflective, institutional and intellectual (Nestor this not out) to say that not trying to "minimize" the defeat and congratulate all the winners. He even had the luxury of having intimacy and challenge a journalist and Sergio Massa ("should know the real quote).
This was not sung: van by Pino. Although not openly said to me it made it quite clarito when praise for the filmmaker, said that match unless he wants to "further deepen the change" is, but Kirchner, and also announced that they would seek new allies in Congress.
was sung. There will be changes in the cabinet. Paid and Nestor, a civic gesture that enhances unexpected against public opinion (do you see what is not so bad?). But is all there. The K not being delivered to anyone, least if that suggests a loss. Moreover, the President said there was no reason to make cabinet changes. If you came first! Great.
was sung. No one had to give up for dead and less marriage.
But I think some of the gestures that we saw in the last few hours did not show the essence of the K. Although we make one doubt. Seem so content, so rational, so good and fair, congratulating opponents, intellectualizing phenomena, undramatic. And it's rare. One remembers barking from the lectern, and wants there, hitting "To the horn", Clarín, the neoliberals and '90. But no, now play the good girl. And do not believe them. Maybe I'm wrong. But I think not.
Specialist Visit Cost
never answered so many questions from reporters like last night after admitting the harsh defeat in the province of Buenos Aires. Never, either, so often uttered the word "governance" when speaking in public. Never, either, had lost in Santa Cruz. Three data kirchnerismo beginning of the end.
good thing is that election was fair, and no one (for now) waived by the results.
ballotage going to be in 2011. Macri, Reutemann Cobos and appear, in view of all, as the leaders of the three forces (Pro, PJ and panradicalismo) that will fight for the Casa Rosada. But nobody is talking yet Eduardo Duhalde. The old leader is now facing a personal choice: can he wanted to anoint anoint the first in 2003 and told him no, or you can anoint anointed than ever but would not mind at all anointed. At stake is the device that Macri and De Narváz insulted yesterday (not quite understand why: at least some parts of that unit played for them).
The Pro can wean Peronize or permanently. I think (mildly, I must admit) that they will go for the second alternative. PJ Party is unified behind of Reutemann, partly behind Macri, under the banner of Pro
Let the other side. Imagine a gesture to step aside Carrió including opening the way to a formula-Cobos Binner. reloaded radicalism, the Agreement, stands as the third force in contention. The surprise is that it was the most voted yesterday. A surprise here said that even losing in BA and Capital, Kirchner was first in the country. We will see that they say today. Political
as Anibal Ibarra, Daniel Scioli, Celso Jaque, Daniel Peralta have been wounded almost to death (I say "almost" that's why she is not dead who fight). I am tempted to include Nestor Kirchner on this list, but prudence dictates that I do not: have to see how is reset after the defeat.
Seven out of ten voters voted for the opposition. The Prisoner was one of them, despite saying they deserved to lose. I hope you understand once and for all to give the country a viable alternative to the Peronist government, not the gritty fight for the hierarchy, is the best legacy we can leave to history.
leave for last the best. The two sentences that made history:
"The results are positive. I think the difference will be expanded. For us it was an excellent choice" (Aníbal Fernández, with the emergence of the evening)
"Our mouths urn are giving us six points above the formula De Narváez-Sola" (the media secretary, Enrique Albistur, justifying why it is better not to talk to the press)
CLARIFICATION: In the previous post Nestor criticized for violating the electoral ban. My friend warned me Gauyo error: the ban actually began on Friday morning. The Nestor sticks should have gone to CFK. The only time he spoke throughout the day was to violate the ban.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Formal Living Room Waste
My computer says it is 12.11 am
was happy. He had started the electoral ban, and for the first time in three months I thought finally it was all over. And just this far, you see Freddy, disguised Néstor Kirchner Néstor Kirchner yell at, by telephone: "We are winning !!!". Néstor he retorted: "We will win !!!", and it then tells him that this" double ballot, working. "
Thus ends the season (when the ban had already begun).
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Woman In Tanning Beds Mastrabating
not have left from here, the criticism of many decisions taken by the Kirchner. Intervention to INDEC, the looting of the administrators, the witnesses, the conflict with the country ... I could go. But within hours of the end of the campaign, I can not help think that the opposition offers just that: an opposition. They deserve to lose. Let
. We have two partnerships with enough political clout to cope with Kirchner: Peronism dissent and radicalism reloaded. "Union-Pro" and "Civic and Social Agreement" are, in superficial, advertising constructions.
The two met with an interesting breeding ground to give the thud: recession, inflation, dengue, authoritarian leadership and irritating, a marked impairment in social, institutional and corruption cases unresolved. Obama had sparked a global wave and a local Alfonsín for change ... In short, a situation more favorable, if you will.
The opposition comes at the end of the season the hard way. Did you give
Union-Pro Pro profile of the campaign? No, ended up embroiled in the debate over what and how estatizarían privatized. Was there a big picture Cobos-Carrio-Prat-Gay-Stolbizer to show the "safe change" together? No, only a tentative picture of Cobos and Alfonsin. Does anyone campaigned with "(5, 10, 15 .., any number!) Proposals that would change everything?" Less. "They put on the ropes to Kirchner, forcing him to respond on thorny issues such as Indec, increasing poverty, debt, or the bag Antonini? Mildly.
This can result in the Sunday night show kirchnerismo better overall numbers than any opposition party, though none take a clear advantage. The contrast is the distribution of seats in Congress, which will be opposition. But still a fine contrast of political analysis. The number, which people look at the reality of the polls may show a triumphant Kirchner. And that seems a big shit.
My Birthday Invitations
Latino faithful replica phenomenon of Russian tennis, Gisela Dulko not only play well and win in tennis (now cleaned to the very Sharapova at Wimbledon) but also flirts with her beauty and sensuality for the cameras. Of course when gripping the racket could say it's almost another person. But, look at the small contrast:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Down Syndrome Ultrasound Pic
If I lived in Argentina, would be a "maverick economist."
In a recent article in the Financial Times that the great guru of the global crisis got in his blog, Roubini lays out a very interesting parallel between Latvia and Argentina in 2000-01 (or Latvia, as preferred).
The flag of Latvia is equal to that of Argentina, but instead of blue, have red. Farming is an important part of the economy, fiscal and trade deficits have the debt represents around 70% of GDP (both measured in euros) and a fixed exchange rate between the lats, the local currency and the euro. Sound familiar? Some data: private debt is nominated primarily in euros, which would trigger a devaluation certainly a default chain. Sound familiar?
This Roubini explains in his column , which synthesizes a sort of escape plan: devaluation, "euroizar" the economy, restructure the debt and close a program with the IMF to mitigate the impact of adjustment. Except for this last point, the recipe Argentina with touches of style. What such?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Pokemon Red Online Colour
an hour ago that the display of America is dedicated exclusively to the "scandal" created by Kun Aguero's alleged affair with a blonde in the middle of preparations for the baptism of Benjamin, the son of him and Giannina Maradona. Either that or the rudeness of Gerardo Sofovich Monica Farro. Tonight will be the turn of Great Cuñado, prologue to a week in which the scattered political arguments on the hunt for undecided for Sunday program as possible.
Across the planet, thousands of men and women identified with the green color resist brutal repression and struggle for their freedom. The death of a 22 year old woman, Neda, spreads "To Susan Boyle" on the Internet, becomes the image of the struggle in Iran. And tell him the first martyr.
two worlds that have nothing to do are just a click away for all connected.
I'm not a fan of the conflicts in the Middle East, but there is an implicit message of the Iranian resistance that goes for any nation in the world: fear and lies as a means to exercise power and install dynasties have an expiration date. It does not last. The story gets tired of showing it. Everyone knows that there was fraud in Iran. Everyone knows that are killing people in Iran. Knowing this is the least we can do. Old
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Distance From Hoop To Free Throw
The choice is played. Kirchner wins or loses by a hair in Buenos Aires. But in the fight for beans, all trying to signal what will happen from 29. And what will happen is they will start to weave alliances in 2011. In the absence of proposals, Chicanas, the dirty moves the discussion on the model and the privatization of a decade ago, the poor voters should add to the decision they have to make another variable: how it plays your vote within two years.
The Prisoner, after a thorough analysis, has decided to vote for Civic and Social Agreement and encourages anyone who comes to this space to do so.
I think, as its campaign, which is a proposed change safer. I think at this point, you try Peronize Macri political space even more after 28 June. And I also believe that any peronization of an alternative that will end up polluting alternative, more attractive, efficient, interesting, fresh, novel, innovative, be strong and honest. Mauricio luck with the suburbs. Hope you do not live digest.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Can You Take Florastor With Excedrin Migraine
won Pino Solanas, in my opinion, the first debate of the campaign. Clear, sharp, constant, loose, the film managed to get a light ahead of its direct competitor Carlos Heller (unpresentable). Regardless of whether one agrees or not with some of its pillars, pine was very good. If I had to choose a candidate just because of what I saw last night, I choose to Pino.
The debate left a curiosity: One of the alleged right-wing candidate, Alfonso Prat-Gay, left defending measures, such as implementing a universal benefit for children or increase spending. The said here: one of the most valuable qualities of PG is its pragmatism. Light
as of Michetti. Hesitant to respond to attacks, warm to defend management Macri, and nervous in the confrontation, mishandled "the gesture plane for the discussion (to be distracted by accommodating her blouse). In this also failed Heller. PG used good poker face, and Pino had the luxury of hot gestures accompanied by memorable phrases, such as that the Government lacks only trout the weather service.
It's really a shame that there are no more debates. Help, fun, generate a debate about the debate that raises civic participation and discussion on the country. A breath of fresh air to the incoherent obscenities are heard in the corners of Buenos Aires every day.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pediatricians Toronto
I want the morning is June 28. I want to finish Capano.
Chicanas of the candidates, the minutiae of the platforms, fighting middling gritty fight for "this does not" before "that yes, the lack of debate, everything reminds me of the enormous institutional poverty Argentina, which fell after three decades of being restored democracy. The other is poverty. And there is no way to solve real poverty, the millions of families who do not see, can not see beyond one day, without first solving it.
Someone, please, someone pull a project, someone to contribute ideas and make innovations to exceed hiring publicists and slogans of impact. What to say what they want to do, how they will do and how they will pay. And they do.
I think it is so difficult. But I also believe that attacking the core of the problem is a problem for decades and requires a commitment of the people supreme goodness, who have remained in the background, comfortable. It's time to go. Please go.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Golden Interstar Dvb Installieren
Wild Cat, one of the star journalists Clarín group debuted as columnist for The Chronicle, the color of Narvaez. What's up? Not only is the first time that "read" something of Sylvester, but also the first time I see a journalist working with a group environment which is not the group.
The cat has some of the climate in government these days by the Chavez-Techint-gate, and then, true to form, pulls a couple of those questions poussin (having the answer that would make the cat a better journalist.) Namely:
it make this event a turning point in the relationship between the Argentine and the Venezuelan government? Be seen.
Is it really bothers the attitudes of President Chávez? So far, no note.
But beyond the analysis depth, sharp, incisive and determined cat, do not we leave the focus of this post. I can not help but wonder, what does writing for De Narváez Silvestre? Am I in the Twilight Zone?
(To avoid falling into the same cat, direct answer. The first, not yourself. The second if I know I am in a parallel universe, that it always opens in a while in Argentina)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Cateracts And Marijuana
are scared. The adventures of a commander to have Bolivarian local establishment on high alert ever written by an axiom, but that is imprinted in the minds of many: Kirchner is light version of the Bolivarian revolution, the revolutionary socialism of the XXI century. (Aside: did you see anything that says the slogan "revolutionary socialism of the century"? In one sentence a president says that is just and equitable that interest you earn all more or less the same, which means he wants fewer probres, and is even willing to expropriate companies, land and even ideas to achieve it, if necessary. And besides all that, I said that is modern as Windows 7).
Should we be afraid? Lean Lindahl, first, and Ana C. , Later. Are they afraid? If you answered "yes" I understand, be afraid, but not to state interventionism (almost everything that ends in "ism" usually get a little scared, but not because it is bad in itself, but because the "ism" da as an idea of \u200b\u200boverdose, extremely corrosive and harmful) but the babies they are carrying out. I think a manager, trained, have better incentives to drive a company than a politician. But there is ample evidence that the opposite may occur (remember the financial crisis? Were politicians who lent money to anyone? Were politicians who put nice notes to the "toxic assets"?).
But Hugo, with Nestor, with Guille, with Julito and Beloved, I have fear.
What if we change the characters? Do denostaría both state intervention? Or will you give more oxygen to the arguments that now seem unlikely, as the global crisis or "strategic markets? I venture to suggest that, at least in Argentina, the debate would be more balanced.
And if someone said "no", because he believes the regional static wave is as harmless as the sneeze of a Mexican at an airport or a small mosquito that slips through the crack in the laundry, I would say two things: either the governs the ingenuity, ideology, or know something I do not know.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Maxine Quotes On Outdoors
understand that the officer attempted to focus the election debate "model." What I do not quite understand is why the opposition comes, sometimes, in that discussion.
The memory of the scars left by the decade of the '90s and, in turn, its contrast with the successful economic performance in 2003-2008, is by far the best campaign speech posed by the ruling. There is a long list of information to shore up the ballot K: economic growth, fiscal surplus, payment to the IMF, exports, increases to retirees, wage increases, improved purchasing power ... One could go
The opposition also comes into this fight with a long list of data: the cosmetically improved income distribution, poverty increases for inflation, the economy stopped, the flight of capital is greater than the fall of convertibility, debt grows despite fiscal surpluses, put hand to the silver of the administrators .... One could go
But this discussion leaves out many others that the ruling did not agree, and hence the opposition could capitalize. Topics that do not necessarily make the ideological debate Deaf in the fall often Argentines, but, plain and simple, common sense: transparency of public information division of powers, independence of the judiciary, improving the fiscal federalism, and, above all, elimination of corruption . That is, clean the INDEC, the Council of the Magistracy, the control of state agencies, develop a new Federal Revenue Sharing Act, improve and transparent mechanisms for allocation of public spending. That is, have a neat government.
The mention of these topics is tangential. Someone mentioned ... one question ... and there just when it seems to be come an interesting proposal, it begins to discuss the model of the 90, the candidates witnesses, the role of judges in the campaign ... One could go
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Flashy Flashy,inc Answer
In recent days, following a note of criticism of Argentina, the debate heated up about the value of the dollar. Frenkel and Ferrer, two icons of heterodoxy, say in the note that the dollar should be more expensive to curb capital flight, and, incidentally, campfire activity. Understandable.
blogger after a cross from Maxi Artemio and Montenegro in the topic (you can go here and here), Rollo , to whom I may be accused of many things but not being a maverick strain, leaving aside the subtleties and very clearly said that letting the dollar fall (or, put another way, to appreciate the weight) to improve the fairness of the economy "is a policy of wankers ". Great.
already a man of Techint, economist Vincent Donato, said months ago that devaluation was a demonstration of failure. The failure to be implemented, not implemented, never think to implement, this list of policies which Rollo talks which are the structural effect on income distribution. Or on competitiveness, which would stop speaking if it is important to devalue or not, or at least not let the central theme. But everything always goes through the green. And that will never stop going through the green.
Friday, May 1, 2009
What Do I Wear To My Cousin'sfirst Communion
quilombito was armed with a nice dialogue between Hugo Mariano Grondona and Biolcatti, on Channel 26. Biolcatti over after he tried to explain by Radio Mitre, and Ernesto Tenenbaum gave him a question about the coup of '76 (if esstuvo agree or not) and the president of the Rural responds something like "there is a YES or no. " (If here would put a little face smile with eyes and mouth type dish online, that's MSN, would)
But let's put aside the fight for the '76, for I am of those who think outside revive Courts do not add up, but the remainder. The President said that dialogue channel 26 shows why Kirchner said that governance is at stake on June 28.
But let's be honest. Grondona and Biolcatti not started running the ball that people leave on 29 June. It is an open secret that comments on the media scene from the vote "no positive" Cobos. It is said that at the time Lula and Alberto Fernández prevented the resignation of K. And this year was none other than the official picket Emilio Persian who first spoke of "Cobos President." It was a few weeks ago and had to go out for explanation.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Throat Or Tongue Bleeding?
Definition: Offshore "is a term that does not appear in dictionaries. The word "shore" refers to the dividing line between sea water or lake and land, because most of the "offshore centers" are located on islands. The development in recent years of this parallel world, alternative and / or complementary has been huge and in direct relation to increasing the tax burden in developed countries. Spoken that half the world's money is offshore.
The word "offshore" means literally "offshore." One of the more extended versions on the origin of the term (applied to the economy) takes us back to the Middle Ages. Apparently, the boats came together at sea for trade, thus avoiding the taxes that would have applied to their goods had docked in port. Subsequently, some islands and territories were declared "offshore" or free trade and transactions are developed there as freely and without paying taxes to any State. To refer to countries High taxation otherwise use the term "onshore."
The world has reduced taxation territories, while an air of glamor and a very bad press. On the positive side we can say that evokes the international trade and finance, large fortunes, exotic locations and most exclusive resorts. At the same time and in its negative part, is associated with crime and delinquency, even though their use mainly to obey such business reasons, mainly commercial and financial and, above all, tax evasion, defined as savings or avoidance of tax, lawful conduct, or tax evasion. International crime and organized crime are frequent low tax territories. However, organized crime or whether the bank also used the corner, Internet, buses and mobile phone.
General purpose and basic concepts for the offshore investor
Selecting an offshore bank. -Types of accounts and deposits. Conclusions. -Other banking services: Credit cards. Accounts Special anonymous passbook. Loans. Auto-loan ("Back-to-back loan"). Internet-banking offshore. "Private Banking. "Banks offshore. "Parallel banking systems.
Banking: Selecting an offshore bank
A central aspect of the financial activities are outside the banking services because they are the axis and the instrument normal operation of the offshore system, and that any action to be undertaken inevitably involves opening an account.
open bank accounts abroad and fund them is perfectly legal and frequently needed for many professions and businesses. It is obligatory to return to the Treasury as is meet applicable taxes. Its use for tax evasion is prosecuted in our country, although the foreign bank is not particularly concerned about this issue.
Opening accounts: opening documentation and forms. Measures against money laundering. Application of anti-money laundering standards, professional performances. Identity verification. Factors to consider in the Client. Amounts for the opening. -Use of the account: Login funds: Wire Transfers. Money Transfer Services. Withdraw funds. Safety and Security. Risks of the use of correspondent accounts. -Rates: Current accounts. Asset management. "Offshore investments: mutual funds. Insurance annual premium and single premium. Eurobonds. Fiduciary deposits.
to open accounts abroad and many other offshore activities may use an adviser or financial intermediary (the trust, trustee, company formation agent.) For opening accounts in many countries require revealing who is the final beneficiary rule that is widespread in serious jurisdictions. What it costs a trustee or a company formation agent to open an account, you can exceed 500 euros.
If the investment is long term, before opening the account must think of every contingency, ask and ask what will happen to the deposits in case of death, inheritance procedures, change of address or change of laws tax or banking. As a security measure should be left to someone you trust (which may be the local banker or a lawyer) a sealed envelope with instructions on the offshore account and who will inherit it means the family or the client who want and not own offshore bank.
What is offshore banking?
means an activity that takes place outside the country you reside. If we look at banks, where one operates with a local bank, this can be seen as an activity onshore, however when one operates with a bank that is not their country is an offshore activity.
also an offshore bank branches can not install or physical representations in other countries outside doors that is not where it operates and was constituted (tax haven), since it is an activity offshore, it can within the terms some of their staff serve as advisers to the foreign banks, behind closed doors, but not contradict national laws of each country.
What is a tax shelter?
qualify as a tax haven is a territory or state that certain taxes are very low or nonexistent, many countries (particularly the members of OECD) have laws that make it difficult for residents to have a company (or investment ) in unpaid tax haven imposed on him or the country in which they reside.