Raymond Franz, 2008, Líder y Propietario de Commentary Press
R. Franz de gira promocional por europea
a favor de su libro "Crisis de conciencia"
(Foto editada y retocada por Morfeo)
R. Franz de gira promocional por europea
a favor de su libro "Crisis de conciencia"
(Foto editada y retocada por Morfeo)
Señor López.
Por alusiones, me dirijo a usted para darle una respuesta que espero le satisfaga. Sí, es cierto, hemos colocado un link hacia su página -y blog- bajo el encabezamiento "Hijas de la Watch Tower", sección "Enlaces sectarios". Permita usted que le diga las razones que nos llevaron a clasificarlos como 'sectarios':
Etimológicamente hablando, ustedes son una secta.
Ustedes, los 'Franzistas', se ajustan the first meaning of the word 'cult' that dictates this: "A set of followers of a religious or ideological bias." Although modified, an important part of their beliefs come from the trunk of the ideology of the Watch Tower and this in turn down of millenarianism, Protestantism, Christianity and Judaism, respectively.
his doctrine also coincided with the second meaning: "religious or ideological doctrine that is different and independent of each other." Raymond Franz their leader and you are independent from the Watch Tower and ideologically maintain a variant of the theology of Jehovah's Witnesses.
And the third meaning also applies to their religious group: "Body of believers in a particular doctrine or faithful to a religion that the speaker considers false." Other religions opponents, including WT, you are considered an apostate sect of the true church.
Although a 'cult' is not a pejorative term, however, the word may be associated with a pejorative adjective: dangerous, destructive, coercive, and so on. In the present case, for you are said: 'Daughters of the Watch Tower', 'Franzistas'.
While I understand the discomfort that is to be descendants of the Watch Tower ideological view of his poor moral character, however, do not understand why so irritated that they were branded as 'Franzistas'. Mr Lee, let me tell you that it is appropriate to refer to 'Franzistas' because they were ideologically-and are-protected by Raymond Franz, and also sell and distribute their books.
I say again, you are also the Franzistas sectarian or affirm this for two reasons: First, because they profess and follow a sect, and second, because they are fanatical and uncompromising, a party or an idea, namely, a true Christianity according to the particular perspective of a leader and not speak of Jesus Christ. Mr. Lopez is well known for its lack of respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own. Will not need to remind you that over the last decade, many ex-tj were beaten and driven from their oral boards without any option to replicate because they published opinions contrary to their doctrine, or criticized Raymond Franz.
Finally, Mr. Lopez, it can be a religious community and sect at the same time as they are not exclusive. Moreover, it can be criminal and religious, sectarian and have a Judeo-Christian creed.
Obviously, we respect your desire to remove our links to their pages sectarian, and that is why when you click on 'Thought and Culture' and 'Dialogues' will be linked with the word 'sect' in the dictionary of the Royal Academy English.
Por alusiones, me dirijo a usted para darle una respuesta que espero le satisfaga. Sí, es cierto, hemos colocado un link hacia su página -y blog- bajo el encabezamiento "Hijas de la Watch Tower", sección "Enlaces sectarios". Permita usted que le diga las razones que nos llevaron a clasificarlos como 'sectarios':
Etimológicamente hablando, ustedes son una secta.
Ustedes, los 'Franzistas', se ajustan the first meaning of the word 'cult' that dictates this: "A set of followers of a religious or ideological bias." Although modified, an important part of their beliefs come from the trunk of the ideology of the Watch Tower and this in turn down of millenarianism, Protestantism, Christianity and Judaism, respectively.
his doctrine also coincided with the second meaning: "religious or ideological doctrine that is different and independent of each other." Raymond Franz their leader and you are independent from the Watch Tower and ideologically maintain a variant of the theology of Jehovah's Witnesses.
And the third meaning also applies to their religious group: "Body of believers in a particular doctrine or faithful to a religion that the speaker considers false." Other religions opponents, including WT, you are considered an apostate sect of the true church.
Although a 'cult' is not a pejorative term, however, the word may be associated with a pejorative adjective: dangerous, destructive, coercive, and so on. In the present case, for you are said: 'Daughters of the Watch Tower', 'Franzistas'.
While I understand the discomfort that is to be descendants of the Watch Tower ideological view of his poor moral character, however, do not understand why so irritated that they were branded as 'Franzistas'. Mr Lee, let me tell you that it is appropriate to refer to 'Franzistas' because they were ideologically-and are-protected by Raymond Franz, and also sell and distribute their books.
I say again, you are also the Franzistas sectarian or affirm this for two reasons: First, because they profess and follow a sect, and second, because they are fanatical and uncompromising, a party or an idea, namely, a true Christianity according to the particular perspective of a leader and not speak of Jesus Christ. Mr. Lopez is well known for its lack of respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own. Will not need to remind you that over the last decade, many ex-tj were beaten and driven from their oral boards without any option to replicate because they published opinions contrary to their doctrine, or criticized Raymond Franz.
Finally, Mr. Lopez, it can be a religious community and sect at the same time as they are not exclusive. Moreover, it can be criminal and religious, sectarian and have a Judeo-Christian creed.
Obviously, we respect your desire to remove our links to their pages sectarian, and that is why when you click on 'Thought and Culture' and 'Dialogues' will be linked with the word 'sect' in the dictionary of the Royal Academy English.
Persephone & MORFEO, MADRID, FEBRUARY 24, 2008
public release of Don Esteban López
The concept of 'cult'.
Its differentiation against 'religious community. "
"The concept of cult is encumbered by a mortgage larger than that reflected original etymology. In common parlance this word is used to designate groups intolerant and dogmatic, closed to the world and suspected illegal actions. "However, in many cases, when the speaker holds some prejudice, the term is also used with respect to groups are simply peaceful religious communities. So a distinction should be discerning two realities that are very different: the cult and the religious community. "
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