Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Drying Up Before Period

A prophet predictions beyond

People questioned whether Nostradamus was wrong or assertively used his gift of prophecy, or rather wasted talent and devoted much time to play with the predictions infertile, the Buenventura and omens.

prefer questioning if everything so far I can say that I know of this good man, corresponds with what really matters. That's what I wanted to be. That became his own driver, in his own interpreter, in its own browser, hidden, impenetrable for all to himself, trace, in the long line of eternity, an amazing destination, because it was prepared, because it is and should occur once gone: perennizarce in paragraph male figure, generous and unusual.

With it becomes clear that being well versed in human and celestial science is, absolutely, land of strange creatures.

Monday, December 27, 2010

President Lincoln Cb Instructions

Michel de Notre-Dame, "The divine is sitting next to me."

Facsimile of 1650, the enlarged and corrected version
Hundreds of printed almost a century earlier in France

At night, sitting in secret study.
Calm and alone in the bronze chair: Low
called evade loneliness,
It advances what should not be accepted in vain.

Shelf assis de nuit secret studies from Seoul
Repouso its the seal d'ærain, Flambe
exigue sortant of solitude, Fait
qui n'est à croire uttering vain.

Vara hand among priests of Apollo
wet For the halo wave and the foot
A fear and a voice ranging from the sleeves:
divine splendor. The divine takes a seat beside me.

The verge on the main mise au milieu de l'onde
BRANCHES il limbe moulle & le & le pied. Vn peur & voix
fremissent par les manches,
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin s'assied loans.

When correinte berth by tipping.
And their faces hidden by their cloaks.
The new republic by people injured,
Then judge red white and vice versa.

Quand la lictiere du tourbillon created rhymes,
Et seront leurs faces of manteau couuers,
La republique par gens nouueaux vexée,
iugeront Lors blancs & rouges à l'enuers.

There will be a monarch for the Universe
That would not stay long time in peace and life
Then the fishing boat will be diverted.
shall govern the greatest disaster.

Par l'vnivers VNG will faict monarchical Qu'en
be paix ne longuement & Fri: Lors
piscature is perdre the barque, Sera regie
en plus grand detriment.

Les Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostradamus ,
Centuria I, earliest quartets

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Template Fondantshoes

Science in the new Mystical Theology

We reviewed the extensive hermetic tradition that converges into the huge scientific and philosophical development of the famous German, The Hermetics up Leibniz. As the wise man had no chance to explain himself, but on rare occasions (which allowed the honorable member of the Leibniz Society), will this time he who, in his own words, speak of the true Mystical Theology, a brief but intense collection of endless reflections combined to infinity, evil was known to Leibniz research regarding any knowledge, however small or large, will be assisted by the most diverse knowledge, as many as those who were able to put together a legendary man of greed, and, most famous of his wisdom, a man in the confines of the Renaissance.

elaborate notes at the end of the trial, but we wanted to, for variety, join them in brackets to the meditations of Leibniz to highlight their spirit references to numbers and mathematics.

Each perfection emanates directly from God, which is essentially force, present, spirit, want to know. Only the inner light that God is able to kindle in us give us a fair knowledge of God.

The divine perfections are hidden in all things, and few can find them there.

But it may happen that one is for this reason, a scholar, but not forgotten is illuminated if the Supreme or light, because he only believes in his earthly master or external senses, and persists in contemplation of imperfections. This light does not come from outside, although external teachings can provide and sometimes have to give an opportunity for us to ignite a spark him.

The lessons are two best awaken the inner light: the Holy Scriptures and the experience of nature. But neither works if the interior light does not cooperate. The knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom the divine attributes are the fundamental truths in the right order of knowledge.

key light is the eternal word of God is all wisdom, all light, and the archetype of all entities and the source of all truth. Without the radiance of this light becomes a nobody and no doctrine indoctrinated no one becomes blessed.

God is the easiest and most difficult to meet, the first and most easily by means of light, the most difficult and final by way of the shadow.

Most of the knowledge and the invention pertains to the path of the shadows: stories language, human behavior, uses of nature. There is also some light on this shadow, but few can share it.

This light fills the mind with clarity and certainty, not fancy and crazy movement. Some are listed in your brain a world of light, they believe they see a gleam and splendor, and are surrounded by many thousands of little lights. But this is not real light but warming his blood.

When one sees the true light, one is immediately convinced that comes from above, not the devil or the flesh. Just as the sun gives evidence of itself, so it is light.

All creatures come of God and nothing-is-the same God itself, its non-being from nothing (the numbers also show the same thing so admirable, and the essences of things are the same as the numbers.)

creature There can be no non-being, because then it would be God. The angels and the saints should possess.

The only self-knowledge is to distinguish our own well-being-in itself of our non-being. Prevents stray from the path of light. But you have to use the sensitive pleasure and contemplation of the shadows only as a necessity and a tool, not sit in them.

In our own self-contained self is an infinity, a trail, an effigy of the omniscience and omnipotence of God.

Each singular sameness, like me and you, is a unitary thing, indivisible, incorruptible, and not consist of three parts: soul, spirit and body [ philosopher notes that this division of the Unit has only to distinguish the areas of God's expression in more subtle or existential worlds densest].

There are other things that pertain closely to the thing we are united and so to speak, incorporated [ the thing unit to sum up both the material and the spiritual process in a single divine activity ].

Although each singular sameness has no parts, there are more things printed on it, not to occupy space there. In everything and everyone is content everything, but with a certain degree of clarity [ math here is a hint of Leibniz, regarding, but not explicit, the first number or king of the accounts and the calculation, 1 ].

Bodies are merely the work of God, the spirits are themselves the kingdom of God [ new mathematical reference this time of philosophical: bodies identified as the amount would, therefore, loose the substantial unity ].

God belongs to me more intimately than the body. The bodies are not really mismidades but passing shadows, glimpses, figures, true dreams [ quantities, ie, the operational results of natural computing are extensions the first issue, always pure value, and in this appropriate, spiritual imprint ].

The essential truth is only in spirit. Although inexperienced men take the spiritual sleep, tangible truth.

Sin does not come from God, but in some creatures original sin came from non-being [ samaeliano Gnosticism places the origin in the so called Reflection of the Logos, in its shadow ].

God has permitted sin, because he knew out of the evil a greater good. Only the wicked have suffered losses because of their sin, God's creation as a whole has not lost it, but won. God has no unbridled despotic will, but all provide cause and for good. His predestination originally from an estimate of the merits of men, that is, not foreseen faith or works under, but causes much higher. For that man creates, say or think, or do something well, it also comes from the expected election of the Supreme of the Christ. For a small thing added to another small thing can often produce something better than the combination of two others, each of which itself is more precious than each of those. Here is contained the mystery of predestination and the solution of the problem:

Duo aliquid facere possunt aliquid Irregularia regulare . God wants the welfare of all creatures and what is best for them.

[ German gives well founded, and link theological, the physical and mathematical reality of the mystical: Leibniz argues that among the multitudes number, a smaller scale by the same to close the unit, maintaining the purity of the primary numbers , specifically those contained between 1 and 10 . In the infinitesimal sequence thereof, where any number of the decade was the ceiling but they extended below the recent notation allowed Leibniz, and Newton, of course, lay the foundations of the new mathematical analysis. The road to the complex studies and research that are based on the heaviest mechanical advances to the discovery of particles smaller than the atom, was made ].

human self-denial must result in the rejection of non-being in ourselves and accepting the source of our self-being-in itself, namely God.

crucify Herein lies the Old Adam, take the Christ, to die for Adam and live for Christ renegaos non-being and adhere to the be-themselves.

Who knows prefer their pictures interior light sensitive, or the same-be-in itself to non-being, love God above all things.

who only afraid of God, loves himself and its non-being rather than God [ the origin of the unitary notion, the root. In the words of Leibniz, just-being-in itself ]

Faith without knowledge is not the spirit of God but of the dead letter or the sound of the words.

The light does not inspire faith without love, but fear and hope, and this love does not live [ this hope is fear that lies beneath the appearance of certainty ].

who does not work in faith, no faith, although it can boast. It is unfortunate that so few men know what is light and faith, love and life, Christ, and bliss.

The doctrine of Christ is spirit and truth, but many make it flesh and shadow. [ The spirit of the numbers is essentially a single pricipio, as with the religious mystical notions which comes as unchangeable and immutable archetypes, kept within the forms or traditional robes ].

Most men are not serious. They have never tasted the truth and are mired in a hidden disbelief.

Let each one examine himself and see if you have faith and has life, if you find some joy and pleasure that is greater than the love of God and the glorification of his will not enough to know Christ and does not have the breath of the Holy Spirit.

The Scriptures provide a beautiful test to see if the man loves God, is this: if he loves his brother and is a candidate to serve others as much as possible. Whoever does that, he brags to his enlightenment falsehood, or Christ and the Holy Spirit [ that Gnostic Christianity identifies with the Wisdom and the Wise].

Von der Wahren Theologia Mystica, GW
Leibniz, 1695

Monday, November 29, 2010

Vocab Level E Teacher's Edition Online

If you love Beautiful Light Amarna

If you love beauty,
oh, do not love me!
love the sun,
whose locks are golden!

If you love the youth,
oh, I love! Love
that rejuvenates every year!

If you love wealth
oh, do not love me!
Love the undine
owner of luminous pearls!

If you love love,
oh, yes, love!
Love me,
as I will love you forever.

Gustav Mahler, Rückertlieder: Liebst du um Schönheit

Monday, November 22, 2010

Brainwave Orgasme Male

Replication Model Akhenaten's head.
The original remains in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

You appear beautiful on the horizon of heaven. When you get up in the confines of the East, to fill the entire Land of your wonders. You are bright, large, a steep brightness over the creatures on Earth. Your rays surrounding the field to the limit of what we created, because you're in Ra and because it contains even their confines and mastered for your beloved child.

Although you
paragraph, your pin is directed rays on Earth, your glow on their faces, the subtle way in your home. But if resting peacefully in the western horizon, the dark earth in death. At night everything is covered and this prevents us to receive the morning light so that no eye can see another. If the assets that belong to everyone, are stolen, it would be possible to realize. Each Lion Ruty progress (in the House of Heliopolis)). The snakes bite everyone and take advantage of darkness to spit fire. The earth is silent as their Creator lies within the peace of his residence on the Horizon.

In Alba, when you emerge glowing from the horizon that evening Aten darkness evades you, you give your rays when the Two Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt) enters celebrations. Everyone wakes up and stands supporting their feet, for You are the one who carried them. Wash their bodies, dress of ceremony, members extol your appearance and all the kingdom to perform. All herds graze satisfied. Trees and plants are reborn. Birds fly, the wings open up their nest praising your Ka (life force). All livestock uses his legs. Beings who fly and those who are resting there when you show up for them. The boats sail up and down the river, likewise every path is open when you show up. Fish on the bank twirl to your presence if the rays reach the interior of the water.

fertilize the females if they breathe life into the child's mother. You appease the woman as her suffering silence, when a mother nurtures him and grant him the Breath of Life created. When he leaves the womb, is born. In the meantime, you open your mouth and you manage your business greatly. If the chick is in the egg and screams in the shell, You give the Breath to stimulate your life. Complete its development might not be hard to break the egg. He goes there to teach perfection by his feet. At last, is here.

How abundant creations. They are identical to the mysteries in the One face of God! no resemblance. You created the earth by your Will. You created all men in a unique way, livestock and all the animals that remain on earth, walking on their feet or getting up to Heaven with wings flying in Foreign Countries from Kush to Egypt Jarwan. You locate the men in place and provide for their needs. Each one has food and has recorded the duration of its existence. Their languages \u200b\u200bare separate languages, as well as their features and skins. You have done different villages.

Nile originates in the Residence of the Hereafter and bring it to your will, for Living provide crowd created. You are the Lord God of the Earth that remains all for them. Thou art the Aton morning, the high praise of all foreigners and their countries. You prepare the way of your life. Nile you place in heaven to descend to them and produce waves in the mountains, as they do when the waters flooded the lands of their peoples. They show that prices in your government!, Lord of the Eternal. To them you're a Nile in heaven, as for all the desert animals that walk with their feet. Nile are coming from the unlimited to the beloved.

Your rays feed the entire country. His Existence advances debido a tí, pues generas las estaciones para manifestar la vida de toda tu creación. El frío refresca y el calor le da sabor. Tú creas una Vía Celeste para que surjamos brillando en ella y contemplar toda tu Creación. Tú eres Único y brillas en tantas manifestaciones cual Atón de Vida si estás en lo alto, fulgurante, cuando cercano te vemos en tu Camino. Creas multitud imposible de formas de tí mismo, aún existiendo en Unidad: poblados, ciudades y campos, riveras y caminos. Observas la Creación con tal que progrese virtuosamente. Estás en el Atón diurno, porque eres Supremo. Si llegas existe la Creación. Tu substancia está en ella para que tu perfección sea vistosa y alegre. Tu obra es without equal and created by you.

You remain in my heart. Is not anyone able to translate your message except Neferjeprure-Uaenra your Son, why you accept his plea on the advice or give him power. Earth existed and according to your desire that you did to everyone. When you show up, live in peace and benefit from you. The possibility of life rests in your being, because it lives for you. When there, eyes distinguished beauty, until you go to bed. Work your peaceful rest stop in West. But if your rising ... prosperity for the King. There is joy on every leg as you take care of the earth beneath them. Thou shalt lift Son left for your own body:

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt (the one that caught the Bee and is based on Reed), who lives in the Truth ... Lord of the Two Lands: Neferjeprure-Uaenra. A Son of Ra, who lives by the truth. Lord of occurrences is brilliant: Akhenaton, great in his tenure. Also, the Grande Real Lady, the beloved ... Lady of the Two Lands: Nefer-NeferuAtón Nefertiti, who lives, flowers ... always and forever.

Hymn to Aten,
Neferjeperura pharaoh Akhenaten, beginning of period Amarniense

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Got My Id Confiscated

The Hermetics to Leibniz. III

Statue of GW Leibniz in the Natural History Museum . Oxford University

Crown of the Hermetic Tradition and unlike their teachers, Galileo, Descartes and Huygens, Leibniz understood natural science as an ontology of the singular. All things produced by Wisdom Supreme come with an internal force: vis insita rebus. Thus, with the same equations received, natural science Leibniz raises a metaphysical level, altering the concept of natural inertia and from it, the notions of infinity, expression, continuity and analogy, all presided over by what he called "My great principle of natural things": uniformity and diversity of nature. With three centuries ahead, Leibniz seems to glimpse the unified science of complexity.

uniformity / variety: The rediscovery of Leibniz with Hermeticism

Indeed, the principle of uniformity / variety not strictly Platonic or Aristotelian, belongs to the heritage of Platonism, sealed and directly affects the concept, and especially the use - the tradition makes the notion of matter . Its roots, as suggested at the beginning, the traditional notion of symbol as "packaging materialized" in which inevitably has to demonstrate and embody the divine activity to be really active extra, as the Kabbalists and more Chemical Philosophers later had shown in his speculations and experiments. It is therefore of matter as an essential self-resistance such as counter-party that activity has made itself to be active, which already defines the declining world of multiple levels of activity in up the world and everything. In this way, the outside or resistant in varying degrees different from what is inside or active nucleus, but only for externalizing or "shell."

As I suggested at the beginning, old metal, Neoplatonists, botanists and alchemists, the "philosophers" Renaissance, was appointed the first under the anagram The All The One , which collected in the Emerald Tablet , was broadcast over the centuries to those who wanted to know the secrets of nature, which Leibniz called the summa rerum , that is, the search for causes the movement, not only the way as it is produced, modified and transmitted.

In his peculiar physical Ars inveniendi metaphysical, ethical, those old men trying to discover the inside of things and of man himself from transformation or "metanoia " outer envelope of his own: this was the true metaphysics of alchemy, and not the mere pursuit of gold. Neither matter was, for them, the sheer indeterminacy that longs for a way outside them comes, or forms, souls or spirits, wandering out there beyond the material. "Making the corporeal in disembodied, they said, solid volatile, solve et coagula (" analyze and synthesize "Leibniz translated), because nature is pleased with nature, nature conquers nature, nature contains nature, which is within is like the outside, the above as below, in order to verify the perfect unity "(Pseudo-Democritus, Physica et Mystica , s. II d. C. ed. St. Linden: The Alchemy Reader , Cambridge 2003, p. 38-47) .

veterum philosophoru Sapientia: "Exaltation essential" and "exalted Essence," the eighteenth century.
The principle of uniformity-diversity of things come in Leibniz its intrinsic essence,
that shapes the materializer container or "shell" which embodies the divine activity

his younger years, when he attends and participates in the controversy of their teachers and guides from Plato and Aristotle, between Ancient and Modern, Leibniz had followed this tradition and had identified the body as "momentary mens' and the mind as one focal point instead of extracting the body. After measles phoronomic mechanistic also released from the yoke of Aristotle, Leibniz resignation to the movement as the essence of bodies to reduce it to pure idealism, pure and changeable traffic accident, sustained only in an essential and permanent: the internal activities of the bodies, force. This takes the old idea Leibniz hermetic conception of substance as a unit real-resistance activity, inside-outside core-crust and, therefore, inseparable from the material: Leibnizian substance, not being corporeal (as is to be founded, not part of the length) must be essentially built to be really active and cosmic order defector not produced by the Author of things.

While there entelechies or souls or similar to them, there will always be more or less subtle matter where you enter and by relocating to another theater ... transformed without losing their individuality. The notion of "seed" that Leibniz used to describe the functional monads that from the beginning created all the world, transform the outer, exemplifies, better than any other concept.

In this way, and all distinctions and epistemic mechanisms identified, Leibniz moves the old principle tight to his new great principle of natural things , now formulated as follows:

"always and in all everywhere and in all things at all like here, namely that nature is uniform at the bottom of things [that is, they are all active, remaining], although there variety the most and least and the degrees perfection [that is, each with its own form of activity, which determines the sequence of its varied manifestations]. "

Since 1695, Leibniz uses its massive and universal law of continuity basing this principle of uniformity / variety an average of dynamic demonstrations and metaphysical. It does explicitly programmatic and always referring to his first formulation of continuity in 1687 (letter in response to Malebranche, in his first letter to Varignon of 1702 regarding the mathematical continuity in Tentamen anagogicum of 1690-95, in correspondence with G. Grandi, 1713, with Christian Wolff in 1713, with Johann Bernoulli, in the controversy with P. Bayle and the Nouveaux Essais . And I used pragmatically in decisive moments. I list a few.

metaphysical dimension of differential calculus. That is, the characteristic triangle is the mathematical technical module which concentrates in itself the law of succession of the various points of a curve, the same way as the simple substance is stable metaphysical technical module is expressed in the succession of temporary modifications. When his colleagues claimed that dx expresses or represents the variation de un término de la sucesión en el movimiento de un cuerpo, las palabras «expresión», «movimiento», «cuerpo», estaban referidas a la extensión o cuerpo matemático bajo la ley de la inercia newtoniana y, por lo tanto, algo completamente ajeno a cualquier actividad interna de los cuerpos; mientras que Leibniz, sin dejar de utilizar las mismas ecuaciones, las transciende, las sobredimensiona , las refiere, bajo su nueva noción de expresión y continuidad , al dinamismo interno de los cuerpos, de manera que la variación en la naturaleza no es un mero problema que afecte a la extensión y al número, que son cosas ideales y continuas, sino a «lo extenso», that is, bodies or aggregates, which are real things and heterogeneous as expression of the activity of substances.

Manuscript Figures and Art Demonstration ASTVXYZ Raymond Lully. Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
of Venice. The former Ars Combinatorial of Lully was introduced in the giant
scientific structure of Leibniz

process dynamics. The term hermetic also directed the transition of power dead the lifeblood , that is, from the law of equilibrium of forces dead (the lever) to the law of equipolent between full cause and entire effect (in the momentum of the bodies) through dynamic notions conatus and impetus intelligibility as an expression of successive activity of the body. Leibniz

reuse this first section in the central argument of the dynamics, namely, when you need the elasticity all the bodies essential in order to palliate the action, their resistance to the internal balance " to dynamikon " of each single substance. Similarly, this principle is the foundation of all his treatment of the organisms, organic preformation of them, creases and folds of the living and organizational transformation, as seen in his later writings vitalist.

And when finally cornered by de Volder, is forced to give a demonstration post of activités of any substance, this principle is the middle of his argument. It reads: "If we experience our perceptions and desires, must be in us, but phenomenally not feel it, an active as the source of these experiences, it all accidental or modification should be changeable essential and perpetual . " This finding, according to Leibniz, is a posteriori.

However, he adds, this principle of action contains a large pool of intelligibility universalized because it something analogous to what lies us, perception and appetite (...) because, being uniform nature of things, ours can not be infinitely different from all other simple substances which make up the whole universe "; ( ...) "otherwise it would be too jump and escape nature of their character too uniform inexplicable by a fundamental change. " It is, therefore, this uniformity of nature, the analogy makes intelligible the universal existence of active principles, this argument, which is not at all post but radically tight, as was done for centuries.

Interim conclusion

In short, unlike their teachers and peers, Leibniz agree to participate in new discoveries of modern science from its previous unalterable conviction that the created universe by Common Cause is an infinite set (ie, greater than any given number) of active, outstanding, each equipped with its own form of activity, which represents or says more or less confused or different from all others. This is the ontological complexity of the world, bridging the distance course of three centuries, comes to meet the new theories of complexity in systems far from equilibrium, ie in open systems indefinitely while irreversible. Therefore, from the epistemic point of view or access to this complexity, the natural system of Leibniz can not be "sequential" consisting of abstract logical principles or axioms independent, which is deducted from non-reversible findings in succession, as in logic, mathematics and Newtonian science.

Leibniz system must be "circular" and existential, that is The description of the status quo, grounded in conceptual structures equipotent (ie saying mutually express each other), but different (ie analogue saying every level from its own jargon), which light from various points of view consistency of the system "such as streets and plazas of a city, which can be split and can be get from any other ", a system of systems always open to new structures.

In a word, the architectural lines used by Leibniz, the expression as a structure of being, the analogy and structure of thinking about being, continuity asymptotic approach as a mechanism to be integrated under the hermetic principle, that is, not mechanistic, organic unit and holistic world should form an intrinsic part of his argument, his experiments in his mathematics, of mechanics, the equations of motion. Otherwise, let pass or evoke just as if they were "perimenopausal pensées" as is so often done, it would in my opinion, do justice to the scientific thought of Leibniz, although today we do not like, and maybe close the road to new insights about what could be a unified science of nature and man.

The Written 25 June 1703, says Leibniz to de Volder about mathematicians and scientists, their colleagues,

"In general, men, content to satisfy your imagination, do not worry of the reasons, so many monstrous things have come against the true philosophy. I mean, have not employed more than incomplete and abstract concepts, or mathematics, which underpins thinking, but which themselves naked, nature does not recognize, such as time, space or pure mathematical extension, the purely passive mass, the motion mathematically understood, etc, so that men can pretend the diverse without achieving true diversity. "

Today in the era of new complexity that it somehow envisioned, and overwhelmed by new threats of an uncertain future, it appears that Leibniz's prophetic radicalism still causes us fear.

Orio de Miguel Bernardino, Leibniz Society

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kimberly Bergalis Venereal Warts

The Hermetics to Leibniz. II

Akhenaten, offering libations the disc of Amun-Ra (Aten). The Dynastic Egypt
Solar Worship secrecy was supreme doctrinal axis monadic

In a brief statement is only possible to identify some general features that allow us to glimpse the way Leibniz takes this tradition. I suggested at the beginning, and this is essentially your project was to enter new channels of modern science the four axes that define the secrecy. Let's look a little more closely.

Galileo, Descartes, Huygens, Newton, all natural science understood as the set of abstract formal laws that govern how things work. The empirical experience of daily life is stripped of its uniqueness to be understood abstractly from the experiment mathematical reason. All of them, according to Galileo, world identified with mathematical physical world, with real world. Leibniz, however, against all odds and based on an anti-Cartesian concept of substance , seeks nothing less than a natural science that does not leave the ontology of singular .

What is unique singular, the singular is indefinable by finite abstract concepts, the singular is the only reality. Therefore, any science of nature which does not contain the technical structure vis insita rebus, the internal activity everything in abstract theorizing concepts will never be a strict science sensu. This outrageous statement, but ourselves now disturbs us is the transverse axis of the entire scientific edifice of Leibniz, the epistemological and ontological essential precondition of natural science.

When, following the kinematics of Galileo and Huygens, Descartes tries to prove that it is against the momentum, but the living force which is conserved in the collision of bodies, Leibniz oversized these equations by introducing into them previously force or internal power the body, to be revealed after the crash, so that in the resulting equation from the external action body hit is only condition to display the true cause the effect produced, which are the respective internal forces of both bodies. This statement leads us to understand the concept of conatus infinitesimal elemental or tendency of the body, which is also not against what they intended to Aristotle and the Scholastics, a mere provision of needed outside agent but the embryo itself activity body. Therefore, not only is not enough Cartesian extension and impenetrability to explain the laws of the crash, nor a simple kinematic consideration is sufficient, you have to think there are more bodies. This more is conatus or dead force to be deployed in live force (Brevis Demonstratio, GM VI 117-123, and letter to Bayle, GP III 48; Specimen Dynamicum I, VI GM 241S) .

Speculum Veritatis , XV century. The endless combinatorial alchemical substances,
sought mathematical expression findings as Leibniz's Differential Calculus

In light of this guiding idea, Leibniz has to disrupt all items received, starting with the inertia . No body is indifferent to the state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion (as claimed by Descartes). Leibniz tells him to de Volder this:

"Two things that I always support the results of experience and reason for the order, made me recognize that the matter has been created by God endowed internally a reluctance to move or to speak with one word, endowed with resistance that a body which opposes the movement itself, so that if you are at rest, resists all movement, and, if in motion , all further movement even in the same direction, thus breaking force which impels him. "

body resists because it is self-limiting shock occasion to preserve the internal balance between the entelechy and raw or anti-business of any substance, of which it activity of the body. This new statement is no less strange and outrageous than the last. In a very summarized version is this. According to Leibniz, as the measure of the extent , the same as time, space, number or amount, is subject to the homogeneous ideal phenomenal continuity of our imagination mathematical result that none of these parameters can direct proportion to the change, diversification and heterogeneity infinite currently the world's activity, unless it enters our phenomenal measures (measurable derivative forces on the bodies) and the ontological structure of he calls to dynamikón "(primitive forces: the entelechy and primary matter or resistance, which are the simple substance) can be established some connection, some structural analogy, which is more than just a semantic processing of concepts and allow legitimate traffic epistemic level of the substance, which is simple and unextended, the epistemic level of external shocks as that is something composed and extensive.

This analogy between the inner and outer, between simple and compound, between the internal activity of the substances and the external activity of the bodies, is necessary because, otherwise, nothing that would have said so far, your system would be a pure fantasy and, ultimately, we would be doomed to dead-end of Plato, " Jorismós " split between formal and material, and we would escape from their hands the unity of the universe, which we party. (Remember, in passing, that this was the difficulty that Leibniz wanted to resolve the Platonism and its heir, the secrecy, so it can be reduced to system.) So what is the relationship between ideas, formal and sensible things, what material?).

Leibniz's manuscripts and drawings.
naturwissenschaftliche-technisch-medizinische Schriften . Ritterkatalog .

To establish this relationship and defend his new notion of natural inertia bodies, Leibniz has to rework also four other fundamental concepts for him, that inevitably we have to expose sequentially, but whose content is circulates, that is, we can start or finish any of them because they all contain at all; such concepts are infinity, the expression, continuity, analogy .

Let's start with the notion of infinite , its always promised and never completed Infiniti Scientia. Is the crucial distinction between ideal infinite and actual infinity , "we are not going to happen," says Leibniz, that Ideally confused with real substance, pretend today to find parts in order unspecified parts possible and in the aggregate of the current, and we rush and continued through the maze of falling into unexplained contradictions. "
said more specifically in two words: secondary matter, or what we commonly call matter or corporeal mass of bodies, is currently divided diversified to infinity without any term (no physical atoms indivisible) as expression is always the diverse and varied activity of substances of that it is on the contrary, the extension , as well as space, time, number or quantity, are ideal product abstract continuous, indefinite and always endless imagination mathematics. Note that neither the physical nor reality in mathematics ideality last minimum is, in this reality and the ideal match, but different, and radically, that the ideal is a subjective product of our imagination, while it is there real, concrete, actual.

However, following Leibniz points in this most extreme position of secrecy, if there were actual units or "first constituents" (simple substances, which the Hermetic Tradition calls "flares of Divinity") have no real pluralities (matter large or "extensive" ), but not from the pluralities math (which are ideal) or from physical pluralities (which are currently diversified without end) is possible to achieve real units (or the One), which are of another order no physical or mathematical. But then, we still trapped in the same problem as before: how can this ontological leap from one to multiple, on the one hand, and the ideal to actual, on the other? The principle of solving this problem is the theory of expression .

La Machina Trituratoria, complex mechanical leaflet German scholar.
naturwissenschaftliche-technisch-medizinische Schriften . Ritterkatalog .

The notion of expression, that is, the conviction that the essence of each thing is represent all others from their particular "situs" in the universe , was an idea commonly accepted and practiced in the Hermetic tradition from ancient times and had been formulated under the simile of "mercury balloons" or "living mirrors" that spread throughout the wide world, represent and are represented each by all others.

The "Monas Monadum " or one does not cause innumerable physical beings but the Prototype or Reference Concentration Universal or any possible representation. Thus, the expression pen takes on cosmic significance Leibniz a holistic, not only so that each substance represents and is represented by all others in infinitum, but ontological levels say others and are said by others each from his own technical language or, in other words, all these levels contain principles that are each different but equipotent . That is, to cite just one example here, be permissible to argue from the infinitesimal approximation of the variables in the geometric construction of a curve, the approximation always inexhaustible between the perceptions of two substances: the mathematical rules of calculation are different laws metaphysical substances, belonging different ontological orders, but some others are equipotent, ie, expressing each in its field same cosmic universe infinite recursion, although in the first case of an infinite ideal, and the second an actual infinity, that is, the unrepeatable uniqueness of each person in the world.

This means, while justified, what Leibniz calls "the law of continuity 'in the soil of our phenomenal representations everything is continuous, although in the field of substances and bodies real everything is discrete, discontinuous . Continuity, which always has to be repeated, occurs only in the extent of the phenomena, it is not originally a principle of deductive reason nor is originally a mathematical concept, but a truth of fact derived from the principle of perfection: God could have done a phenomenal world discontinuous, and there is no theoretical reason for the continuity in the degree of movement that may be in the degree of perfection of the creatures, this is no theoretical reason, the continuity is only one source: law enforcement. It's not just the absence of jumps.

The continuity is in the hands of Leibniz, the following: When the experience and discover why insensitive approaches among variables of a given system, it is permissible to seek approximations to another system "as long as it retains a certain analogy " between the two systems but there is no similarity, so that what produced is a mirror or representative relationship between different ontological orders or levels. "The law of continuity," he says Leibniz to Johann Bernoulli, was raped by mathematicians especially in the field outside the Geometry. "

This continuity is that the mechanism becomes an epistemic or architectural principle allows us to operate in our research precisely because of the cosmic expression . The nature of things seen an activity approach by insensible degrees, typical of each of these levels, which can be attributed as something common analogy them all, so that mutually expressed in the unit. "I would say, suggests in the Nouveaux Essais Leibniz, there is a way of resemblance or non-integer, so to speak, in terms, but expressive relationship or order."

note, so that the procedure analog in reasoning about natural phenomena threatening to fall at any arbitrary whim, as is often happening to so many tight, and alquimistas.Pero Kabbalists also see analogical reasoning is enormous heuristic power, rooted precisely an organismic worldview, we would now call complexity, which then stood at the antipodes of mechanistic deductive reasoning. Leibniz called Ars inveniendi this analogical reasoning.

So, to avoid deflection fanciful, these four concepts, infinity , expression, continuity , analogy, or use new and cosmic Leibniz makes them, now requires two things: a superior foundation that unifies and then valid, and criterion for its application. The criterion can not be other than experience and reason, says Leibniz. But not an experience purely inductive Baconian accounting of facts nor is it just a mathematical reason, but what Leibniz repeats countless times to de Volder, the reason for the order, which the logic of our reasoning is vicarious. And the foundation of unification and operational validation of these architectural mechanisms is what the philosopher called my great principle of natural things, the principle of uniformity / variety of nature , allow me to call hermetic principle that Leibniz makes the "last of the tight 'or if you will, in a "tight illustrated."

Leibniz and the Hermetic Tradition ,
Bernardino Orio de Miguel

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sound Like I Have A Blocked Nose On Pdocast

Jehovah's Witnesses and informed consent


2002, 8 February. Alejandro G.

Pérez Pimentel,
pediatrician, Hospital General de Zona 8,
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
Uruapan, Michoacan


Jehovah's Witnesses are a young religious association led worldwide Watchtower Society of New York, whose precepts are based ad pedem literae in the Bible, but original interpretations and sectarian connotations. The prohibition to be transfused is a unique standard currently in force and which distinguishes conditioning antagonize the medical field. Intend to base their position on biblical principles, scientific and organizational, and valid informed consent. Many have died for these beliefs. This paper presents to the health conscious motivations of the group to understand and object to its inconsistencies in all areas identified with useful arguments to try to preserve their lives.

Introduction In recent months, several area general hospitals Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) were visited by Jehovah's Witnesses, who presented his version of the informed consent and group decision to avoid transfusion in any circumstance (a Jehovah's Witness lawyer said that this restriction is prevalent even in young children, whose parents must decide for themselves as well as adults in coma, with severe bleeding, if the card carrying the blood). By the way warned of the penalties applicable in case of transfusion to a Jehovah's Witness, from the professional disqualification to imprisonment.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) was a Bible scholar who was not included in the Bible societies of their time to make interpretations that are not shared, so that between 1879 and 1881 he founded a magazine: Zion's Watchtower and its own group of Bible students , which called itself the pastor, since 1931 this group is known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. (1) This pastor came up and extended his followers leaders - Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTS) since 1881 - a plan for recruiting and retaining supporters, made extensive Bible studies and modifications to key texts of the Bible, with the effort to substantiate his teaching.

His technique de captación consiste en proselitismo intenso y exaltación de los valores del individuo, o bien, resaltar sus carencias, errores y necesidades, ofreciéndole ayuda y erigiéndose el grupo reclutador como solución a sus problemas. Forman grupos, denominados congregaciones , en los que cada uno reúne entre 100 y 150 personas bajo la tutela de un anciano (hay aproximadamente seis millones de testigos de Jehová en miles de congregaciones); en ellos se ofrece amistad profunda, convivencia continua y cordial al nuevo discípulo, quien se integrará en forma por demás estrecha.

Ya despertado el interés, se ha informado que mediante control mental se procura la transformación personality of the new member (one of the root causes for some classified as a cult to this religious group). (2) To achieve this purpose, selects and qualifies the information, the criticism is judged as errors, libel and destabilizing wills of detractors. The language becomes a fraternal own, basing their arguments on biblical quotations, allusions to the Lord and phrases like being in the truth . (3) The WTS is exalted as a mediator between God and the new member ("... if we walk in the light of truth, we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother ...").( 4) It provides an extensive program of meetings and talks in the halls of the United , which manifest the doctrinal principles and norms governing the functioning of the organization, rejecting personal opinions and criticisms. (5) messages permeate leaders consciences as unassailable and incontrovertible guidelines ("... the theocrats appreciate the Lord's visible organization and not be so foolish to assert against Jehovah's channel their own reasoning, feelings and human emotions ...").( 6)

other hand, are watching each other and in an environment so small there are no options: the conduct of the witness of the Lord is always excellent, whether out of conviction or fear, the absence of such conduct, every Jehovah's Witness is required to inform the offender. It has been suggested that there is a file that contains information about each witness grave sins committed, so that all information relating to the privacy of the witness is kept in the master files of the Society in New York and are never destroyed; well, anywhere in the world where you go a Jehovah's Witness will accompany your file. (7) For the evil deeds, it is said that sanctions are provided in the manual Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock , given by WTS, by which, the elderly take a legal action ranging from simple call attention to the expulsion, whether civil laws (8).

WTS has taught a strict moral code that affects all aspects of the lives of its members, both in their daily conduct and in dress, (9) haircut and beard, avoiding or limiting smoking, drinking, dancing, playing chess, (10) the prohibition of transfused, (11) the refusal to salute the flag and military service. ( 12) All this serves to divide the world to members, interfering with the rules of civil coexistence, give them a distinctive external identity, creating in them a moral mentality (just obey the theocracy of the kingdom represented by the WTS, not the hosts of Satan, government and churches) (13) and reinforce in their minds the legitimacy of their new status. WTS

New York (10 to 13 faithful and discreet slave and its leader) leads the governing body, area superintendents, branch, district, circuit and congregations. In these, the elders and ministerial servants do with the publishers . Its doctrine is based on the Bible and his own writings. Someone said that Russell played the Bible with the help of numerology, astrology and gnosticism. (14) By numerology has established the date of Armageddon : 1874, 1914, 1925, 1942, 1975 and before the end of the last century. (15) Someone claims that the spiritist Johannes Greber (not a Jehovah's Witness) made changes to the New Testament have been applied to the Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses. (16) In this context, can be read in WT:
The blood of a person is the person himself, the flaws, excesses and drinking habits, poisons that can promote suicide, murder or theft are in the blood. The low moral caliber, sexual perversions, repression, inferiority complexes, sex crimes ... this is what comes up after a blood transfusion (17)
transfusions and contradictions

The doctrine remains intact. Citing new lights, WTS has changed its views on certain key issues. Accepted transfusions for many years, but since 1945 outlawed such arguments claiming biblical, medical and organizational: (18) Biblical Argument

In 463 citations from the Bible speaks of blood and several are prohibited intake, one of which is the everlasting covenant (commandment of the Lord to Noah):
But flesh with the life that is your blood, you shall not eat. (Genesis 9:4)

And anyone ... to hunt animals or birds that may be eaten, spilled blood and cover it with soil. (Leviticus 17:13)

that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. (Acts 15:29)
Where in the Bible, there was punishment for the transgression of this mandate was limited to a simple reprimand (about Saul's warriors who ate meat with blood: Samuel 14:34,35), while that those who eat dead animals with their blood, all the pain was considered unclean for several hours (Leviticus 17:15).

At that time the animals were eaten by parties seeking to keep them alive until the end, not having refrigerator. It is obvious that this practice allowed the wounds became infected, which caused disease in humans and animals suffering in order to avoid them, required the sacrifice of animals (pulling the blood). All Judeo-Christian religions understand this, as authorized in the New Testament and, before animal sacrifice:
Of all that is sold in butcher shop, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. (Corinthians 10:25)
As is perfectly clear, all these quotations are taken from human blood will not have nothing to do with a transfusion and, much less to the human sacrifice of himself to die by not transfused. WTS, then pretends to Acts 15:29 a meaning without context: "abstain from blood means not putting it in any way in the body" (19), which differ among themselves, when Eduard Meyer WT said that the real meaning to abstain from blood in this text is to abstain from eating blood (20).

Still, Jehovah's Witnesses do eat blood with meat (even after the animal slaughtered and exanguinated, contains 30 50% of its blood) and chicken meat (100% of their blood, because the animal is electrocuted to sacrifice), may be more consistent with vegetarianism.

In contrast, cells transfused blood are neither digested nor absorbed, but remain biologically and functionally intact, because it is a transplant and not vampirism. (21)

WTS ensures that eating blood is transfused to the sick and conviction of the fluid receiver who, if he survives disease that required transfusion, may be not only the pangs of conscience, feeling violated a divine precept, but also the most terrible punishment of religion: the expulsion (22) (prosecution for a old) or dissociation (the Jehovah's Witness excludes himself from the congregation, most publicized penalty since June 2001 and exempt from liability WTS), (23) is treated as a rebellion against the Lord.

The individual concerned is identified and shamefully ignored its (partial or total impairment of the normal communication and coexistence between the offender and his family and friends who remain active members), as well as being expelled from the halls of the kingdom and proselytism. But above all, be denied the right to live eternal life, because "to receive eternal life in paradise, we must serve God as part of this organization." (24) has been decoupled or expelled parents children under transfused. (25) Understandably, it is a situation so dramatic that you can pull over to suicide. Argument


This argument is only one distractor. If transfusion without risks, however Jehovah's Witnesses are not transfundirían, nothing serves as reinforcement to a rejection of the blood. They say they do not believe that the supposed benefits of blood exceeding the lethal complications, above all, having medical alternatives that do not contain these risks, (26) and the numbers show that more people die from blood transfusion than those who refuse receive it.

Of course there are risks, both disease and death, attributable to blood transfusion in a report, the number of deaths per million units of blood transfused was 0 for hepatitis A, 0 to 0.14 for hepatitis B, 0.5 to 17 for hepatitis C, 0.5 to 5 for HIV, HTLV and parvovirus 0 , 0.1 to 0.25 for bacterial contamination of red cells, up to 21 for platelets, 0.67 to 0.2 for hemolytic reactions and ARDS. (27) is, the current risk of transfusion is 2 to 44 users per million, while in the world dies every day an average of three Jehovah's Witnesses for not transfused. (28)

Moreover, the fractions allowed for transfusion to Jehovah's Witnesses (factor VIII, for example) infected AIDS in hemophiliacs many followers of this religious movement, and have not been banned for it. (29)

other hand, Carlson and colleagues reported the following about 125 Jehovah's Witnesses who refused blood transfusion in surgery: 61.5% died of those whose preoperative hemoglobin was less than 6 g / dL, and died 33% when hemoglobin was 6.1 to 8 g / dL, hemoglobin from 8.1 to 10 g / dL, mortality was 7.1%, no fatalities occurred when the hemoglobin Preoperative was greater than 10 g / dL. (30), (31)

The medical options transfusion have proposed Jehovah's Witnesses are bloodless surgery, epsilonaminocaproico acid, desmopressin, erythropoietin, Hartmann, dextran, hetastarch, aprotinin, conjugated estrogens, erythrocyte recaptured, hyperbaric oxygen and hypothermia. In addition, for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia propose using protoporphyrin, activated charcoal and immunoglobulins. Doctors know they are not useful as a therapeutic alternative to blood, and most are not trained to replace the blood with those options.

WTS has changed its doctrine on the blood (citing new light, that is, new inspiration, something that today is certainly no longer be tomorrow). (32) Given the changes no longer transfusion scientists in but now whole blood fractions separately, initially WTS prohibiting the banned blood as a whole each and every one of its parts. (33) Then, to everyone's astonishment, has been increasingly tolerated for their adherents, certain fractions blood, minor components : (34) Serum (1973), plasma proteins [albumin (1981), immunoglobulins, fibrinogen], coagulation factors (1978) and troncotutipotenciales cells (hematopoietic stem cells), (35 ), (36) bone marrow transplants, using accepted in donated blood components, interferon, cytokines, hemoglobin-based blood substitute (Hemopure R) (37) and procedures such as hemodilution, red cell recapture, extracorporeal circulation (cardiopulmonary pump, hemodialysis). But maintains the ban on older (erythrocytes, leukocytes, plasma, platelets) on the stored autologous blood (38) and blood donation. The justification for the fraction allowed is not passed through the placenta during pregnancy and allowed for is that they did.

Whole blood transfusion but is rejected as can be accepted in bone marrow transplant. The plasma is rejected if it is administered as such, but is accepted if given albumin, globulin factors coagulation, fibrinogen and serum separately. Leukocytes were rejected, but accepted as "peripheral blood stem cells and the ingestion of breast milk has more peripheral blood leukocytes. Autologous blood is rejected if it is stored or breaks the connection of a closed loop system in the patient, but remains permeable permitted if the circuit or if taken, peripheral stem cells, although they are stored. Hematopoietic stem cells, are prohibited if they are taken from the umbilical cord, but are tolerated if taken from peripheral blood or bone marrow. Blood donation is prohibited a Jehovah's Witness to another, or a person outside his religious doctrine, but certain sections are adopted if the donor is not a witness and a Jehovah's Witness transfused (39).

Jehovah's Witnesses have not always agreed with medical therapy :
We do well to bear in mind that among the drugs, serums, vaccines, surgical operations, etc.., of the medical profession, there is nothing of value, except for some occasional surgical intervention (40).

If any doctor too jealous condemns your tonsils go and suicídese with a knife, it is cheaper and less painful. (41)
But on the other hand, say they have " worked for decades to develop a cooperative relationship with the medical community. "(42)

For many years it was banned immunizations:" Vaccination is a direct violation of the law of Jehovah / God, is a crime, an atrocity, and a deception, never prevented anything and never will. It is a great business. "(43) Then in 1952, allowed as a matter of individual conscience. (44) Regarding the transplants said:" Organ transplants are a form of cannibalism and should be avoided. "(45) then repented and allowed (46).

probably have died some Jehovah's Witnesses by such policies regarding changing transfusion, transplants and vaccines, however, have not found a written protest Jehovah's Witness for the death in parents, children or siblings, to comply with provisions that have suffered after turns. In

adamantly and absolutely rejects WTS blood transfusion, but says that the initiative is not theirs but of the followers: "They should choose a responsible manner which treatment is best for their children if their health problems are treated without blood. "(47) If the attending physician prescribes in elective surgery patients, they will seek another doctor to find one that handled without blood (medical cooperative), which in the eagerness to please may violate professional ethics and the Hippocratic Oath , to agree to work with methods that guarantee success unless, at a disadvantage for the patient.

For 10 years, created the Hospital Information Services, who coordinate the actions of 1400 liaison committees operating in 150 countries, with selected elderly. The aim is to give his version of the blood, helping brothers, and injecting encouragement to patients and ensure that they or their relatives to refrain from being transfused, with or without medical cooperative. But also violate medical ethics and confidentiality of the patient and the hospital, requesting reports of Jehovah's Witnesses there and calling laboran48 large contingents of their own to prevent a member of the group is transfused.

In January of each year, Jehovah's Witnesses should be provided with a card blood, where they engage in a public ceremony with the WTS not transfused, presumably also exempts professional beforehand to have to give bloodless care to a patient who requests it. You must be signed by the supporter in question and two witnesses. Argument


Rejection transfusion is a standard that distinguishes itself Jehovah's Witnesses from other religious organizations. Critics claim that this is the only objective. Jehovah's Witnesses themselves say
What doctors do not know, and we are not allowed to explain, is that our position (regarding the refusal of transfusion) is clearly an organizational rule for its members, and no logical reasons and support in Scripture (49).
Well, the prohibition of blood transfusion, it was difficult to sustain with biblical arguments and doctors, now makes more discretion: for an original mandate of the wielders of power in the group. There is no dispute, the witnesses entering Jehovah should be warned from the outset, on this rule and the doctrine: "one is free to choose religion, but once chosen, as to submit to their rules." (50) Many supporters, however, who profess in good faith that religion does not accept the position on the specific point WTS transfusions and are requesting the revocation (the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood Case, is a group that asks.) But the attitude towards the rejection is not open. If you ask an old this answer that if a Jehovah's Witness accepts blood in a moment of weakness, and later regrets this action, will be offered spiritual support. This is inconsistent with the pressure exerted themselves followers of the doctrine of hospital personnel against possible transfusion at one of their own.

up in the future if new lights for WTS and blood transfusion were to allow without penalty (or own or imposed), which seems possible because since June 2001 WTS's new attitude is less inflexible, it would appear that the current follower die today for a cause that another should not die tomorrow.

The dispute before the European Commission of Human Rights between the Government of Bulgaria (which does not recognize in his country wanted to Jehovah's Witnesses as a religious group because they demonize the government, military and prevent transfusion) and WTS, was closed by agreement (Strasbourg, March 1998) by which the government agreed to provide in their legislation, most soon as possible, a way of civilian alternative to military service for conscientious objectors, and register the applicant as a religious society. The WTS is committed to issue a statement regarding its position on blood transfusions, to include in its constitution that its members should have free choice in the matter for themselves and their children, without exerting any kind of control or sanction by the association. (51) However, the April 27, 1998 in New York WTS reported that "the terms of the agreement does not reflect a change in the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses." (52) Positions

institutional, legal and ethical *

few months ago, approximately 40 Jehovah's Witnesses came to the Hospital General de Zona 8, Uruapan, stationed in the classroom and in the corridors of the hospital. His lawyer explained his version of the informed consent of the adult can refuse blood for themselves and their young children (and take responsibility for them) and comatose patients who carried the blood card. There was talk of sanctions physicians should perform a blood transfusion. Faced with almost total ignorance of the subject and institutional legislation in this regard, there were no aftershocks. Informed consent

The informed consent is the free acceptance, by a competent patient (capacity) to decide for a diagnostic or therapeutic measure, having been properly informed of it by a doctor. (53)

The definition of this right, we describe two subjects, a determinant and a target of the action:
  • The subject of law, which is the individual patient, whose decision is personal and present.

  • a subject with moral autonomy, but not legal to medical.

  • A variable determining the competence to decide, which is recognized in the conscious adult with full mental capacity. Excluding children, unconscious patients and those with involvement of mental function. A conscious adult patient (responsible) may fall into unconsciousness and then he would be considered incompetent.

  • An objective of the action, which is the act proposed diagnostic or therapeutic.
Given this schema, several situations may occur:
  1. The patient is not competent, the state retains ownership of the right.

  2. competent patient accepts the diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers proposed by the doctor.

  3. competent patient refuses the diagnostic and therapeutic options proposed by the doctor:

    a) situation is not urgent, for example: a patient with chronic anemia and elective surgery, who refuses transfusion.

    b) In emergency situations, for example: a patient with massive bleeding from esophageal varices, who refuses transfusion.
The health care provider gives complete information about the condition and outlines the management options they can offer. The competent patient has the power to reject or select from these management options. This is the crux of this right. If you accept (scenario 2), must authorize with your signature, but it is being rejected (in a situation 3a) this decision does not ipso facto allowed to claim medical alternatives not offered, which would go beyond the definition and the spirit of informed consent. When the patient, who rejected the proposed diagnostic or therapeutic procedure requires not offered by the physician and the latter for scientific or ethical reasons, deems inappropriate or unacceptable, or untrained for their realization, after duly inform, exercising their moral autonomy, would be exempt from action. However, in emergency situations (3b), it would abide by the rejection and give alternative (though there is already a legal case management without consent in the United States of North America). (54)

Ethics and human rights

moral philosophy applies its two fundamental principles in the doctor / patient: respect for human life and then respect for freedom informed patient, (55) must be subordinated. The doctor never intentionally cause the death of any patient, whether by act or omission, even if the specific request by the latter. The blood transfusion may be the primary or sole treatment to sustain life, why not use ethics procedures that would guarantee at least the survival, as calls medical options for blood.

The only health care professional is bound by professional ethics, to use validated practices, while no other better choice and tested, will inform the patient that he accepts the infusion or resort to any doctor, whether it is an institution, that the case is under review together with management and then be channeled to the Hospital Bioethics Committee to decide who, how and where they will attend.

For children, the most important human right that governed in the world is to respect and protect your life by the state, the refusal of some parents to transfusion violates this right. In Europe, the best interests of the child, the law allows a physician to perform a transfusion with the agreement of the prosecutor. In case of death of a child for lack of transfusion, the parents are prosecuted not because of their religious convictions, but failed to meet the obligation to exercise parental care (European Parliament). (56) U.S. North American approach is similar: the parents are free to become martyrs by choice, but that's not allowed, in identical circumstances, the martyrs of their children back before they have reached old enough to have broad legal discretion to decide for themselves. (57) Thus it was decided also in Canada. (58) The governing global human rights in Mexico to protect the lives of children.

Management Guidelines Legal IMSS (OF. 37/2316)

face urgent need for transfusion, it will take place even when the patient or their families object. If we accept the negative and the Jehovah's Witness is not transfused, the doctor may be liable professional (doctor's refusal to assist a person in a notorious case of emergency, Article 469 of the General Health Law) with imprisonment for six months to five years, a fine of 125 days of minimum wage and disqualification for two years, if there harm (death) would have permanently stopped the practice. If there is urgency, but not requiring transfusion or transfusion if needed but not urgent, and can supply the blood with alternatives in patients who refuse transfusion, they should occur. If I could not replace the need for blood by any other means and the beneficiary or their family members deny the application of blood, consider that there is subject to the requirements and processes of the Institute (Social Security Act), in full force discontinue care without personal responsibility for the handler.

Trying to summarize all this: it supports informed consent, ethics and guidelines of the IMSS transfused to any patient without jurisdiction, in case of urgent necessity, even in contravention of the provisions of the religious doctrine which we have referred . But in desperate need for transfusion in competent patient, the positions are divided. WTS, based on informed consent is legally required to respect the freedom informed patient non-Jehovah's Witness transfused, which was expressed on site the IMSS, even if the legal rules of the Institute and ethics requirements for personnel transfuse a patient in that situation, to save his life. Moreover, it said sanctions that creditor would if the medical staff carry out transfusions, neglecting the IMSS would impose itself if it were made.

is absurd that a doctor, to save the life of a fellow, along the lines of consciousness, of ethics of the institution and the Constitution, endangering their physical integrity, freedom and right to practice their profession. I can not believe that religious rules that make martyrs among its adherents, also have legal justification to sacrifice the medical staff when seeking to save a life. How is it possible that different legal statutes about so openly contradict one another, and encourage development of innocent victims in the chaos caused by the uncertainty?

This can not continue. It is the responsibility of the case to end the problem. Should be instituted universal laws fair and endorse the best interests to protect life, but which also respect the personal decision. This must be done before facing difficult situations and be more affected. Therefore ask the Congress, do hereby establish clear guidelines through legislation, specifically on professional guidelines, both public and private, in the three main variables of the doctor / patient, Jehovah's Witnesses or not, regarding the need for transfusion and medical liability situations in the same area, which are none other than implied by the definition of informed consent and the moral philosophy, and are already in force in other civilized countries.

A legislative initiative to Congress is:
  • individual patient competent to decide (with legal capacity), well informed, you need a transfusion so not urgent, but that does not accept for personal reasons: it has right to seek an alternative method to the directors and the Committee on Bioethics of the health institution, the group will be responsible for deciding on further management, the attending physician having expressed their scientific and moral objections to treat without blood and relieve you of exercise in the case.

  • competent and knowledgeable patient who needs transfusion as urgent but does not accept, must auxiliársele with the best therapeutic alternative at hand, which should be well protocol.

  • For incompetent patients, Mexico has signed codes of international law binding on the State for protection. The Congress has the responsibility to decide for itself whether or not our term, properly defining the concepts, scope and impact of that law.

These reflections are addressed to physicians. Are interpretations convergence based personal documents apologetics, the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform in the Case of Blood of the Lord extestigos comments, psychologists, bioethicists, in texts of journals, all of which the author not an expert and therefore is subject to correction. The aim is to explain the motivations of a group to understand, challenge inconsistencies with useful arguments to try to preserve the lives of its members, while respecting their faith and their decisions can not be achieved when such an attempt. Another goal, equally important, is to highlight the conflict between the different institutional positions and relegated to the indefinite both legal Jehovah's Witness patient and physician.

  1. The sect of Jehovah's Witnesses, their history and contradictions. (21) test.htm
  2. R. Watters "Mind control or brainwashing? An introduction to the methods of the Watchtower Society.
  3. D. Gagnon Give an account of my hope. Federal District, Mexico: Oblate, 1998. p. 19.
  4. The Watchtower, 1/5/1957. p. 274. Interesting quotes from the Watchtower magazine. Ministry Christian Apologetics and Research. <
  5. University of Córdoba. Cults and human rights. Spain: Universidad de Córdoba, 1988.
  6. The Watchtower, 1/2/1952. p.79-80. Interesting quotes from the Watchtower magazine. Apologetics and Research Ministry Christian
  7. P. Blizard They wanted our baby died. Http://
  9. Anonymous. Watchtower of 15.02.1952 and Ministry of the Kingdom. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1970. p. 7.
  10. Anonymous. Awake: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 07/08/1973. p. 19.
  11. . A. Carrera
  12. I was a Jehovah's Witness: Cap VII. Bans Jehovah's Witnesses. <
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