Witness LORD, hustler, just want your money!
You should regularly compare their beliefs with their actions and act accordingly. Therefore, you should inquire about the fate of their contributions both locally and nationally and internationally.
has ever wondered what kind of activity prevailing in their worship: Christian or commercial? The Bible makes the following method of analysis: "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and rotten fruit, because fruit is known by the tree. Prole of vipers, how can you speak good things when they are wicked? Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of his good treasure sends good things, while the wicked man, wicked treasure sends its wicked things. They say that of all the men idle talk will report on the Day of Judgement, for by your words you will be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned " (Matthew 12:33-37).
Compassion and charity to the needy is one of the key features of Christianity. The Bible puts it this way: "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world " (James 1:27).
If you associate with a Christian group should see very often as their church leaders promote programs to help disadvantaged people, and reading of religious literature, you should see very often quote James 1:27. Does it happen as well in their religion? To find out we could count the number of occurrences of the appointment of James 1:27 and the number of times it asks you for money. A sect in which raw greed of its managers are inclined to favor the money and neglect their obligations in relation to Christian charity. Let
under scrutiny Jehovah's Witnesses. Let your publications issued in the period 1970-2005. Thirty-six are sufficient to clearly in sight any statistical trend.
James 1:27 The appointment appears a total of 316 times, distributed as follows:
has ever wondered what kind of activity prevailing in their worship: Christian or commercial? The Bible makes the following method of analysis: "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and rotten fruit, because fruit is known by the tree. Prole of vipers, how can you speak good things when they are wicked? Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of his good treasure sends good things, while the wicked man, wicked treasure sends its wicked things. They say that of all the men idle talk will report on the Day of Judgement, for by your words you will be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned " (Matthew 12:33-37).
Compassion and charity to the needy is one of the key features of Christianity. The Bible puts it this way: "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world " (James 1:27).
If you associate with a Christian group should see very often as their church leaders promote programs to help disadvantaged people, and reading of religious literature, you should see very often quote James 1:27. Does it happen as well in their religion? To find out we could count the number of occurrences of the appointment of James 1:27 and the number of times it asks you for money. A sect in which raw greed of its managers are inclined to favor the money and neglect their obligations in relation to Christian charity. Let
under scrutiny Jehovah's Witnesses. Let your publications issued in the period 1970-2005. Thirty-six are sufficient to clearly in sight any statistical trend.
James 1:27 The appointment appears a total of 316 times, distributed as follows:
- WT: 169 times.
- Awake: 47 times.
- Our Ministry: 30 times
- Books: 63 times.
- Yearbooks: 7 times.
The word 'contribution' and 'contributions' (in the Witnesses: euphemism for collecting money and real estate) are a total of 2165 times, distributed as follows:
- WT: 748 times.
- Awake: 340 times. Our
- Ministry: 765 times
- Books: 132 times.
- Yearbooks: 180 times.
Subtracting two hundred times above because the word has nothing to do with the collections of the Witnesses, yet the result is overwhelming: every time you talk to the needy, six times we talk about collections. An example: Imagine that a speaker has a stake of 5 minutes, and you hear during the first 50 seconds to talk about the need, and at other times he insists, again and again, about the importance of donating money to the work of the Kingdom (euphemism for donating money to Watch Tower), and at the end someone asked about what was the main subject of discourse you respond: Helping the needy?
Do you know how many times we talk about collections in the biblical book of James? None. However, it is talk that some wealthy Christians neglected their obligations to the needy. The only time a collection is mentioned in the New Testament is in 1 Corinthians 16:1-5. It is telling that only mention this only relates to basic needs of poor Christians in Jerusalem and in any way with clerical revenues for the "work world."
Think you please: If money is collected to cover the cost of the work world to preach the kingdom of God, then why there are deposits of billions of dollars spread over an indefinite list of bank accounts, or business units such as REGI U.S. (Year 2002), or in investments real estate and luxury hotels in New York (United States). Also, why are you asking for donations every week if there is already enough money to finance the worldwide work for twenty consecutive years. Did you know that Watch Tower is one of the richest multinational publishing companies in the world?
The argument of 'growth' is inadequate because the witnesses are almost a decade almost no growth, and if there is no increase then why continue to demand extraordinary contributions to new construction projects.
JW Linnet, will shake you, Watch Tower just wants his money and free labor! The statistic is accurate and will not lie, and publications and show: Watch Tower: 2165, James 1:27: 316, the home team loses by a landslide.
Do you know how many times we talk about collections in the biblical book of James? None. However, it is talk that some wealthy Christians neglected their obligations to the needy. The only time a collection is mentioned in the New Testament is in 1 Corinthians 16:1-5. It is telling that only mention this only relates to basic needs of poor Christians in Jerusalem and in any way with clerical revenues for the "work world."
Think you please: If money is collected to cover the cost of the work world to preach the kingdom of God, then why there are deposits of billions of dollars spread over an indefinite list of bank accounts, or business units such as REGI U.S. (Year 2002), or in investments real estate and luxury hotels in New York (United States). Also, why are you asking for donations every week if there is already enough money to finance the worldwide work for twenty consecutive years. Did you know that Watch Tower is one of the richest multinational publishing companies in the world?
The argument of 'growth' is inadequate because the witnesses are almost a decade almost no growth, and if there is no increase then why continue to demand extraordinary contributions to new construction projects.
JW Linnet, will shake you, Watch Tower just wants his money and free labor! The statistic is accurate and will not lie, and publications and show: Watch Tower: 2165, James 1:27: 316, the home team loses by a landslide.
want to be a CONTRIBUTOR
want to be a CONTRIBUTOR
Please take note of as contributing to Watch Tower, as regularly explained in its flagship magazine, The Watchtower
Many away some money to deposit contributions in the boxes labeled "Contributions to the work world (Matthew 24:14)."
these congregations sent monthly contributions to the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Monetary donations can also be sent directly to: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Attention Treasurer's Office, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, or the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Checks sent to the address above should be made payable to "Watch Tower." It also can be donated jewelry and other goods. These contributions must be accompanied by a brief letter indicating that it is outright grants.
Many away some money to deposit contributions in the boxes labeled "Contributions to the work world (Matthew 24:14)."
these congregations sent monthly contributions to the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Monetary donations can also be sent directly to: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Attention Treasurer's Office, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, or the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Checks sent to the address above should be made payable to "Watch Tower." It also can be donated jewelry and other goods. These contributions must be accompanied by a brief letter indicating that it is outright grants.
be left money in trust for the Watch Tower for use in the worldwide work. These funds will be returned to the donor if they so request. For more details, please contact the Treasurer's Office (Office of the Treasurer), whose address appears in the paragraph above.
addition to outright grants, There are other ways to contribute to the worldwide work of the Kingdom, some of which are listed below.
Insurance. Watch Tower may be appointed beneficiary of life insurance or retirement plan.
bank accounts. They can get bank accounts, certificates of deposit or individual retirement accounts in trust for Watch Tower or payable to that in case of death, in accordance with the country's banking laws.
Stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds can be donated to Watch Tower unconditionally.
Estate. Marketable real estate may be transferred, either unconditionally or, if they host, the donor retaining the life estate on property, which may reside while alive. It must communicate with the branch that serves your country before transferring any property. Grants
income. A donation income is an agreement that transfers funds and securities to a corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses and, in return, the donor or the person designated by him, receive a prescribed annuity. The donor is entitled to a deduction in the income tax year made the donation.
Wills and trusts. You may bequeath to Watch Tower money or property by a will duly authenticated or named beneficiary of a trust agreement. Trusts in favor of a religious entity can bring tax advantages.
As the designation "Planned Giving" this kind of contributions normally requires some planning by the donor. To assist those who wish to contribute to the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses with a donation of this type has been prepared in English and English Planned Giving brochure to promote the service of the Kingdom worldwide. The purpose of this brochure is to inform about the different ways to make an immediate donation or leaving a legacy assets. Many people, after reading the prospectus and consult their own legal counsel or prosecutors have been able to support religious and humanitarian activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses and maximize the resulting tax benefits. This booklet can be ordered directly from Charitable Planning Office (Department of Planned Giving.)
For more information, write or call the Charitable Planning Office at the address below or contact the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Charitable Planning Office
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
100 Watchtower Drive Patterson, New York 12563-9204
Phone: (845) 306-0707
be left money in trust for the Watch Tower for use in the worldwide work. These funds will be returned to the donor if they so request. For more details, please contact the Treasurer's Office (Office of the Treasurer), whose address appears in the paragraph above.
addition to outright grants, There are other ways to contribute to the worldwide work of the Kingdom, some of which are listed below.
Insurance. Watch Tower may be appointed beneficiary of life insurance or retirement plan.
bank accounts. They can get bank accounts, certificates of deposit or individual retirement accounts in trust for Watch Tower or payable to that in case of death, in accordance with the country's banking laws.
Stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds can be donated to Watch Tower unconditionally.
Estate. Marketable real estate may be transferred, either unconditionally or, if they host, the donor retaining the life estate on property, which may reside while alive. It must communicate with the branch that serves your country before transferring any property. Grants
income. A donation income is an agreement that transfers funds and securities to a corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses and, in return, the donor or the person designated by him, receive a prescribed annuity. The donor is entitled to a deduction in the income tax year made the donation.
Wills and trusts. You may bequeath to Watch Tower money or property by a will duly authenticated or named beneficiary of a trust agreement. Trusts in favor of a religious entity can bring tax advantages.
As the designation "Planned Giving" this kind of contributions normally requires some planning by the donor. To assist those who wish to contribute to the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses with a donation of this type has been prepared in English and English Planned Giving brochure to promote the service of the Kingdom worldwide. The purpose of this brochure is to inform about the different ways to make an immediate donation or leaving a legacy assets. Many people, after reading the prospectus and consult their own legal counsel or prosecutors have been able to support religious and humanitarian activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses and maximize the resulting tax benefits. This booklet can be ordered directly from Charitable Planning Office (Department of Planned Giving.)
For more information, write or call the Charitable Planning Office at the address below or contact the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses serving your country. Charitable Planning Office
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
100 Watchtower Drive Patterson, New York 12563-9204
Phone: (845) 306-0707
- Watchtower, English edition.
2005, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 30
Contributions to gladden the heart of God
- Watchtower, English edition.
2004, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 23
Have you experienced the happiness it produces give?
- Watchtower, English edition.
2003, The Watchtower, November 1, pg. 29
cultivate a generous spirit
- New World Translation (Bible Witness.)
1984, The Watchtower.
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