Friday, May 13, 2011

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Realizarán marcha contra matrimonios homosexuales en Guadalajara

Tomorrow will be held in Guadalajara a public place by the Mexican organization for the life of all Chapter Jalisco, which has the theme "Mexico United for Life and Family", with which to push State lawmakers to reject the constitutional reform in human rights and other local initiatives that attempt, according to their ideology, against life and family, including abortion and gay marriage.
regard, the coordinator of the organization, Norma Edith Martinez Guzman, said the initiative is an opportunity for the State Government to listen to the public. "It where a march peacefully and in good spirits the people we want to tell them what kind of Jalisco we do not want a Jalisco where laws are passed that violate the individual, that destroy or kill their families, we want laws On the contrary, to protect it and to allow for a healthy environment for development ".
worth noting that the Mexican Coalition for the life of all comprises more than 210 civic associations, educational, religious, professional and other movements social. The march will leave from four different points of the metropolis, and the fate of the event is the Congress premises located in the Liberation Square in the first Guadalajara Centro Historico table.

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Comunidad LGBT hondureña exige justicia por asesinato de activista

Dozens of members of the LGBT community in Honduras demonstrated today against the prosecution, demanding justice for one of the members of this social group, who was assassinated by unknown assailants in 2009.
"Justice", "justice" and demanded the protesters outside the offices of the Office, located in Colonia Lomas del Guijarro, northeast of the capital.
One of the activists, who declined to be identified, said that "the Public Prosecutor (OTP) is not delivering justice in the case of Walter Tróchez."
Tróchez, a member of Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP), which was organized to protest the coup of June 28, 2009 against former President Manuel Zelaya, was assassinated by unknown persons on 13 November this year in Tegucigalpa.
In total, 34 members of the gay community have been murdered in Honduras since 2009, crimes attributed to "hate" in some sectors heterosexuals.

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Obispos católicos rechazan reconocimiento de unión homosexual en Brasil

Brazilian Bishops Conference, held in the Assembly until Friday, rejected the recognition that the highest court of justice in the country made the stable union between same-sex couples and said that "such unions" are not family.
"Such marriages can not be equated with the family, which is based on marital consent, complementarity and reciprocity between a man and a woman," she said in a statement the bishops, meeting in the state of Sao Paulo since the early May. The high court
Brazilian unanimously by all the judges, acknowledged last week the stable union between same sex and said that these couples are families, and therefore have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
The bishops charged that the justice went beyond "the limits of its jurisdiction" to regulate a situation that Parliament has failed treated. "It's not the first time Brazil conflicts of this nature occur that compromise the political ethics," the bishops considered.
bishops will not remain impassive and "best effort by an intense and vigorous family ministry," they concluded.

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Autorizan en Argentina a dos mujeres a inscribir a un bebé como hijo de ambas

A judge authorized two single lesbians to register as a child of both a baby given birth one after the donation of eggs from her partner, confirmed the entity that sponsored the women.
In the first decision of its kind in Argentina, Buenos Aires magistrate authorized María Elena Liberatori Pilar Cabrera and Maria Esther Pascal to enroll the little boy with the surname of both the Civil Registry of Buenos Aires, said the president of the Argentina Federation of Gays, Lesbians and Trans, Esteban Paulone.
The ruling, issued last month but not yet known, "first recognized the co-motherhood in a single homosexual couples, equal to any heterosexual couple" of Argentina, the first Latin American country to enable the marriage same-sex Paulone said.
Argentine Parliament approved in July last year, gay marriage and adoption of children by the marriage of same sex after a bitter debate that reflected the existing divisions in society on this issue.
"The name (only one woman) does not match the true identity of the child as a biological child of two mothers, which demonstrate is a serious violation of basic human rights such as the identity and personal autonomy, "said the judge in his ruling.
The baby was born last March after a treatment of "egg donation" that made women, who work as nurses in hospitals in the capital of Argentina.
Pascal got pregnant after going to a sperm bank and that Cabrera will donate eggs.

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Bruselas alista su Gay Parade

In Belgium, the LGBT community has the impression that it has already achieved everything. But the right to adoption and marriage between same sex does not mean that problems are resolved and that homophobia has disappeared.
So tomorrow will take place in the city of Brussels the progress of sexual diversity, which this year changed its name to The Pride, which according to its organizer, Jochen Van Der Worp, a party led both LGBT community and their friends. "To illustrate this will move the heart of the event Marché au Charbon Street, located in the gay district of Brussels, the Exchange, neighborhood is within walking distance but is frequented by all sorts of people, "he says. Van Der Worp
explains that the fight for equal rights is not over in Belgium, as well as obtaining marriage and adoption by gay couples seeking to eradicate homophobia. "We want to eliminate from the school. There is much work to do in that regard, and we want to combat stereotypes, something that concerns everyone. "
Finally, the organizers indicate that in addition to having a political play The Pride is a festive event. "Like every year the streets will close to vehicles. The party begin today at 16:00 hours, and for the clubbers organize a party night at The Demence. Tomorrow, all bars will be open from 12:00 hours and different DJ's bring the audience dancing until dawn. "

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Nueva York es la ciudad favorita para la comunidad LGBT

According to a survey of LGBT people from 18 different countries, New York is a favorite tourist destination for diverse community.
In the survey participants were questioned what the city and country they would like to see in the next three years.
The Big Apple said, followed by Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Paris and San Francisco.
of the best English-American cities were Buenos Aires located, who won the seventh place, while Mexico's Cancun highlighted at number 16 and the Federal District 17.
As the nations favorite for LGBT, stood the United States, France, Spain, England and Italy.

The 20 Favorite
a New York
2 3 Rio de Janeiro
4 Paris 5 San Francisco 6 London
7 Good
Aires Tokyo
8 9 Hong Kong 10 Melbourne
11 Los Angeles 12 Amsterdam
Sao Paulo 13 14 Barcelona
15 Las Vegas Cancun
16 17 Mexico DF
Cape Town Rome
19 20 Berlin

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Francia inicia campaña para erradicar la homofobia en el trabajo

CFDT organization, NGOs addressed the LGBT community of the Loire Valley in France, launched the campaign STOP au travail à l'homophobie to eradicate homophobia in workplaces. Therefore
conducted a series of signs that the problem is exposed, which will be distributed in different parts of the Gallic territory.
According to a statement from the organization, much of French workers are suffering from prejudice and discrimination by gender, age, health status, origin and sexual identity. "It seems that more than half of LGBT people feel compelled to hide their sexual orientation at work, and two of every three of them fear reprisals by their colleagues,"

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George Michael quiere ser un buen ejemplo para los jóvenes gays

British singer George Michael, who just turned four of the eight weeks of imprisonment were imposed for driving on drugs and possession of marijuana, believed to has projected a negative image of the gay community for mistakes he has made and plans to amend its new album. "I feel that I have disappointed and I have plans to help the younger gays," the agency said Bang Showbiz. The star wants to be a gay group to record their next album, but kept secret the names of contributors.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Jacques Maritain: "Not everything can be learned." Big mistakes of contemporary education. SHS

Man is an animal not only natural, as are the bear or the swallow, is also a culture animal whose species can not survive only with the development of society and civilization. It is a historical animal: hence the multiplicity of cultural types, historical or ethical diversify humanity, hence, also, the importance of education. By the very fact that they are endowed with unlimited power and knowledge, however, must proceed step by step man can not advance their own specific life, both intellectually and morally, if not aided by the collective experience that previous generations have built and maintained, and regular transmission of acquired knowledge. To achieve freedom in determining for himself and which has been done, the man needs the discipline and tradition against him and also strengthen it, making it capable of fighting them. This will enrich the tradition and rich tradition and will enable new and subsequent fighting.

Here are some significant errors-seven in total, concerning education. Examine each of them.

FIRST MISTAKE: ignorance of the purposes [aims to study] *

The Art education is a particularly difficult. However, by its very nature belongs to the realm of morality and practical wisdom. We can therefore say that education is a moral art, or better yet, a practical wisdom which is incorporated in the art. But art is a dynamic impetus to a project that must be done and that is the end of this art. There is no art without purpose, the vitality of art is the energy that tends to end without stopping at any intermediate stage.

look here, from the outset, the two big mistakes that education should beware. The first is the neglect or ignorance of the ends. If the media are loved and cultivated for the sake of its own perfection and not as mere means, to that extent fail to lead to the end and the art loses its energy practice. Its effectiveness is replaced by a vital process infinite multiplication and each medium is developed by itself and includes, for his own account, an ever-expanding field.

This supremacy of the media on the purpose and the consequent destruction of all insurance purposes and any real effectiveness, appear to be the main criticism that can be done to contemporary education.

Not that their means or methods are bad. On the contrary, they are generally better than the old pedagogy. The trouble is, precisely, they are so good that we lose sight of the end. Hence the surprising weakness of education current. Weakness caused, firstly, by clinging to the very perfection of our means and methods of education and, secondly, by our inability to accommodate to an end.

SECOND ERROR: misconceptions about the purpose [self-deception objectives]

The second overall error is not forgetting the purpose, but false or incomplete statements concerning the nature of the order. The mission of education is larger, most mysterious and at the same time, more humble than many realize.

If the purpose of education is to assist and guide the child towards achieving human, it can not escape the problems and difficulties of philosophy, which, by its very nature, implies a philosophy man. So from the beginning of education is required to answer the question "What is man?" Sphinx posed by philosophy.

frank, I should note here that there are only two classes or categories of notions concerning the man who can be considered "honest" or "fair": the idea purely scientific and philosophical and religious idea of \u200b\u200bman.

methodological According to its true, the scientific idea of \u200b\u200bman, like all ideas developed by purely experimental science, ignores, as it is possible, of any ontological content, so that can be entirely verifiable in sense experience. The purely scientific idea of \u200b\u200bman tends only to link measurable and observable data considered as such, and is determined from the beginning to not see things as being or essence, no longer respond questions like: Do you have or not man a soul? Is there a soul or not? Is there a spirit or not there is only matter? Should we believe in freedom or determinism, freedom or the chance, values \u200b\u200bor simple facts? Such questions as the neopositivists, beyond the field of science. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bman is purely scientific and should be an idea "fenomenalizada" without reference to its ultimate reality.

The philosophical and religious idea of \u200b\u200bman is, however, an ontological idea. It is not entirely verifiable by sense experience, but has criteria and tests of its own; It refers to the essential characteristics and intrinsic (though not visible or tangible) and intangible density of that being that has a name: Man.

Clearly, the purely scientific idea of \u200b\u200bman can provide valuable information and constantly renewed as to the means and instruments of education, but you can provide neither the first nor the fundamentals of the primary directions education, since it requires first and foremost to know what man is, what is its nature and scale of values \u200b\u200bwhich essentially means. And the purely scientific idea of \u200b\u200bman does not know these things, it ignores "Being as such" emerges only knows what the human being in the field of what can be observed sensory and what can be measured. Young Peter, Paul and James, subject of education, not just a collection of physical, biological and psychological knowledge of which is, moreover, required and absolutely necessary, they are sons of men. For the common sense of parents, educators and society, the word "man" represents the same ontological mystery to the rational knowledge of the philosophers and theologians.

: the pragmatism [the usefulness of learning material]

Pragmatism is the third error we find in our path. Stress the importance of action, of praxis, it is certainly excellent in more ways than one, because life is action. But the action and practice tend toward a goal, towards a decisive goal, without which lost its direction and vitality. Life also exists for a purpose that makes it worth living. The perfect contemplation and self-realization, in which human existence aims to flower beyond the horizon of the spirit of pragmatism.

is unfortunate set of human thought as a body that responds to stimuli and situations of the moment, that is, define it in terms of knowledge and animal reaction. This definition applies exactly to the way of "thinking" of an animal without reason.

In contrast, human thought is able to illuminate the experience of performing human desires (which they are to be rooted in the fundamental desire of the property without limits) and to dominate, control and redo the world.

All you can do that because for a human idea makes sense, must somehow achieve what things are or what they are (if only in the symbols of a mathematical interpretation of the phenomena) .

I can do, because human thought is an instrument or, rather, a vital energy of knowledge or spiritual insight. You can do it, because the thinking activity begins not only with difficulties, but with the signs of a vision that clearly improves. This will only become truth by demonstration rational or experimental verification rather than a pragmatic recognition.

At the beginning of human action, in human terms, is the truth, apprehended (or believed to grasp) by itself, the truth for the sake of truth. Without faith in truth no human effectiveness. This, in my view, the main criticism to be made to the pragmatic theory and "instrumentalist" of knowledge.

FOURTH ERROR: The sociologism [dependency and social pressure]

Closely related to above, a fourth error presented here, is asking the social conditioning is the supreme rule and the only frame of reference education. The essence of education is not, in fact, the future citizen to adapt to the conditions and interactions of social life, but above all, to "make a man" and, therefore, to prepare a citizen. Oppose the education of the individual and community education is not only vain and superficial, in fact, educating the community implies and requires, above all, education of the person and, in turn, it is virtually impossible without it, because it is not a man but at the heart of community life, which begin to awaken the intelligence civic and social virtues.
have to blame the old methods of teaching the abstract individualism, bookish. The education have given a deeper sense of the experience, making it closer to real life and have made her enter from the beginning on social concerns, is a progress that education is justly proud.

However, in order to realize its objective, the need for reform must also understand that to be a good citizen and a civilized man, what matters above all is the inner center, the living source of personal conscience, from which arise At the same time, the idealism and generosity, the sense of law and the meaning of friendship, respect for others and independence firmly entrenched against the common opinion.

is equally necessary to understand that without the vision to give us ideas, without the power of abstraction and the light of intelligence, the most striking experiences are of no use to man, and not are beautiful colors in the dark, that the best means not to be bookish, on the one hand, avoid like the plague manuals and text-books, including manuals experimental knowledge, and secondly, reading books, reading with passion and greed. It is necessary to finally understand in a more general search for real life becomes an illusion if it scatters man's attention or the child between the triviality "practices", recipes and countless psycho utilitarian activities, to the detriment of life real concrete intelligence and soul. The sense of concrete reality is weakened by utilitarianism, develop and thrive, however, through such activities that human life is much greater need as they do not serve any practical use, because they are in themselves free, fruit and such. Woe to the teenager who does not know the pleasures of the mind and does not exalt the joy of knowing and the joy of beauty that is enhanced both by the enthusiasm of the ideas and invigorating experience of first love, for delights and exultations luxury of wisdom and poetry. Fatigue and disgust of human affairs will certainly too soon to be charged with the task of the adult concerned.

FIFTH ERROR: the intellectualism [knowledge for knowledge]

Regarding the powers of the human soul, point out two errors from a biased and exaggerated, and that oppose each other: intellectualism, fifth error on our list, and the sixth, which is voluntarism.

intellectualism takes two main forms: one seeks the ultimate realization of pure skill education in dialectic or rhetoric, such was the case of classical pedagogy, particularly in the era when education was reserved for privileged classes.

A second form of intellectualism, this modern, abandoned the universal values \u200b\u200band emphasizes the practical functions and creative intelligence. Search the supreme achievements of education in the scientific and technical expertise. Certainly specialization has become increasingly necessary for the technical organization of modern life, but should be compensated, especially during the years of youth, by a generally much more vigorous training. Remember that the animal is a specialist and a specialist perfect as his power of knowledge is determined by some particular task to run.

conclude, then, that an education program that aims to train specialists only a perfection in increasingly specialized domains, unable to give an informed opinion about any material beyond the scope of its specialized jurisdiction, indeed lead to a progressive animalization spirit and human life. In other words, in the same way that the life of the bees is to produce honey, a man's life would be to produce, each well holding on to its socket-economic values \u200b\u200band discoveries scientists. Meanwhile, any pleasure or fun social mean occupy their leisure hours, and a vague religious feeling without any content of thought and reality, would make life a little less flat, possibly something more dramatic and exhilarating, like a pleasant dream . The overwhelming cult of specialization dehumanizes human life.

Happily, nowhere in the world has yet established a system of education on this basis only. But everywhere there is a trend towards such a conception of education as a result of a materialistic philosophy of life more or less consciously accepted, which is a major threat to democracies.

One danger, first, because the democratic ideal demands more than any other, faith in the spiritual and the development of renewable energy, whose domain is raised above all specialization, and, secondly, because a total division of spirit and human activities in specialized compartments would make impossible any "government of the people for the people and the people." How could the common man to judge what is good for the people if you feel able to judge, unless en el campo restringido de su especialidad? La actividad política y el juicio político se convertirían en materia exclusiva de los expertos especializados en ese campo, una especie de tecnocracia del Estado que no presenta perspectivas muy afortunadas para el bien del pueblo ni para la libertad.

    En cuanto a la educación –asfixiada por las reglas imperantes de algún sistema de orientación profesional– se convertiría en el proceso de diferenciación de las abejas en la colmena humana. En realidad, la concepción democrática de la vida requiere primordialmente una educación liberal para todos y un desarrollo humanista general del conjunto society. Even with regard to the success of industrial activities, natural wit of man, fortified by an education that liberates and expands the spirit is more important than technical expertise. Precisely those resources free of human intelligence arises naturally in the heads of enterprises and workers, the power to adapt to new circumstances and dominate.

SIXTH ERROR: the voluntarism [at the expense of character formation instruction]

Volunteerism is also presented in two main ways. In response to the first form of intellectualism, it has developed since the time of Schopenhauer, a tendency to "proactive." This has helped to subvert the internal order of the human nature of intelligence to make a slave of the will and appeal to the power of irrational forces. As a result, education should concentrate entirely on the will to discipline as a national model or pattern, or in the free expansion of nature and natural potential. The merit of the best and wisest forms of volunteerism in the educational domain, has been drawing attention to the critical importance of voluntary functions unknown to the intellectualist education and emphasize the primacy of morality, virtue and generosity in the formation of man.

main thing, in fact, is certainly to be a straight man rather than a learned man. As I wrote Rabelais, science without conscience is the ruin of the soul. Such was the ideal, but in fact the educational achievements of volunteerism have been strangely disappointing, at least from the standpoint of good. From the point of view of evil have met great success. I think here in the effectiveness of training schools and youth organizations of the Nazis, who destroyed in every sense of true minds, perverted the role of language itself, devastated the morale of the youth and made of a simple intelligence equipment technical college.

proactive trend in education goes very well indeed, with the culture technique. We find such a combination, not only in totalitarian corruption of education, but in other areas and some good intentions. As we observe in democratic countries, this particular form of voluntarism pedagogy can be described as an effort to offset the disadvantages of the second form of intellectualism, over-specialized technical education-through what is called education will education of feeling, character building, etc.. The bad thing is that this honorable effort has produced, usually equally disappointing results we have been discussing. It is easy to distort or degrade a character, and it is difficult to form. Introduce a hammer all nails teaching you want in the shoe, not why it will more comfortable. The methods that convert the school into a hospital to repair and revitalize wills, or to suggest an altruistic behavior, or impart a good civic duty, may be very well designed and psychologically to be perfect, but no longer have a discouraging inefficiency . As far as we are concerned, we believe that intelligence itself is nobler than the will, because its activity is more intangible and universal. But we also believe that, with regard to things or objects themselves which fall on our activities, it is better to love and to love rather than simply know. Furthermore, it is by his will, when it is good, not for their intelligence, perfect it is, by which man becomes good and right.

SEVENTH ERROR: everything can be learned [general education]

; There is an extremely common error in the modern world, the seventh in our list, which comes down to believing that everything can be learned.

Greek sophists also believed that all even virtue, could be acquired through the teaching of teachers and through scientific explanations.

is not true that everything can be learned.

is not true that young people can expect from schools and universities not only cooking classes, home economics, child care, advertising technique, the art of makeup and manufacture of beauty products, how to win more money, marry well and be happy in marriage ... not only learn all this but also - and why not - receive training about the scientific means to become a creative genius in the arts or sciences, or to acquire the ability to comfort those who mourn and become a man of heart.

teaching morality in regard to their intellectual foundations, should occupy an important place in school programs and college. But the accurate assessment of the practical cases that the ancients called prudentia and is a vital inner power and developed in the spirit and supported by a focused will, can not be replaced by a learned science, whatever.

And the experience, which is a result of the pain and incommunicable memory, whereby the formation of man is perfected, can not be taught in any course or any school.

There are courses in philosophy, but not wisdom, wisdom is acquired through spiritual experience. As for practical wisdom, we must say with Aristotle that the experience of the elderly is at the same time, as unprovable and enlightening as the first principles of understanding. Otherwise, what is more important in education the man that what matters most for the man himself and to human life? For man and for human life there is, indeed, nothing bigger than intuition and love.

all love is not necessarily straight nor well managed intuitively or conceptualized, but if love or intuition exist in some dark corner, the flame of life and life is there, and there also is a promise of heaven. However, neither the insight nor love are subjects of scientific education and training, are a gift and freedom. But despite all, education must deal with them before any otherwise.

Education at the Crossroads, Jacques Maritain

* The brackets are ours. With these enhanced the sense that encloses each of the errors exposed by Maritain in the text.

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Lula felicita a la primera pareja gay brasileña que selló su unión civil

Former President Luiz Lula da Silva called and congratulated the first gay couples to seal their civil partnership after the landmark ruling of the Supreme Federal Court on equal rights.
"Lula called us and was the most exciting cards in my life. I thought I was a comedian at first, but he is wonderful, always supported our struggle with concrete actions of their government, "said Toni Reis, 46, president of the Brazilian Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Transvestite (ABGLT .) Reis
formalized before a registrar of the city of Curitiba, capital of Parana, south of the country, its union with the English translator David Harrad.
was the first marriage after the country's top court decided on Thursday to consider family to a union between same sex and recognized equalization of all rights to stable heterosexual couples and homosexual.

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Iglesia Presbiteriana estadounidense permite ministros homosexuales

The Presbyterian Church USA voted to allow gays and lesbians to be ordained ministers or lay leaders, becoming the fourth Protestant church in it.
The decisive vote on Tuesday ended a three-decade debate launched by a regional group in Minnesota (north), Los Angeles Times reported .
With this decision, the Presbyterian Church joins the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran and United Church of Christ, which allow gays to serve openly as ministers and lay leaders.
The measure, however, allow regional organizations to decide the issue themselves.
"This is an important moment in the Christian community," said Michael Adee, a Presbyterian elder who runs an organization that fought for the ordination of homosexuals.
"I am pleased that the Presbyterians are putting the focus on the most important, faith and character, not on a person's marital status or sexual orientation."
The change in the constitution of the Presbyterian Church was approved last summer by the General Assembly of the church, his body rector.
But according to church rules, these changes must be ratified by a majority of 173 regional organizations known as presbyteries.
Tuesday night at a meeting in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Twin Cities Presbytery became the regional body 87 vote "Yes", said Los Angeles Times.
The vote reflects the change in attitude in recent years as more Americans support the integration of homosexuals in institutions that banned for many years as the military.
Linda Fleming, an elderly deacon in the Presbyterian Church Knox in Ladera Heights, California, said he was among those who had changed his mind.
"Finally I decided at 63 that is inevitable," he said, while adding: "I think it's like letting black people come to white churches, or allow women to be ministers."
Congress passed late last year that homosexuals could join openly in the Armed Forces, reversing the commitment Do not Ask, Do not Tell 1993 that gay soldiers required to withhold their sexual orientation .

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Anton Hysén habla sobre homosexualidad and prepare

ago out of the closet couple of months, Anton Hysen is one of Sweden's most popular players in the world. As a result, the athlete of 20 years was invited to participate as a model in the supplement Active the gay magazine Attitude.
In this edition, Hysen also gave a long interview in which he talked about some aspects of his life. "I do not think the fact that out of the closet is so important. I mean, it's a brave thing, but why should be considered as an act of courage?, Questions the grandson of former Liverpool player Glenn Hysen, who at while adding: "It may sound stupid, but for me it's normal as I am with my family and myself. I understand that may be important for others, since homosexuality is still taboo in football. "
While accepting their new status as an icon of the LGBT community, Hysen has not changed his views on Gay Pride Marches. "I do not agree with all the clichés of the Gay Parade. To me, being a celebrity, party and be DJ is not a good message. I'm just a player, it's all ", concludes the European sportsman.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Attitude soccer Vigil Guadalajara International

In order to remind all those who have died of AIDS, May 15th will be held at the Center Guadalajara History XXVIII International Vigil called Touching Lives.
For this reason, several loops monuments will be placed in different places of the city as the expiatory church Esplanade, Red Park, Plaza del Temple del Carmen, Plaza Universidad and Pasaje Pedro Loza, among other venues.
You will hold a memorial Mass at 18:00 at the premises of the NGO VIHas Life, located at 836 Madero Escorza corner.
should be noted that as part of this initiative, which seeks to reduce stigma, ensure treatment and increased research on AIDS, there will be the traditional silent march leaving at 19:00 hours Expiatory temple due to the Plaza Guadalajara.

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Touching Lives They summon up for violence against LGBT community is Puerto Rican

Representatives of several Puerto Rican organizations made a march in San Juan on 17 this month to tackle rising violence against the LGBT community, and to denounce homophobia and transphobia in the media communication.
addition, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and transphobia, require a true separation of church and state, create awareness about the violation of rights of LGBT people.
The march will take place on Capitol Hill to culminate in the Plaza de Armas in Old San Juan.
Among the participating organizations include Amnesty International, Chapter of Puerto Rico, Legal Aid Clinic at the University of Puerto Rico, Queer Collective Nameless, Committee Against Homophobia and Discrimination, the Federación Universitaria Pro Independencia (FUPI), Feminists in March Foundation for Human Rights and Sex Education Guerrilla homoeroticism.

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Mister Brazil Lucas Malvacini 2011

Last weekend took place in Angra dos Reis resort the contest Mister Brazil 2011, in which after a series of tests was given the title state representative Buzios, Lucas Malvacini, happens to Jonas Sulzbach, who was honored in 2010.
discovered in 2008 thanks to a photo shoot he did for the Christian artist Madureira in the popular Junior Magazine , the model of 21 years met all the criteria that the jury sought to obtain the title.
Malvacini Lucas was awarded various prizes awarded by the sponsors, and who will be representing Brazil in international competition Mister World 2011, held in the coming months.

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In Uganda, the law out of the closet antigay

In the next 48 hours, Uganda's parliament could pass a law instituting the death penalty for homosexuals. President of that country, Yoweri Museveni, said he considers this as "too hard."
Although regulations like this have no place in other countries in Africa and the Middle East, this bill seeks to reach where no other has. Seven years in prison for attempted homosexual activities, three years behind bars who did not report such acts to the authorities who do not betray or suspected homosexuals.
The law also stipulates that any member of the gay community who are HIV positive receive the death penalty and that any citizen of Uganda may be extradited back to the country by any of these crimes. To say that recidivism any of these "crimes" also leads to hanging.
Yoweri Museveni, believes that the bill is excessive and encourages the members of the party in power to revoke the death penalty to be applied to sexually active homosexuals living with HIV or persons violations the same sex. Part of the "reflection" is due to the likely rejection would have by international investors.
In October, the clergy of Uganda launched an appeal to the Government to eliminate the death penalty against homosexuality, and instead opt for life imprisonment.
Currently in this country, the maximum sentence by having sex with same sex is 14 years in prison.

Monday, May 9, 2011

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"Cock" announces date at the Teatro Diana

A gay couple in full breakdown. A woman touches the senses and feelings of one of them and, ultimately, a father who adorns the decisions of each, is the story raises the staging Cock, starring Diego Luna and Jose Maria Yazpik that will be presented on July 12 at the Teatro Diana. Cock
has been one of the most outstanding pieces of drama in the London stage. It premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in 2009 and earned him the top prize in English drama, the Olivier, Work to be considered the highlight of the year. It has also been mounted with great success in Spain, Belgium and Malaysia. In this new comedy
Diego Luna plays John , a young gay man who suddenly falls in love with a woman (Ilse Salas). Fascinated by this relationship, John confesses what happened to her partner (Jose Maria Yazpik), who intrigued by the woman in question decides to organize a dinner in his house and meet his rival and establishing a love triangle with a fun twist unexpected.

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find higher incidence of cancer in homosexual men

Gay men have a higher incidence of cancer than heterosexual and homosexual and bisexual women who have survived cancer not enjoy as good health as heterosexuals. That's according to an article published today in the journal Cancer .
The Journal of the American Cancer Society said the research, directed by Ulrike Boehmer, School of Public Health at Boston University (Massachusetts), emphasizes the need for specific programs and services for the care of cancer survivors they are gay or bisexual.
So far in studies of cancer patients have not been asked about sexual orientation and therefore had little information about how many of these survivors are identified as gay or bisexual. Boehme and his team examined the survival rates of sexual orientation in California, and investigated how the health of survivors differs depending on sexual orientation.
The study included data from the California Health Interview Survey in 2001, 2003 and 2005, the largest collection of health data in a U.S. state. In the survey a total of seven thousand 252 thousand 690 women and three men reported having a diagnosis of cancer as adults.
The researchers found no significant differences in the incidence of cancer according to sexual orientation among women, but lesbians and bisexuals were from 2 to 2.3 times more likely to realize a fair or poor health, compared with heterosexual cancer survivors.
Among men, gay men were 1.9 times more prone to cancer than heterosexuals. But the health conditions of the survivors did not differ significantly by sexual orientation. "This information could be used to develop services for gay and bisexual population," Boehmer said, adding that in particular, "we need programs for homosexuals focused on prevention and early detection of cancer. And since more lesbians and bisexual men with cancer report having poor health, we need programs and services that improve the welfare of these survivors, "he concluded.

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The most widespread audio format on the Internet is MP3. The sound quality of this format is measured by bit rate or bitrate, as almost always written. The measurement recorded tracks bitrate from 220kbps to 320kbps indicates that they are of high quality. The recorded audio quality at 192kbps is good and is similar to compact disc. The tracks uploaded to the web with recording speeds are between 160kbps and 128kbps are considered regular sound. In the latter case, the transfer to disc is poor but in fact it takes effort to tell the difference between bitration hearing, except minor tracks at 128kbps, the sound in this case is less than bad. For

quality an audio file either the reader right click on the track or track, enter Properties, and on top of the window, looking in details where it says Bit rate. Here is the audio quality you hear. SHS

sound commitment of at least 220kbps. This means that higher quality tracks will increase the size of files after they have collected bit by bit the richness of the original. The result is a full audio but the download time increases slightly. It's worth it, if we want to share (because you lose a percentage when shared data) or if we are demanding what we get from the Internet, to hear them on the computer or collect them in albums.

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celebrate the first gay civil union in Brazil Mix activities

The British and Brazilian Harrat Davis Toni Reis, president of the Brazilian Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, stable union official their sixth civil registration of Curitiba, state of Paraná, says a dispatch from the news agency Ansa. Following the ruling respective
, issued unanimously by Brazil's highest court last Thursday, the couple spent four civil registry today to seal their union stable but no one was certain how to proceed after the court decision until the fifth accepted the request.
"It is understandable that they are insecure about the fact that a recent decision," said Reis, who lives in Britain for 21 years. Concrete
After the civil union, both were the Children's Forum, where they presented the documents to the process that opened in 2005 to adopt a child.

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Announce Mexico: Festival of Sexual Diversity

Filmes addressing LGBT issues and book presentations and a live performance by French singer Louis Ronan Choisy, are part of the activities offered by the Mix Mexico: Festival of sexual diversity in film and video, which opens in Mexico City on 12 May.
The event will take place in various venues of the capital, ending on June 5 and involve various countries like Italy, Spain and Argentina.
Directed by filmmaker Arturo Castelán, the fifteenth edition of the festival will be held in the Cinematograph of Poplar, the room José Martí, the Ministry of Culture of the Federal District, the Cinépolis Diana and the National Film Archives. There
screened about 80 films, which meets with the film production in these countries. Castelán
announced that Friday May 13, thanks to the collaboration of the French Embassy in Mexico, will be presented Shelter, where he participates Choisy Louis Ronan, who at the end of the projection display will give a recital where his role as singer.
Also on Monday, May 16 will present the book In the closet, the Mexican writer Guadalupe Loaeza, which addresses the issue of sexual orientation.
On Monday, 23 will be released digital odyssey of Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, where he shows a compilation of 10 years production of the filmmaker. Castelán
explained that the films will be screened in three categories. The first of these under the title Platinum Section, presenting great directors, proposals and discoveries. Among the films being shown sample projects All boys, led by Markku Heikkinen; Man in the bathroom, Christophe Horonré French, and Simon Finding , German Jan Kruger.
The category, Premiere Cinépolis Diana, will consist of production of fiction, documentary, classic and new, and includes films such as "Baby Jane ?, U.S. of Billy Clift; Roleplay, of Rob Williams, and Paolo , Andrea Franco Batievsky, among others.
mix in Mexico: competing characters will be shown to new Mexican cinema and will screen Agnus dei, Alejandra Sánchez, die standing the Jacaranda Correa activist and mother Earth , Dylan Verrechia, to name a few Mexican productions will be featured.
Festival organizer said on 21 May at the disco Living, will be awarded for best film with an honorable mention and 10 thousand dollars in cash.
For its part, the deputy director of the National Film, Nelson Carro, explained that on the occasion of 15 anniversary of this festival have prepared two parallel activities.
The first is a retrospective of the work of Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, where he discussed the work of the director. The billboard Mix
Mexico: Festival of Sexual Diversity in film and video can be viewed at , where the audience will find the schedules and venues of the fifteenth edition, which seeks to encourage reflection about the sexual diversity, its organizers say.

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The multiple marker AddThis . This is a great tool to highlight and share important material, often used in blogs or websites. The Blog has it at the bottom of each publication, from the first to the most recent, on the left side of the screen, on the labels.

Rapid bar burden of delay that the speed Internet provider, between 15 and 25 seconds on slow servers or peak traffic hours, between 5 and 10 if the plan provider and the Internet is rapidly recruited or high. AddThis use means for blogger (the operator) integrated with the code of the HTML template for the blog, so it is recommended that the visit before using the tool, let the page load range of at least 95 or better, 100%. Taken into account these suggestions, the reader can send without any difficulty, with more than 300 servers listed in the window (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc..), Information of interest.

The gadget The Blog in your Email allows the visit further from your email what happens at SHS by just adding in the vacuum space email address of your taste and preference. Is someone busy reader? With this feature the new publications will be transferred directly to your email inbox.

The two options above are collective and general. Means that if by the time the reader does not own a computer, its use remains private.

Not so with the function Linking to . If you already own your computer, this gadget moved all the entries or comments directly to the Toolbar. It is logical to assume that the use of a computer Scores of others also works, but when most of them off (those of a cyber) are automatically set to zero, erasing any changes, modifications or upgrade the browser and the bar. If the player goes by luck using the same computer, you will discover that the markers of this option disappeared.

is used as follows: Entries or Comments Atom selected (at the end of the pull-down menu). Each time the reader opens your browser, Mozilla or Internet Explorer latest version, you will see a tab on the bookmarks toolbar (on the toolbar) or the last entry or one that indicates the last comment, that if the visit decide to have both tabs is better.

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One of the recommendations for the AddThis tool used for this function: allow the page to load fully.

To see images with higher resolution places the cursor over a picture and take them out right apart in a new tab or window.