Monday, December 31, 2007

Can You Buy A Pushchair On Sims 2

despicable! What the did for Paloma? Sects of deeply rooted

  1. Aunque el relato es un ensayo y no corresponde a un suceso real, sí que se ajusta con exactitud a la problemática que viven los jóvenes Testigos cuando continuamente son manipulados y presionados para que trabajen gratuitamente para la Watchtower. Según les hacen ver, la decisión about their lives, hopes and projects not available to them. Forgive the use of words sounding wrong. I do not know what words you would use a suicide in a fit of madness, nor the love of a person who loses the love of his youth. In an act of empathy, I took those and not others.

Patricio Esteve Garcia - Woman in the Mirror
Paloma pray to God in her bedroom and makes it desperately.

- my God! Paloma I, your faithful servant.
- I'm tired! I feel sad and irritable! - I have no desire to preach! - I'm sick of listen we need money!
- I have no desire to go to the Kingdom Hall!

- Lord, my God, what are you going?

What is happening to the Dove? Maybe she is exhausted, emotionally and mentally. Why? Because it takes many years to the best of herself and has no compensation, just listen to speeches of urgency to preach and make disciples and weekly announcements asking for more donations for the United Kingdom, not just arrived, "and if you relax a little, blame and looks severe. That end of the world that swore they would soon begin to evaporate like the morning dew: Spent 1975, 1984 also went to the end of the century as well.

The future direction of Paloma changed when her mother and this witness was dissuaded so she also did. Paloma was baptized at the age of fifteen. She was a bright student who did not start a medical career because he was-and is "frowned upon among the Witnesses pursue higher education, because according to her count, there is abundant immorality and evil and the Lord also wants young people to devote their youth to the interests of the Kingdom of God. Since she dreamed of becoming a doctor from Doctors Without Borders, "but I can not be for the Lord was the first thing a pity! Paloma

suspect something is wrong. She is depressed but can not say for it is not seen to miss meetings. Paloma had been surprised if she had known the number of brothers and sisters who are is the same situation of despair and remain silent for fear of reprisals, but she can not know that because the other fellow members seem to be fine.
the other day caught up with me, a mundane, and I greeted her with a smile. It had been thirty years since the last time we met. I accompanied my wife and daughters: We were very happy because we were going to spend Christmas with family. Paloma out of their work. She works at Christmas it is forbidden to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere typical of this time. She did not look happy and had a bad face, like when someone is not healthy. In their eyes I could still see a glimmer of love that I had. Summer still remember when we walked together along the banks of the river, I always knew she was in love with me Why Paloma rejected me? Ah yes! He was a worldly, good people, but a mundane to the end of the day, and his religion is allowed out with people of my ilk. Wanted to become to save your relationship but I did not witness me and eventually I left because, she says, in his life was the Lord first.

And against all odds she answered my greeting with a broken voice and in a low tone:

- Hello!

I would talk but did not, and Paloma recoiled as if thrown from behind her with a rope. She continued her way in a hurry and crestfallen.

Yes, I think Paloma suspect something is wrong since last summer because she is dying. It is going to a psychologist because among the Witnesses is frowned upon. In that state, she has no strength to do anything. Paloma has not informed his preaching for six months, is inactive, and shout and reproachful looks from his brethren. Go to the Hall is an ordeal for her. The elders visited in October and said the depression is cured by praying and preaching the precursor-hours per month. He is finishing the year and Paloma is worse than ever.

One day in late December, going to the Kingdom Hall, where Paloma was headed to his seat, he heard a whisper behind him and knew that she was criticizing. Imagined they would be saying to them: "This sister is wrong spiritually, certainly has committed a grave sin, they say that she is dating a man from his work and a trusted friend told me that have been secretly fornicating liars Chismosas ! Already in his seat, Paloma laments and inside it says: Why does not anyone ask me how I feel? Why nobody seems to know what's wrong? And do not tell me I've lost faith! In these thoughts began to mourn. Is the approach the elderly with a smile of commitment, she thinks, and think they are mocking with carnival masks.

- You can help Paloma sister? The question-

- Leave me alone! She cried and sobbed Paloma rose abruptly and left the Kingdom Hall. Not allowed to accompany her mother and left for home.

Paloma, dear friend: I have 48 years and you're single and no longer menstruating. No, you no longer have children who love to your old age. Your job will not excited. The Watchtower and promises are worthless and have no signs to tell you that your future will be otherwise. The memory of spending your youth as a preacher in places of need and not comfort you, quite the contrary, I am saddened and embittered you, but always automatically contain your emotions and that the Witnesses have to look happy in front of others. Want a smile, but only you get a grin as if it were a nervous tic.

're alone in your house and your room you stand in front of the mirror and you look, you find the beauty of your youth in your face and old, and desperately do not stop to touch and stretch the wrinkled skin. Raisins maquillándote nearly two hours and your face does not improve. The tears will come out leaving a big pain in your eyes. The head looks like that's going to erupt at any moment, and I can not stand more ... And you get to shout

- Sons of bitches! Bastards! Why I do this. I have been a good witness, I have good witness, very good. Liar! It's all a big lie and you have deceived me.

- Damn! Poor babies! You ruined my life.

- Honey, love of my youth, always love you, forgive me for being so stupid. I'm not bad girl, I was just stupid. Could we be so happy. Paloma

taken with Bible and angrily forces his spear against the glass breaking into pieces. Pain grabbed one piece and, between sobs and deep sadness, he raises his head to the sky and they kill by nailing a piece of mirror on his throat. Falls on the carpet and while bleeding in his mind over and over again: I love you I love you, forgive me.

already died five years ago Paloma. Every year when these Christmas days come, I always remember Paloma. And tears I say: Sect despicable! What the did for Paloma? I did that really wanted. You farmed until exhaustion, until it was not anything more to offer. Even the dignity managed to maintain bastards! Poor babies!



Sunday, December 30, 2007

Yogurt Cover Strawberries

Barcelona, \u200b\u200b10.22.2003. (EFE) .- English About 150,000 belong to any of the 150 cults operating in the country, according to official figures, although the actual number of followers could double or even triple that figure, denounced the sociologist and journalist Roger Pascual
in his book "L'ombra de les sects
The shadow of sects presented today at conference Barcelona press in his book, edited by Llibres de l'Index, in which the sociologist An inventory of the fifteen most prevalent sects in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, where it is estimated that some 50,000 followers live. However, he warns Pascual, the actual number of people linked to sects could get to triple that amount estimated, since associations tend to hide the number of its adherents and its turnover, and taking into account that have recently emerged groups "more opaque, small and mobile."
also regrets the author of the study is not possible to obtain reliable data on the number of captured English by sects, as, in his view, "there is no committee and not an observatory to devote time and resources" to address these challenges. Among the most dangerous sects active today, highlights the Pascual Dianetics, linked to the Church of Scientology , a lucrative partnership that has managed to seduce some icons of the "star system" Hollywood as Tom Cruise or John Travolta.

would continue in the ranking of the destructive cults

Gnostic movements, which tend to recruit their followers through lectures on meditation, astrology, yoga, and therapeutic groups

One of the types of partnerships that has proliferated in recent times.

However, the sect has more fans and more rooted both in Catalonia and Spain is Jehovah's Witnesses, also known for being one of the most lucrative, especially through the publishing business, since each years brings to light 30 million books and 450 journals worldwide. Many considered destructive cults have grown to become lobbyists and fully integrated "in the democratic game," Pascual said, limiting the possibilities to act against them, "and you have to wait to fail the Penal Code. "

These associations book cites Opus Dei, addressed as a" special case "because there are different opinions on their sectarian character, and Legionaries, which Pascal calls" manipulative sect. "

"The shadow of sects," which includes testimonies from people recruited by cults operating in Catalonia, also offers advice to see if anyone is adept at a destructive group and guidance to help them leave the partnership, although in view Pascual, the main remedy is "information and training". Roger Pascual, the government favors impulse "something like a National Plan on Sects ", has warned that" we can all have a personal crisis and falling into the spell of sects ", and that its followers are" people of any social background, economic and educational. "

Barcelona, \u200b\u200bOctober 22, 2003, Agencia EFE


Jehovah's Witnesses, Opus Dei, Legionaries of Christ and the Church of Scientology say they are deeply rooted religions, however , journalists and scholars and affected by sects place them among the fifteen major sectarian groups in the English territory.
Classification of 'deeply rooted' benefits both parties: The cult of the moment 'improving its public image', and the Ministry of Finance and Social Security collect large sums of money in taxes and social contributions.

However, few governments intervene with the severity it deserves against the crimes of fraud and violation of human rights violation sects his followers. Although in recent years has made great strides in these areas, there is still a long way to go, and associations of people affected by cults know that to change things and report must be exposed continuously.
projects in the reporting and complaint cults have found a serious obstacle. These projects, especially those who use the Internet as a medium (websites, bloggers and forums) are having great success at international level. Now it's easy to find on the net precise documentation on the history of the sect, personal experiences told by former members and therapy workshops advised by experts in psychology and psychiatry.
Persephone, MADRID, 30 DECEMBER 2007


News agency EFE.
La Vanguardia
  1. Awards
  2. Largantza Picture Association head. OOo

Friday, December 28, 2007

Red Dots On Breast Look Like Broken Capillary

The Matrix

Monday, December 24, 2007

Doujin Dark Skin Shota

Silent Night, Holy Night

LAURA PAUSINI - NIGHT OF PEACE, 2006 fixation which has the Watchtower against the Christmas spirit is hardly equal. In his magazine The Watchtower of December 15, 1999, page 6, Christmas reaches the East, says: A wild beast
no longer be the fact that the caged in a zoo. And it would be a grave mistake to think that is tame simply because it takes time in a cage and seems to enjoy her cubs. Perhaps you know of animals that have attacked even the employees of the zoo.
We can compare, in a sense, with the feast of Christmas . At first it was a "beast" alien to Christianity.
Christmas "like a wild beast? Go crap! Without going into the paradox that virtually all modern customs from an earlier culture whose beliefs were particularly primitive, barbaric, and for this and to be consistent we should go naked, and we could not eat any food since food clothing and had connections with beliefs of our ancestors. Apart from the religious fanaticism of the Witnesses who arbitrarily decide that things are connected to paganism and what not. And yes valuing Witnesses celebrating Christmas during the first third of the twentieth century, and oddly used the same arguments in his defense that modern religion.

Besides the above, it is customary among the "ordinary people" to join his family and friends to share a meal, and if possible even gifts, and why not? enjoy a little party. Little more to add, only this: The authors of this blog wish a happy night of peace and love for everyone, including witnesses.
Happy Holidays!