Facsimile of 1650, the enlarged and corrected version
Hundreds of printed almost a century earlier in France
At night, sitting in secret study.
Calm and alone in the bronze chair: Low
called evade loneliness,
It advances what should not be accepted in vain.
At night, sitting in secret study.
Calm and alone in the bronze chair: Low
called evade loneliness,
It advances what should not be accepted in vain.
Shelf assis de nuit secret studies from Seoul
Repouso its the seal d'ærain, Flambe
exigue sortant of solitude, Fait
qui n'est à croire uttering vain.
Repouso its the seal d'ærain, Flambe
exigue sortant of solitude, Fait
qui n'est à croire uttering vain.
Vara hand among priests of Apollo
wet For the halo wave and the foot
A fear and a voice ranging from the sleeves:
divine splendor. The divine takes a seat beside me.
The verge on the main mise au milieu de l'onde
BRANCHES il limbe moulle & le & le pied. Vn peur & voix
fremissent par les manches,
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin s'assied loans.
BRANCHES il limbe moulle & le & le pied. Vn peur & voix
fremissent par les manches,
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin s'assied loans.
When correinte berth by tipping.
And their faces hidden by their cloaks.
The new republic by people injured,
Then judge red white and vice versa.
When correinte berth by tipping.
And their faces hidden by their cloaks.
The new republic by people injured,
Then judge red white and vice versa.
Quand la lictiere du tourbillon created rhymes,
Et seront leurs faces of manteau couuers,
La republique par gens nouueaux vexée,
iugeront Lors blancs & rouges à l'enuers.
There will be a monarch for the Universe
That would not stay long time in peace and life
Then the fishing boat will be diverted.
shall govern the greatest disaster.
Par l'vnivers VNG will faict monarchical Qu'en
be paix ne longuement & Fri: Lors
piscature is perdre the barque, Sera regie
en plus grand detriment.
be paix ne longuement & Fri: Lors
piscature is perdre the barque, Sera regie
en plus grand detriment.
Les Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostradamus ,
Centuria I, earliest quartets
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