Statue of GW Leibniz in the Natural History Museum . Oxford University
Crown of the Hermetic Tradition and unlike their teachers, Galileo, Descartes and Huygens, Leibniz understood natural science as an ontology of the singular. All things produced by Wisdom Supreme come with an internal force: vis insita rebus. Thus, with the same equations received, natural science Leibniz raises a metaphysical level, altering the concept of natural inertia and from it, the notions of infinity, expression, continuity and analogy, all presided over by what he called "My great principle of natural things": uniformity and diversity of nature. With three centuries ahead, Leibniz seems to glimpse the unified science of complexity.
uniformity / variety: The rediscovery of Leibniz with Hermeticism
As I suggested at the beginning, old metal, Neoplatonists, botanists and alchemists, the "philosophers" Renaissance, was appointed the first under the anagram The All The One , which collected in the Emerald Tablet , was broadcast over the centuries to those who wanted to know the secrets of nature, which Leibniz called the summa rerum , that is, the search for causes the movement, not only the way as it is produced, modified and transmitted.
In his peculiar physical Ars inveniendi metaphysical, ethical, those old men trying to discover the inside of things and of man himself from transformation or "metanoia " outer envelope of his own: this was the true metaphysics of alchemy, and not the mere pursuit of gold. Neither matter was, for them, the sheer indeterminacy that longs for a way outside them comes, or forms, souls or spirits, wandering out there beyond the material. "Making the corporeal in disembodied, they said, solid volatile, solve et coagula (" analyze and synthesize "Leibniz translated), because nature is pleased with nature, nature conquers nature, nature contains nature, which is within is like the outside, the above as below, in order to verify the perfect unity "(Pseudo-Democritus, Physica et Mystica , s. II d. C. ed. St. Linden: The Alchemy Reader , Cambridge 2003, p. 38-47) .
veterum philosophoru Sapientia: "Exaltation essential" and "exalted Essence," the eighteenth century.
The principle of uniformity-diversity of things come in Leibniz its intrinsic essence,
that shapes the materializer container or "shell" which embodies the divine activity
his younger years, when he attends and participates in the controversy of their teachers and guides from Plato and Aristotle, between Ancient and Modern, Leibniz had followed this tradition and had identified the body as "momentary mens' and the mind as one focal point instead of extracting the body. After measles phoronomic mechanistic also released from the yoke of Aristotle, Leibniz resignation to the movement as the essence of bodies to reduce it to pure idealism, pure and changeable traffic accident, sustained only in an essential and permanent: the internal activities of the bodies, force. This takes the old idea Leibniz hermetic conception of substance as a unit real-resistance activity, inside-outside core-crust and, therefore, inseparable from the material: Leibnizian substance, not being corporeal (as is to be founded, not part of the length) must be essentially built to be really active and cosmic order defector not produced by the Author of things.
While there entelechies or souls or similar to them, there will always be more or less subtle matter where you enter and by relocating to another theater ... transformed without losing their individuality. The notion of "seed" that Leibniz used to describe the functional monads that from the beginning created all the world, transform the outer, exemplifies, better than any other concept.
In this way, and all distinctions and epistemic mechanisms identified, Leibniz moves the old principle tight to his new great principle of natural things , now formulated as follows:
"always and in all everywhere and in all things at all like here, namely that nature is uniform at the bottom of things [that is, they are all active, remaining], although there variety the most and least and the degrees perfection [that is, each with its own form of activity, which determines the sequence of its varied manifestations]. "
Since 1695, Leibniz uses its massive and universal law of continuity basing this principle of uniformity / variety an average of dynamic demonstrations and metaphysical. It does explicitly programmatic and always referring to his first formulation of continuity in 1687 (letter in response to Malebranche, in his first letter to Varignon of 1702 regarding the mathematical continuity in Tentamen anagogicum of 1690-95, in correspondence with G. Grandi, 1713, with Christian Wolff in 1713, with Johann Bernoulli, in the controversy with P. Bayle and the Nouveaux Essais . And I used pragmatically in decisive moments. I list a few.
metaphysical dimension of differential calculus. That is, the characteristic triangle is the mathematical technical module which concentrates in itself the law of succession of the various points of a curve, the same way as the simple substance is stable metaphysical technical module is expressed in the succession of temporary modifications. When his colleagues claimed that dx expresses or represents the variation de un término de la sucesión en el movimiento de un cuerpo, las palabras «expresión», «movimiento», «cuerpo», estaban referidas a la extensión o cuerpo matemático bajo la ley de la inercia newtoniana y, por lo tanto, algo completamente ajeno a cualquier actividad interna de los cuerpos; mientras que Leibniz, sin dejar de utilizar las mismas ecuaciones, las transciende, las sobredimensiona , las refiere, bajo su nueva noción de expresión y continuidad , al dinamismo interno de los cuerpos, de manera que la variación en la naturaleza no es un mero problema que afecte a la extensión y al número, que son cosas ideales y continuas, sino a «lo extenso», that is, bodies or aggregates, which are real things and heterogeneous as expression of the activity of substances.
Manuscript Figures and Art Demonstration ASTVXYZ Raymond Lully. Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
of Venice. The former Ars Combinatorial of Lully was introduced in the giant
scientific structure of Leibniz
of Venice. The former Ars Combinatorial of Lully was introduced in the giant
scientific structure of Leibniz
process dynamics. The term hermetic also directed the transition of power dead the lifeblood , that is, from the law of equilibrium of forces dead (the lever) to the law of equipolent between full cause and entire effect (in the momentum of the bodies) through dynamic notions conatus and impetus intelligibility as an expression of successive activity of the body. Leibniz
reuse this first section in the central argument of the dynamics, namely, when you need the elasticity all the bodies essential in order to palliate the action, their resistance to the internal balance " to dynamikon " of each single substance. Similarly, this principle is the foundation of all his treatment of the organisms, organic preformation of them, creases and folds of the living and organizational transformation, as seen in his later writings vitalist.
And when finally cornered by de Volder, is forced to give a demonstration post of activités of any substance, this principle is the middle of his argument. It reads: "If we experience our perceptions and desires, must be in us, but phenomenally not feel it, an active as the source of these experiences, it all accidental or modification should be changeable essential and perpetual . " This finding, according to Leibniz, is a posteriori.
However, he adds, this principle of action contains a large pool of intelligibility universalized because it something analogous to what lies us, perception and appetite (...) because, being uniform nature of things, ours can not be infinitely different from all other simple substances which make up the whole universe "; ( ...) "otherwise it would be too jump and escape nature of their character too uniform inexplicable by a fundamental change. " It is, therefore, this uniformity of nature, the analogy makes intelligible the universal existence of active principles, this argument, which is not at all post but radically tight, as was done for centuries.
Interim conclusion
In short, unlike their teachers and peers, Leibniz agree to participate in new discoveries of modern science from its previous unalterable conviction that the created universe by Common Cause is an infinite set (ie, greater than any given number) of active, outstanding, each equipped with its own form of activity, which represents or says more or less confused or different from all others. This is the ontological complexity of the world, bridging the distance course of three centuries, comes to meet the new theories of complexity in systems far from equilibrium, ie in open systems indefinitely while irreversible. Therefore, from the epistemic point of view or access to this complexity, the natural system of Leibniz can not be "sequential" consisting of abstract logical principles or axioms independent, which is deducted from non-reversible findings in succession, as in logic, mathematics and Newtonian science.
Leibniz system must be "circular" and existential, that is The description of the status quo, grounded in conceptual structures equipotent (ie saying mutually express each other), but different (ie analogue saying every level from its own jargon), which light from various points of view consistency of the system "such as streets and plazas of a city, which can be split and can be get from any other ", a system of systems always open to new structures.
In a word, the architectural lines used by Leibniz, the expression as a structure of being, the analogy and structure of thinking about being, continuity asymptotic approach as a mechanism to be integrated under the hermetic principle, that is, not mechanistic, organic unit and holistic world should form an intrinsic part of his argument, his experiments in his mathematics, of mechanics, the equations of motion. Otherwise, let pass or evoke just as if they were "perimenopausal pensées" as is so often done, it would in my opinion, do justice to the scientific thought of Leibniz, although today we do not like, and maybe close the road to new insights about what could be a unified science of nature and man.
The Written 25 June 1703, says Leibniz to de Volder about mathematicians and scientists, their colleagues,
"In general, men, content to satisfy your imagination, do not worry of the reasons, so many monstrous things have come against the true philosophy. I mean, have not employed more than incomplete and abstract concepts, or mathematics, which underpins thinking, but which themselves naked, nature does not recognize, such as time, space or pure mathematical extension, the purely passive mass, the motion mathematically understood, etc, so that men can pretend the diverse without achieving true diversity. "
Today in the era of new complexity that it somehow envisioned, and overwhelmed by new threats of an uncertain future, it appears that Leibniz's prophetic radicalism still causes us fear.
Orio de Miguel Bernardino, Leibniz Society
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