Friday, May 13, 2011

Changing License From Nj To Ny

Realizarán marcha contra matrimonios homosexuales en Guadalajara

Tomorrow will be held in Guadalajara a public place by the Mexican organization for the life of all Chapter Jalisco, which has the theme "Mexico United for Life and Family", with which to push State lawmakers to reject the constitutional reform in human rights and other local initiatives that attempt, according to their ideology, against life and family, including abortion and gay marriage.
regard, the coordinator of the organization, Norma Edith Martinez Guzman, said the initiative is an opportunity for the State Government to listen to the public. "It where a march peacefully and in good spirits the people we want to tell them what kind of Jalisco we do not want a Jalisco where laws are passed that violate the individual, that destroy or kill their families, we want laws On the contrary, to protect it and to allow for a healthy environment for development ".
worth noting that the Mexican Coalition for the life of all comprises more than 210 civic associations, educational, religious, professional and other movements social. The march will leave from four different points of the metropolis, and the fate of the event is the Congress premises located in the Liberation Square in the first Guadalajara Centro Historico table.

Soul Eater Dosijen English

Comunidad LGBT hondureña exige justicia por asesinato de activista

Dozens of members of the LGBT community in Honduras demonstrated today against the prosecution, demanding justice for one of the members of this social group, who was assassinated by unknown assailants in 2009.
"Justice", "justice" and demanded the protesters outside the offices of the Office, located in Colonia Lomas del Guijarro, northeast of the capital.
One of the activists, who declined to be identified, said that "the Public Prosecutor (OTP) is not delivering justice in the case of Walter Tróchez."
Tróchez, a member of Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP), which was organized to protest the coup of June 28, 2009 against former President Manuel Zelaya, was assassinated by unknown persons on 13 November this year in Tegucigalpa.
In total, 34 members of the gay community have been murdered in Honduras since 2009, crimes attributed to "hate" in some sectors heterosexuals.

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Obispos católicos rechazan reconocimiento de unión homosexual en Brasil

Brazilian Bishops Conference, held in the Assembly until Friday, rejected the recognition that the highest court of justice in the country made the stable union between same-sex couples and said that "such unions" are not family.
"Such marriages can not be equated with the family, which is based on marital consent, complementarity and reciprocity between a man and a woman," she said in a statement the bishops, meeting in the state of Sao Paulo since the early May. The high court
Brazilian unanimously by all the judges, acknowledged last week the stable union between same sex and said that these couples are families, and therefore have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
The bishops charged that the justice went beyond "the limits of its jurisdiction" to regulate a situation that Parliament has failed treated. "It's not the first time Brazil conflicts of this nature occur that compromise the political ethics," the bishops considered.
bishops will not remain impassive and "best effort by an intense and vigorous family ministry," they concluded.