Cosmography World Map. Compilation of Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Qazwini: Wonders created things and miraculous aspects of existing objects . Important natural history text medieval Islamic world, world which turned Albert the Great on his way to combine Cosmos and Nature
What follows is written in Speculum Astronomiae. taught by Alberto de Cologne , teacher and initiator of Thomas Aquinas, Doctor Eclessiae:
"The second great wisdom is the science of the trials of the star, providing a link between natural philosophy and metaphysics . Any human science never achieves this order of the universe as perfectly as the statement made by the stars. "
, which freed the Master of studium generale the prosecution in trials unless stellar and most mortifying themselves, were the conditions that in his view demanded investigate, manipulate "the hidden virtues of plants" and direct influence of the stars. Will be the one least one would imagine, his disciple, who in the Summa Theologica, this massive compendium western model of thinking coincides with Alberto convicted, and also clarify:
"Most men follow their passions which are movements of the sensitive appetite, in which the movements of celestial bodies can cooperate, but few are wise enough to resist these passions. Accordingly, astrologers are able to predict the truth in most cases, especially in a general way. But in particular cases, because nothing prevents the man resist their passions by their free will. Hence, astrologers often say that "the wise man is stronger than the stars", because, namely, overcome their passions. " Summa Theologica 1a, q 115, a4 .
In 1274 death of his friend and spiritual son Tommaso D'Aquino, leaving only to their enemies, taking advantage of her helplessness accuse him of satanic magician and writer.
At his death, the Inquisition decimated any attempt -For more objective and consistent with the procedures of the Holy Doctor that he was "secularization of this knowledge, taken in his time in Rome lay estates, practices and methods, if not totally satanic, yes as senile and attempts ridiculous, that very little touched by the heresy. In the twentieth century, these reserves to Alberto for this sensitive part of his research, is no longer an obstacle. The Potato Concordats , Pio XI canonized him, claiming that possessed in the highest degree the rare gift of spirit and divine scientist. It is exactly the kind of saint who can inspire our time .
Albert of Cologne, 1193 - 1280, in a sixteenth century engraving.
An exceptional man as Alberto, I understood that to speak of "nature" concept was to express within the creational the Cosmos in all its phenomenal range, known or unknown to us. Therefore, must have seemed strange that his disciples, excited to hear presentations on the most recurrent themes of theology, we see select one another for learning of Natural Magic attribute of Hod, the astral world, which lies within the Kabbalah Magic Triangle. It is both the prominence given to Alberto Nature, which considers legitimate for the Mother of God, the same as her grace, fruiting and assistance ... is not a mere assistant. Is cooperative and companion. Participate in the kingdom (natural and celestial) exactly as participated in the Lord's sufferings for mankind .
But there were times-a-care fearful attempts to realize one of the dreams Albertian: the practice of medicine dispensed without the handler, but on the contrary, make the most of the benefits that might reveal the nature.
Sanitatis Salernitanum Regimen as master exposure Arnold of Villanova.
First Printing. Salerno Medical School, 1480
appears in the city of Salerno in namesake Medical School, a medical journal Platearius Matthäus, this late fifteenth century. As scoring properties officinalis betony (in Castilian, Salvia), the author introduces the prayer before and during use
betony sorts of herbs that was found by Asclepius, I need for this sentence, you , who is called Lady of all herbs, to help me in everything I want .
portion of the prayer in all things I want can cover all the things that are "specialized" the spiritual body of the plant, given the habits and skills that have been squandered through time.
Three hundred years before Platearius book, the scholar Hildegard von Bingen knew that nightmares had little influence with the effect of Salvia if it involves the betony to lie down and sleep, renocerá which is less a victim of the phantasmagoria of dreams . In modernity, Samael no longer present and praised the talents of this plant, which, if doubled its profit in question, should accompany the rough.
In his books and discussions, Albertus Magnus-advised because it was best for the plant and for the therapist-appoint the same virtues and and the use that would be given as the collection during the flowering stage. Always insisted that these practices, exercised under the conditions of its time "test the candidate's nature," were not against the honor of faith, advising that it was good before studying rule misunderstandings. But what will. The mind of the populace, among whom it would not hurt to include a certain group of allopathic practitioners and even esoteric, like much of the baseness of their product. What emerges from misunderstandings going to set up, sooner rather than later, part of the chronicles unbootable.
Alberto had a reputation for being a teacher in various types of magic. This reputation he built at the expense of events that weathered the passage of centuries. There are few legends who were born around them. By the year 1250, our "Doctor Expertus" bought for the content of the Dominican Priory Stolkgassen by the ridiculous (for the time) amount of only 150 frames. It seems that the day of purchase at a time oil, the largest in the German winter. To the surprise of all orders placed Alberto Magno all tables to eat outside in the garden. And here, as if he had done a great miracle, the snow disappeared, the trees turn green, the plants were in bloom and the birds started chirping ... in the convent garden had recreated artificially lush spring formidable admiration for the distinguished visitors . The honesty of Alberto to pay even a minimum purchase of property (possible gift of the Duke William II, speechless after witnessing the miracle), acknowledged that the wonders proceed auquel are the property of the Holy Spirit (within the Tree of Life , the axis of the Magic Triangle). Material or to exploit them economically would be a serious affront.
Although the Great was interested in alchemy, biographers closer to Catholic officials deny that the practice. Isaac Newton, the same Aquino and others, were confirmed practices, but refused conveniently others. On the transmutation of metals Alberto says he learned from it "aspects of their nature and properties. I learned from what they have seen my own eyes ... what the founders and craftsmen have learned from experience is the practice of alchemists ...». Hermes matches the connection that there are seven planets with the seven metals. De Causis Elementorum ensures that the crescent moon pays more pure metal alchemist work in the other modes.
was against the "coal or impostors", declaring that has rarely seen a full alchemist, that "most are impostors, since it does not make the practice of alchemy as a whole but only in part ... I have tested with that (of course) alchemical gold and silver and have become dross. "
circulated throughout Europe this magical feat Alberto. Using a talisman met all snakes of his diocese, using them to manufacture gold. Word spread that it was that the only way he could pay off high debt than their predecessors in the see accumulated over the years . Who has understanding, let him hear.
De Alchimia ( Semitic Straight , edition of Borgnet) is valid advice for today's airtight, which prescribes Alberto purity in mind, soul and behavior.
De Animalibus , a picture of a unicorn on the cover. Edition 1545, Frankfurt am Main.
The Admirable Secrets of Albert the Great and Little Albert long considered apocryphal, until two American professors showed, so irrefutable, the party entitled Albert the Great was written without the slightest doubt, by Albertus Magnus.
The nickname "Universalis" I came because, as a whole, their work reproduced as rarely do, a broad description of the world, starting with the stones to finish with the stars. Etienne Gilson said graciously as the sole interest of Alberto to assimilate all the Greco-Arabic science indicates that his is a case gargantuan.
Alberto's writings stand out for an excessive descriptive richness. No matter that you overlook or on which, once treated, did not take expertise: Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Geography, Agriculture, Medicine, Geology, Zoology, Nutrition, Anatomy, Math, Grammar, Music, Astronomy, Theology, review and refinement of the senses and the senses, comprehensive treatises on the Soul, novel form of application logic, the uses of the findings Aquimia and Metallurgy, testify only too well that the Holy "Teutonicus" was egregious precursor not only of science but intelligent use of natural resources in applications that continue today in the shadow and that men of his century, as now, called Magic. Alberto is
Great a praiseworthy Preceptor of spiritual evolution in this part of the planet.
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