Monday, May 9, 2011

Dog Ear Infection Vinegar

receives international award for his work on behalf of LGBT

Co-founder and director of the LGBT organization Freedom and Roam Uganda (Farug), Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera is one of the hardest-working activists in support of sexual diversity in Africa.
attacked and imprisoned many times for his activism, Nabagesera was recognized today by two Inernacional organizations: Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, who awarded the medal the Martin Ennals Award for tooth and nail to defend human rights.
Interviewed by French media, the Ugandan said he was very pleased by the distinction, as "means that my work Community is recognized throughout the world. "
Kasha said many of his comrades who fought before her towards the LGBT community did not receive any distinction" but I deliver the prize is positive, because, ultimately, the rights of those living in sexual diversity are recognized as human rights. "


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