And this? Susan Boyle Estatitis
Wild Cat, one of the star journalists Clarín group debuted as columnist for The Chronicle, the color of Narvaez. What's up? Not only is the first time that "read" something of Sylvester, but also the first time I see a journalist working with a group environment which is not the group.
The cat has some of the climate in government these days by the Chavez-Techint-gate, and then, true to form, pulls a couple of those questions poussin (having the answer that would make the cat a better journalist.) Namely:
it make this event a turning point in the relationship between the Argentine and the Venezuelan government? Be seen.
Is it really bothers the attitudes of President Chávez? So far, no note.
But beyond the analysis depth, sharp, incisive and determined cat, do not we leave the focus of this post. I can not help but wonder, what does writing for De Narváez Silvestre? Am I in the Twilight Zone?
(To avoid falling into the same cat, direct answer. The first, not yourself. The second if I know I am in a parallel universe, that it always opens in a while in Argentina)
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